=== Skill 0 - Hello! === Lesson 1[] ne = no/not ano = yes dobrý = good (masculine) večer = evening/night den = day dobrý den = hello, good afternoon/day děkuji = thank you/thanks Lesson 2[] a = and dobré = good (neuter) odpoledne = afternoon, in the afternoon ráno = morning, in the morning hezký = nice, handsome, pretty víkend = weekend hezký vikend = have a nice weekend Lesson 3[] prosím = please/you're welcome ahoj = hi/hello/bye na shledanou = goodbye/bye, see you soon díky = thanks/thank you dobrou = good (feminine) noc = night === Skill 1 - Feminine === Lesson 1[] hezká = pretty/nice dobrá = good (feminine) mladá = young holka = girl žena = woman/wife Lesson 2[] špatná = bad/wrong jiná = different/other/another věc = thing/object/issue/cause stará = old ulice = street/streets Lesson 3[] ta = that/the/those velká = big/large malá = small/little láska = love nová = new Lesson 4[] zvláštní = strange/curious/weird další = another/additional/next Žofie =  Žofie (female name) Kateřina =  Kateřina (female name) poslední = last/final === Skill 2 - Neuter === Lesson 1[] to = the/that/they auto = car město = city/town nové = new hezké = pretty/nice Lesson 2[] víno = wine staré = old špatné = bad/wrong dítě = child Lesson 3[] děvče = girl mladé = young velké = big/large/great zvíře = animal Lesson 4[] malé = small/little jiné = another/different/other náměstí = square, town square/squares moře = sea Lesson 5[] další = another/additional/next zvláštní = strange/curious/weird poslední = last/final === Skill 3 - To_Be_(singular) === (Já) jsem = I am (Ty) jsi = informal You are (On/Ona/Ono) je = He/She/It is Lesson 1[] já = I jsem = I am, am I? Lesson 2[] ty = you (sg.) jsi = you (sg.) are, are you (sg.)? Lesson 3[] slovo = word (neuter) je = is ona = she on = he ono = it Lesson 4[] ale = but/however nejsem = I am not není = (he/she/it) is not nejsi = you (sg.) are not === Skill 4 - To_Be_(plural) === (My) jsme = We are (Vy) jste = You are (plural/formal singular) (Oni/Ony/Ona) jsou = They are (My) nejsme = We are not (Vy) nejste = You are not (plural/formal singular) (Oni/Ony/Ona) nejsou = They are not Lesson 1[] my jsme = we are jsme = we are muži = men kluci = boys ženy = women holky = girls děti = children Lesson 2[] Vy jste.... = you (formal singular) or you (plural) are Jste... = you are Lesson 3[] Oni jsou.... = they are (masculine animate) Ony jsou.... = they are (feminine) Ona jsou.... = they are (neuter) Jsou ony/ona/oni.... = they are (or Are they, if a question. Gender dependent) To jsou.... = are those.... (part of a question) Jsou to.... = are those.... (part of a question) Lesson 4[] Nejsme.... = we are not Nejste.... = you (formal or plural) are not To nejsou.... = they are not, those are not ale = but === Skill 5 - Questions_1 === Lesson 1[] chlapec = boy vysoký/á/é = tall nebo = or jak = how? Lesson 2[] Jaký/á/é = what is ... like? Co je to = What is that? osoba = person Kdo? = who? hoch = boy Lesson 3[] automobil = car jméno = name kde = where? proč = why? či = whose? mašina = machine Lesson 4[] který/á/é = which? manželka = wife manželé = husband and wife (plural form, could also mean "husbands", masc. animate) manžel = husband === Skill 6 - Plural === ti muži = the men, those men (masc. animate) ty stromy = the trees, those trees (masc. inanimate) ty dívky = the girls, those girls (feminine) ta zvířata = the animals, those animals (neuter) Lesson 1[] lidé = person (irreg. plural for člověk = person) ty/ti = those/these Lesson 2[] ted' = now domy = houses (irreg. plural for dům. Note vowel shortening ů to o) Lesson 3[] ulice = streets vysocí/vysoké = masc. animate and inanimate plural tall (from singular vysoký) Lesson 4[] dlouhé = long (masc. inanimate. From singular dlouhý) noci = nights (fem. from singular noc) vety = sentences (fem. from singular věta) dny = days (masc. irreg. from singular den) kratké = short (masc. inanimate. From singular kratký) Lesson 5[] ta = these/those slova = words (neut. From singular slovo) Lesson 6[] osoby = people (fem. From singular osoba) tady = here jména = names (neut. From singular jméno) Lesson 7[] hoši = boys (masc. anim. From singular hoch, hard consonant) === Skill 7 - Food === Lesson 1[] ten sýr = the cheese jablko = apple Kde jíš? = where do you eat? maso = meat ten chléb = the bread Jím jablka = I eat apples Máš sýr? = Do you have cheese? To jablko mám já = I have the apple Já mám to jablko = I have the apple Maso máš? = Do you have meat? Lesson 2[] to mléko = the milk voda = water piju/piješ/pijé = I drink/you drink/he,she it drinks Já mléko piju = I drink milk Co jí? = What does she eat? Matěj jí chléb a pije vodu = Matěj eats bread and drinks water Lesson 3[] pivo = beer ta káva = the coffee vino = wine Lesson 4[] polévka = soup hrušku = pear kávu = coffee (accusative) Lesson 5[] Máme velký hlad = We are every hungry (Literally we have much hunger) vodu = water (accusative) Kdo má žízeň = Who is thirsty Lesson 6[] ten cukr = the sugar ta sůl = the salt Žofie má ráda pivo = Zofie likes beer ta sůl = the salt Lesson 7[] to kuře = the chicken vajíčko = egg Potřebujete maso = You need meat Děti mají rády cukr = Children like sugar Lesson 8[] čaj = tea Co chcete = What do you want Žofie nesnáší vino = Zofie can't stand wine Chceme maso = We want meat === Skill 8 - Animals === Lesson 1[] ten pes = the dog psa nevidím = I do not see a dog (accusative) Ti psi jsou velcí = Those dogs are big (plural nom.) Kde vidíte toho psa = Where do you see the dog či jsou ti psi = Whose are those dogs Vidíš ty psy = Do you see those dogs (plural acc.) Lesson 2[] myš = mouse (fem. nom.) toho = that (acc.) kočku = cat (fem. acc.) kočka = cat (fem. nom.) kočky = cats (fem. plu. acc.) myši = mice (fem. plu. acc.) Lesson 3[] ta ryba = the fish (fem. nom.) rybu = fish (fem. acc.) žere = eats (3rd person singular) žrádlo = food (neut. acc.) žerou = eat (3rd person plural) Lesson 4[] osel = donkey (masc. anim. nom.) tu malou = that small one (adj. used as an object) malého = small, little (3rd person singular) kůň = horse (masc. anim. nom.) koně = horses (masc. anim. plur. acc.) osla = donkey (masc. anim. acc.) osly = donkeys (masc. anim. plur. acc.) osli = donkeys (masc. anim. plur. nom.) Lesson 5[] kozy = goats (fem. plur. acc.) co hledáš = what are you looking for hledáte = to look for (3rd person singular) krávu = cow (fem. acc.) krávy = cows (fem. plur. acc.) prasata = pigs (neut. plur. acc.) prase = pig (neut. acc.) ovce = sheep (fem. nom.) ovci = sheep (fem. acc.) Lesson 6[] medvěd = bear (masc. anim. nom.) ten vlk = the wolf (masc. anim. nom.) liška = fox (fem. nom.) lišky = foxes (fem. plur. acc. or nom.) vlky = wolves (masc. anim. plur. acc.) lišku = fox (fem. acc.) medvědy = bears (masc. anim. acc.) Lesson 7[] kachna = duck (fem. nom.) kachny = duck (fem. plur. nom.) slepice = hen (fem. nom. also plur.) husa = goose (fem. nom.) husy = geese (fem. nom.) pták = bird (masc. anim. nom.) ptáky = birds (masc. anim. plur. nom.) kachnu = duck (fem. acc.) husu = goose (fem. acc.) ptáci = birds (masc. anim. plur. nom.) Lesson 8[] pavouka = spider (masc. anim. acc.) moucha = fly (fem. nom.) honíš = you chase Lesson 9[] === Skill 9 - Prepositions_A === Lesson 1[] Proč čekáte = Why are you all waiting Čekám na toho osla = I am waiting for that donkey Na co čekás = For what are you waiting Čekáme na maso = We are waiting for meat František myslí na tu hrušku = František is thinking about that pear Diváme se na prasata = We are looking at pigs Na co se diváte = What are you looking at Ti lidé se divaji na stromy = The people are looking at trees Díváš se na to = Are you looking at it Já se dívám na tu lišku = I am looking at that fox Dívá se na Kateřinu = He is looking at Kateřina Myslíme na Kateřinu = We think about Kateřina František čeká na Kateřinu = František is waiting for Kateřina Ti muži čekají na Kateřinu = Those men are waiting for Kateřina Lesson 2[] Na to nečekáme = We are not waiting for it Nemyslím na to = I do not think about it On se na to auto nedíva = He is not looking at the car Nedívám se na poslední hrušky = I am not looking at the last pears Nečeká na poslední den = He does not wait for the last day Já na poslední auto nečekám = I am not waiting for the last car Nedíváme se na poslední hrušku = We are not looking at the last pear Kateřina na posledního koně nemyslí = Kateřina is not thinking about the last horse Máme tu hrušku pro Matěje = We have the pear for Matěj Lesson 3[] Čekám na ženu = I am waiting for my wife muže = husband (acc.) Zajímám se o tu ženu = I