LAC: Language and the Computer

Project 1: Vocabulary Game

This project constitutes 30% of your final grade for LAC. Please work on the final program and report individually.

The goal of this project is to learn how to extract data. You will write a program to extract data for six languages:

Then you will use this in a simple vocabulary testing game.

Finally you will describe what you have done, including a description of what you could and could not extract, and comments on the data. Write a short future work section describing what you would like to do if you had more coding knowledge (or different data).

You can use the code from week 6 to get started.

Minimal Requirements

  1. Extract data from all six languages
  2. Summarize the data for each language (at least: number of Skills, number of Lessons, number of Words)
  3. The game should first list the available languages and ask you to choose one, then give a word and ask for its translation (or q for quit).

Stretch Goals

Do at least one of the following:

  1. Improve the extraction process, e.g.
    • Save the metadata separately and analyze it
  2. Improve the game
    • Ask which skill they would like to do, or which level?
    • Ask questions in a random order
      use the random module, i.e. random.choice()
    • Randomly ask questions from earlier modules
    • Spice up the feedback
      • Have a random choice of feedback
      • Have feedback in the different languages
  3. Allow people to go in either direction English-X or X to English

Write up


LAC: Language and the Computer Francis Bond.