am interested in that woman Zajímás se o tohou muže = Are you interested in that man Starám se o zviřata = I take care of animals František se stará o koně = František takes care of horses František se zajímá o Žofii = František is interested in Žofii Staráme se o Žofii = We take care of Žofii Žofii zajímá Matěj = Žofii is interested in Matěj Je to pro ženu nebo pro muže = Is it for a woman or for a man Lesson 4[] divadlo = theater To jídlo je pro Matěje = That food is for Matěj O posledni strom se nestaráme = We are not taking care of the last tree Ty se o toho koně nestarás = You are not taking care of the horse Žofii se o zvláštní domy nezajímá = Žofii is not interested in strange houses Matěj se divá na ta jídla = Matěj is not looking at those meals O posledni zviřata se nestarají = They are not taking care of the last animals O dalsí muže se nezajimám = I am not interested in other men O Františka se nestarám = I do not care about František === Skill 10 - Thou === přítel = friend (masculine animate - follows the soft-consonant paradigm muž with some deviations in the plural) přítelkyně = female friend (feminine - růže paradigm) Lesson 1[] Kateřino, kde jste = Kateřina, where are you Matěji, proč jíte kočky a psy = Matěj, why do you eat cats and dogs Matěji, vy jste dobrý přitel = Matěj, you are a good friend Kateřino, chcete novéhp manžela = Kateřina, do you want a new husband Jste dobrá žena, Kateřino = You are a good woman, Kateřina Lesson 2[] Žofíe, ty jste dobré přitelkyně = Žofíe, you are a good friend Jste mladý muž, Františku = You are a young man, František Jste vysoký, Františku = You are tall, František Františku, čí je to pták = František, whose bird is it === Skill 11 - Questions_2 === Lesson 1[] ta kniha = the book Koho má ráda = Whom does she like Na kterého Františka čekáte = Which Frantíšek are you waiting for Které jabklo chceš = Which apple do you want Jakou manželku máš ty = What kind of wife do you have Jaký mají dům = What kind of house do they have Jaká je ta kniha = What is the book like Kteří muži tady jsou = Which men are here Jakého manžela chceš = What kind of husband do you want Kterou knihu chcete = Which book do you want Koho tady potřebujeme = Whom do we need here Lesson 2[] Vlci jsou jací = What are wolves like Kdy = When Kdy se staráte o koně = When do you take care of the horse Jiné časopisy nemáte = Don't you have other magazines Chceš knihu nebo časopis = Do you want a book or a magazine Jací jsou = What are they like Jací jsou tady kluci = What are the boys here like Kdy to chtěji = When do they want it === Skill 12 - Pronouns === Lesson 1[] Potřebuje mě = He needs me Tebe nehledám = I am not looking for you Čeká na mne Žofie = Zofie is waiting for me Nemám tě rád = I do not like you Proč mne potřebujes = Why do you need me Mají rádi tebe = They like you Divám se na tebe = I am looking at you Kdo mne hledá = Who is looking for me Ona mě potřebuje = she needs me Kdo na mne čeká = Who is waiting for me Nemám mě ráda = She does not like me František tě má rád = Frantisek likes you (note tě must be in second position) Mají rádi tebe = They like you Matěj, proč tě holky nechtějí = Matej, why don't girls want you Lesson 2[] Divá se na nás = Is he is looking at us Toho medvěda potřebuju pro ni = I need that bear for her. Nevidím vás = I do not see you. Kdo mne hledá = Who is looking for her. Já ji nepotřebuji = I do not need her. Vás nepotřebuju = I do not need you. My vás nepotřebujeme = We do not need you. Honi nás medvěd = A bear is chasing us. Myslim na ni = I think about her. Lesson 3[] Ženy ji nechápou = Women don't understand her Ta jablka jsou pro ně = Those apples are for them Ženy to chápou = Women understand it Ženy je chápou = Women understand them Nechápeš mě = You don't understand me Já je chápu = I understand them František je nechápe = František does not understand them Muži nás nechápou = Men don't understand us staráme se o ně = We take care of them Kateřina se o ně nezajímá = Kateřina is not interested in them Lesson 4[] Já nevidím jeho, ale ji = I do not see him but her Potřebujeme jej = We need him Já ho nechápu = I do not understand it Kdo se o něj stará = Who takes care of him Pro něho polěvku nemáme = We do not have soup for him Ta hezká dívka na něj nemyslí = That pretty girl is not thinking about him Pro něj = For him Vidíš ho = Do you see him Mouchy jej mají rády = Flies like it Jeho nevidím = I do not see him Nevidím ho = I do not see him Dívá se na něj = She is looking at it === Skill 13 - Possessives_1 === můj = my or mine tvůj = your or yours (for informal speech) svůj = the English "own". Hence it should be "Miluju svůj dům" (I love my(own) house) rather than "Miluju můj psa". Náš = “our” or “ours”. Váš = “your” or “yours” either singular formal or plural. její = her, hers jeho = his, its jejich = their, theirs Lesson 1[] To nejsou moji pavouci = Those are not my spiders Kde jsou mí kluci = Where are my boys Můj muž se zajímá o prasata = my husband is interested in pigs Kde je mé auto = Where is my car Kde jsou moje lišky = Where are my foxes Má liška kuřata nežere = My fox does not eat chickens Ten vlk je můj = That wolf is mine Ty hrady jsou mé = Those castles are mine Mé hrušky jsou velké a dobré = My pears are big and good Tady mí chlapci nejsou = My boys are not here To je moje žena = That is my wife Ti jsou moji = Those are mine Má žena to nemá = My wife does not have it Ta kuřata jsou má = Those chickens are mine Jsou ti velcí psi moji = Are the big dogs mine To mi psi nežerou = My dogs do not eat that Lesson 2[] Žerou tvoje kočky mouchy = Do your cats eat flies Tady tvé ovce nejsou = Your sheep are not here Tvoji psi mají rádi pivo = Your dogs like beer Ten starý dům je tvůj = Is that old house yours Tady tvé ovce nejsou = Your sheep are not here Kde jsou tví koně = Where are your horses Tady tvé ovce nejsou = Your sheep are not here Tvá žena je hezká = Your wife is pretty Tvoje stroje jsou nové = Your machines are new Jsou to tví muži = They are your men Jsou ta zvířata tvá = Are those animals yours Co žerou tvé kozy = What do your goats eat Ted ty stroje jsou tvé = Those machines are yours Není tvůj = He is not yours Tvoji chlapci tady nejsou = Your boys are not here Lesson 3[] Vidíš mou husu = Do you see my goose Tvé stroje neslyšíme = We do not hear your machines Vidím tvou ženu = I see your wife Tvůj pes mého koně nevidi = Your dog does not see my horse Tvoje děti neslyším = I cannot hear your children Já tvé stroje slyším = I can hear your machines Díváme se na tvěho ptáka = We are looking at your bird Hledáte mou kozu = Are you looking for my goat My tvoje auto neslyšíme = We do not hear your car Tvoje kočka honi mého medvěda = Your cat is chasing my bear Vidíte mého psa = Can you see my dog Slyším tvé psy a tvé kočky = I hear your dogs and your cats Tvá prasata neslyším = I cannot hear your pigs Lesson 4[] Slyšíme moje pras = We hear my pig Čekám na jejího muže = I am waiting for her husband Matěj slysí mé medvědy = Matěj hears my bears Kdo zná mé město = Who knows my city Její muž zná moji ženu = Her husband knows my wife Znáš moje děti = You know my children Znám její děti = I know her children Její osel slyší má kuřata = Her donkey can hear my chickens Kde jsou její hrady = Where are her castles Její muž zná můj dům = Her husband knows my house Kdo má jejího medvěda = Who has her bear Které věci jsou mojí manželky? = Which things are my wife's? Lesson 5[] Jak vysoký je váš muž = How tall is your husband Kde jsou váše hrady = Where are your castles Jak starý je náš dům = How old is our house Náši lidé potřebují vodu = Our people need water Kde je naše prase = Where is our pig Váší lidé hledají vodu = Your people are looking for water Naše auto je staré = Our car is old Náši muži mají rádi pivo = Our men like beer Naše ženy jsou hezké = Our women are pretty Jak krátké je vaše auto = How short is your car Kde jsou naši chlapci = Where are our boys Naš pes tady není = Our dog is not here Váší ptáci to nejsou = They are not your birds Váš čaj není dobrý = Your tea is not good Slyším váší ženy. = I hear your wife. Lesson 6[] Ta osoba náš stroj neslyší = That person does not hear our machine Ten cukr je pro našeho koně = That sugar is for our horse Naše děvče znáte = Have you met our girl Potřebuju vašeho koně = I need your horse My známe vaše město = We know your city Ta žena se stará o našeho chlapce = That woman takes care of our boy Znají vaší chlapci naši dívku = Do your boys know our girl Čeká na naše chlapce nebo na vaše = Is she waiting for our boy or for yours Já vašeho chlapce znám = I know your boy Matěj váš stroj neslyší, ale náš slysá = Matěj does not hear your machine but does hear ours Čekáte na našeho medvěda? = Are you waiting for our bear? To ale není jméno vaší ženy. = But that is not your wife's name. Lesson 7[] Chci jejich starý hrad = I want their old castle Ne, já jejich muže neznám = No, I do not know their husbands Jeho domy jsou vysoké = His houses are tall Jeho ženu neznám = I do not know his wife Znáte jméno matky? = Do you know his mother's name? Ten osel je jeho = The donkey is his Jejich psa nesnáším = I cannot stand their dog Je to jejich sýr = It is their cheese Její jméno neznám = I do not know her name Neznám jejich jména = I do not know their names Lesson 8[] Mám svou ženu = I have my wife Myslím na svoji dívku = I am thinking about my girl Slyším své jméno = I hear my name Mám svého muže = I have my husband Hledají svá kuřata = They are looking for their chickens Vidíš svůj dům = Do you see your house Mám svoje jméno = I have my name Mám svého psa = I have my dog Hledám svojí ženu = I am looking for my wife Hledá svoje děti = She is looking for her children František hledá své auto = František is looking for his car František a Kateřins mají rádi svá jména = František and Katerina like their names Svou ženu potřebuju = I need my wife === Skill 14 - Colors === bílý = white černobílý = black and white černý = black červený = red fialový = purple hnědý = brown modrý = blue oranžový = orange růžový = pink šedý = gray zelený = green žlutý = yellow barva = color (fem. noun, declines in the žena paradigm) světle = light tmavě = dark Lesson 1[] Chtějí zelený čaj = They want green tea Má raději červenou = He prefers red (note red in the fem. acc. form) Raději mám červená jablka = I prefer red apples (note red in the fem. acc. plural form) Vidíš ty barvy = Do you see the colors Jsem malá modrá věc = I am a small blue thing (fem. nom.) Vidím modré auto = I see a blue car (neut. acc.) Jaká je to barva = What color is it Ten modrý dům je hezký = That blue house is nice Její oblíbená barva je zelená = Her favorite color is green Je tvoje oblíbená barva žlutá = Is your favorite color yellow Máš raději zelenou nebo žlutou = Do you prefer green or yellow Mám rád modrou barvu = I like blue Lesson 2[] Vidím černou kočku = I see a black cat Má rada bílý chléb = She likes white bread Chcete černý čaj = Do you want black tea Moje žena nesnáší bílé víno = My wife can't stand white wine Moje kočka je bílá = My cat is white Mám tmavě červenou hrušku = I have a dark red pear Jeho kůň je černobílý = His horse is black and white Je ta věc černa = Is that thing black Mám světle modré auto = I have a light blue car Je tvoje kráva černobílá = Is your cow black and white Není to černobílé = It is not black and white Naši psi nejsou bílí, ale černí = Our dogs are not white but black. Slysím barvy černou a červenou = I hear colors black and red Lesson 3[] Mají hnědého medvěda = They have a brown bear Matěj nemá rád růžovou = Matěj does not like pink Františěk je ted´ šedý = Františěk is now grey Je to šedá mys = It is a grey mouse Je to fialové = Is it purple Zvířata nejsou růžová = Animals are not pink Ale oni nejsou šedí = But they are not gray Ta věc je fialová = That thing is purple Nemám růžové věci = I do not have pink things Proč to je oranžové = Why is it orange Tvoji koně jsou bíií nebo hnědí = Are your horses white or brown Hnědá není hezká barva = Brown is not a nice colour Je to oranžově nebo fialové = Is it orange or purple === Skill 15 - Verbs:_Present_1 === Lesson 1[] Dělám čaj = I am making tea Kdo miluje mě = Who loves me Já to nedělám = I do not do it Kdo nestárné = Who is not getting older Františku, vy nestárnete = František, you do not age Kde dělá František = Where does František work Kdo nás nenávidí = Who hates us Miluji svou ženu = I love my wife Nenávidím to = I hate it Já ted' čtu tu velkou knihu = I am now reading that big book Stárneš = You are getting older To nečteme = We do not read that Proč mě nemiluješ = Why don't you love me Proč ho nenávidíš = Why do you hate him Proč to děláš = Why do you do it Jak pomalu to děláš? = How slowly do you do it? Co to čteš = What are you reading Miluju ženy = I love women Lesson 2[] On ale nepíše = But he does not write Počítáme dny a noci = We are counting days and nights Nás nepočítáte = Are you not counting us Jmenuji se Žofie = My name is Žofie Píšeme ted' knihu = We are writing a book now Píšu to = I am writing it Jak se jmenuješ = What is your name Jak se jmenuje to náměsti = What is the name of that square Jmenují se František a Matěj = Their names are František and Matěj Proč nespíš = Why are you not sleeping Žofie ted spí' = Žofie is sleeping now Počítájí svá prasata = They are counting their pigs Lesson 3[] Vy vajíčka kupujete kde = Where do you buy eggs Začínají teď = They are beginning now Začíná to teď. = It begins now. To auto nekupuji = We are not buying the car Jak se jmenujete a kde bydlíte = What is your name and where do you live Matěj teď bydlí tady = Matěj lives here now Co to neseš = What are you carrying Kde bydlejí = Where do they live Kdy začínáme = When do we begin Kupujeme nový dům = We are buying a new house Oni tady nebydlí = They are not living here Nesu hrušky = I am carrying pears Ten strom nese dobrá jablka = This tree yields good apples Odkud nesete ty vecí? = Where are you bringing the things from? Lesson 4[] On prodává jejího koně = He is selling her horse On to nevyrábí = He does not make it Který automobil prodáváš = Which car do you sell To neprodáváme = We do not sell it Vyrábíme dobrý sýr = We make good cheese Neexistujeme = We do not exist Františku , ty existuješ = František, do you exist Jak to jde = How is it going Co vyrábí oni = What do they make To jméno neexistuje = This name does not exist Kam jdou = Where are they going To dítě ji neposlouchá =The child does not listen to her Já vím = I know Medvědi to nevědí = Bears do not know it Slyšíš, ale neposloucháš = You hear but are not listening Kam vede ta ulice = Where does this street lead Chléb a sýr obsahujou sůl = Do bread and cheese contain salt Obsahuje vaše polévka maso? = Does your soup contain meat? Kdo ví = Who knows Co posloucháte = What are you listening to Jablka a hrušky obsahují cukr = Apples and pears contain sugar Naši kluci vedou = Our boys lead Odkud ji znáš? = Where do you know her from? Odkud jdou? = Where are they coming from? Vede je žena. = A woman leads them. Co znamenají ta zvláštní slova = What does that strange word mean Kateřino, proč pláčeš = Katerina, why are you crying Co to znamená = What does it mean Ted', ale placeme = But now we are crying Jak ta kniha končí = How does this book end Kluci nepláčou = Boys do not cry Koho respektuješ ty = Whom do you respect Já tady končím = I am done here Respektuješ ji? = Do you respect her? Já ji respektuji = I respect her Jeho nerespektuju = I don't respect him Ty mluvíš a já poslouchám = You speak and I listen Teď mluvím já = I am speaking now Co říkáš = What are you saying Pamatuješ se na toho chlapce = Do you remember that boy Jedeme = We are going Já nejedu = I am not going Kdo teď mluví = Who is speaking now František to slovo neříká = František does not say that word Proč to říkáte = Why do you say that Pamatuji na jeho slova = I remember his words Tebe nehledám = I am not looking for you Kdo na mě čeká = Who is waiting for me František tě má rád = František likes you Potřebuje mě = He needs me Mám tě rád = I like you Proč mne potřebuješ = Why do you need me === Skill 16 - Family_1 === Lesson 1[] To je jeho matka = That is his mother Staráme se o svoje rodiny = We take care of our families František má velkou rodinu = Frantisek has a big family Jsem tvůj otec = I am your father Matky se starají o své děti = Mothers take care of their children Znám jeho matku = I know his mother Jsou to rodiny bez otců = They are families without fathers Oni jsou bez nás a my jsme bez nich. = They are without us, and we are without them. Proč tady jsou bez rodin = Why are they here without families Je to rodina bez otce = It is a family without a father Bez ní to není rodina. = Without her, it is not a family. Lesson 2[] Proč tady nejsou synové Žofie = Why are Žofie's sons not here Otec se dívá na své syny. = The father is looking at his sons. To je hrad mé dcery. = That is my daughter's castle. Žofie je dcera Kateřiny = Žofie is Kateřina's daughter Žofie je přitelkyně našich dcer. = Žofie is our daughter's friend. Žofie je dcera mé sestry. = Žofie is my sister's daughter. Znám syna Kateřiny = I know Kateřina's son Matěj je přítel našich synů = Matěj is a friend of our sons / Matěj is our sons' friend Matěj je syn našich přátel = Matěj is a son of our friends / Matěj is our friends' son Jejich syn zná dceru Kateřiny = Their son knows Kateřina's daughter Kateřina a můj syn jsou přátelé = Kateřina and my son are friends Oni jsou přátelé našich přátel. = They are our friends' friends. Lesson 3[] Kdo je otec té dívky = Who is the girl's father Mnoho dětí nezná svého otce = Many (A lot of) children do not know their fathers František není otec těch chlapců = František is not the boys' father Je Matěj otec těch dětí? = Is Matěj the children's father? Kdo je matka těch chlapců = Who is the boys' mother Kateřina má mnoho dětí = Kateřina has a lot of children Hledáme matku nebo otce těch malých dětí. = We are looking for the mother or father of those little children. Lesson 4[] Matěj má mladou ženu = Matěj has a young wife Matěj a František jsou dědečci = Matěj and František are grandfathers Kateřina a Žofie jsou babičky = Kateřina and Žofie are grandmothers Kateřina je jejich babička = Kateřina is their grandmother Máme rádi svoje dědečky = We like our grandfathers František je její dědeček = František is her grandfather Ten strom je pro tvoji babičku = That tree is for your grandmother Mám mladého dědečka = I have a young grandfather Jsou to jména našich babiček a dědečků = These are the names of our grandmothers and grandfathers Naše babička je dobrá žena = Our grandmother is a good woman To je mé babičky dům. = That is my grandmother's house. Lesson 5[] Má sestru? = Does she have a sister Čí on je bratr? = Whose brother is he Máš vdanou sestru? = Do you have a married sister? Matěj má mnoho sester? = Matěj has many sisters Je vdaná = She is married Je ženatý = He is married To je moje sestra = That is my sister To jména bratrů Kateřiny = These are the names of Kateřina's brothers To jsou jména bratrů Kateřiny. = They are the names of Kateřina's brothers. Máš sestry nebo bratry? = Do you have sisters or brothers Mé sestry jsou vdané = My sisters are married Mám ženatého bratra. = I have a married brother. Lesson 6[] Kateřina má mnoho bratranců = Kateřina has many cousins Kateřina a Žofie jsou tety Matěje = Kateřina and Žofie are Matěj's aunts František je tvůj strýc = František is your uncle Ta dívka má mnoho strýců = That girl has many uncles (genitive is used when quantifying) Ano, jsem tvá sestřenice = Yes I am your cousin Matěj je její mladý bratranec = Matěj is her young cousin Mám mnoho tet = I have many aunts (genitive is used when quantifying) Žofie má mladého strýce = Žofie has a young uncle Žofie stará se o svého strýce. = Žofie takes car of her uncle. Kateřina má mnoho sestřenic = Kateřina has many cousins Matěj a František jsou bratranci = Matěj and František are cousins Moje teta je mladá žena = My aunt is a young woman Hledám svou tetu = I am looking for my aunt Lesson 7[] Bojím se své manželky = I am afraid of my wife (genitive required for some verbs like bojím se) Moje sestra se bojí myší = My sister is afraid of mice Jaká jsou jména tvých dcer? = What are your daughters' names? (dcer is genitive form) Jméno mojí dcery je Žofie. = My daughter's name is Žofie. Je jich mnoho = There are many of them Bojíte se o svou manželku = Are you afraid for your wife My se jich nebojíme = We are not afraid of them Auto svých rodičů nevidím = I cannot see my parents' car Kde je auto mých rodičů = Where is my parents' car Hledám dům svých rodičů = I am looking for the house of my parents To jsou manželé mých sester. = These are my sisters' husbands. Jsou to ženy mých bratrů = These are my brothers' wives Lesson 8[] Já se jejích rodičů nebojím = I am not afraid of her parents Já se jí nebojím. = I am not afraid of her. Kdy se berou = When are they getting married Beru si její sestru = I am marrying her sister Bereme si její bratry = We are marrying her brothers Vašich slov si vážím = I appreciate your words Kateřina si bere Františka, = Kateřina is getting married to František. Vážíš si jí = Do you respect him Koho si bere ona? = Who is she marrying Já se vašich bratrů nebojím = I am not afraid of your brothers Matěj si váží svého otce = Matěj respects his father Lesson 9[] Kateřina si svojí matky váží = Kateřina respects her mother To je medvěd mojí tety = That is my aunt's bear Oni se ptají na vaši babičku = She is asking your grandmother Ptáte se svojí dcery = Are you asking your daughter Tvojí holky se ale neptáme = But we are not asking your girl On se ptá naší sestry = He is asking our sisters Ptá se vaší ženy = He is asking your wife Ptá se naší matky = He is asking our mother Vaší manželky se bojím = I am afraid of your wife Bojím se svě manželky. = I am afraid of my wife. To ale není jméno vaší ženy. = But that is not your wife's name. === Skill 17 - Clothing === Lesson 1[] Nosí muži růžové košile = Do men wear pink shirts Máš hezké oblečení = You have nice clothers Kde jsou ty dlouhé sukně = Where are those long skirts Proč nosíš moje košile = Why do you wear my clothes Kdo chce růžové triko = Who wants a pink t-shirt Proč nenosíte bílé oblečení = Why do you not wear white clothes Tady trika nenosíme = We do not wear t-shirts hear Moje sestřenice má hezkou modrou sukni = My cousins has a nice blue skirt Lesson 2[] Ty oranžové svetry jsou pro tvé rodiče = Those orange sweaters are for your parents Kdo má můj svetr = Who has my sweater Vidíš jeho ponožky = Do you see his socks Matěj má mnoho svetrů = Matej has many sweaters Nosí boty bez ponožek = He wears shoes without socks Její šaty jsou fialové = Her dress is purple On je tady bez kalhot = He is here without pants Lesson 3[] Moje žena nenosí šperky = My wife does not wear jewels Kam neseš ty klobouky = Where are you carrying those hats Vidím hezký šperk = I see a nice jewel Hledáme muže bez klobouku = We are looking for a man without a hat Ten hnědý kabát není hezký = The brown coat is not nice Kupuje hezké obleky = He is buying nice suits Ta růžová bunda je moje = That pink jacket is mine Potřebujeme kabáty = We need coats Kateřina kupuje pro svého manžela nový oblek. = Katerina is buying a new suit for her husband. Mají mnoho kabátů a bund = They have a lot of coats and jackets Kdo hledá červenou bundu? = Who is looking for a red jacket? Pro koho je ten zvláštní oblek? = Who is the strange suit for? To nejsou šperky mé babičky. = That is not my grandmother's jewelry. === Skill 18 - Demonstratives === Lesson 1[] Žofie je dcera tohoto muže = Žofie is this man's daughter Jsem manžel této ženy = I am the husband of this woman Tohoto člověka neznám = I do not know this person Tato jablka jsou mojí matky = These apples are my mother's Tuto knihu nechceme = We do not want this book Tato žena tato jména nepoznává = This woman does not recognize these names Tato děvčata tato slova nepoznávají. = These girls do not recognize these words. Tohoto muže a tento dům poznávám. = I recognize this man and this house. Tato děvčata tato žena nepoznává. = This woman does not recognize these girls. František je bratr této divky. = Frantisek is this girl's brother. Lesson 2[] Tyto muže známe = We know these men Tito lidé potřebují vodu = These people need water Tyto lidi neznáme = We do not know these people Toto neznám = We do not know this Mnoho žen čte tuto knihu = Many women read this book My si těchto lidí vážíme. = We respect these people. Těchto žen není mnoho = There are not many of these women Co znamená toto slovo = What is the meaning of this word Toto nechceme = We do not want this Tento muž se žen bojí. = This man fears women. Kdo miluje tyto lidi = Who loves these people Lesson 3[] My si tamté ženy vážíme. = We respect that woman. Tamtu dívku miluju = I love that girl Tamta mašina je její = That machine is hers Čekáme na tamtoho hocha a na tamten automobil. = We are waiting for that boy and for that automobile. Tamta děvčata jsou jeho sestřenice = Those girls are his cousins Znám tamtoho hocha a tamten dům = I know that boy and that house Vidíš tamten strom a tamtoho hocha = Do you see that tree and that boy Tamten sýr nemám ráda. = I do not like that cheese. Diváte se na tamtoho chlapce. = You are looking at that boy. Lesson 4[] Jak velké je tamto náměstí = How big is that square Poznáváš tamtoho hocha = Do you recognize that boy Počítám tamty kozy = I am counting those goats Tamta dívka poznává tamta jména = That girl recognizes those names Jsem přítel tamtěch žen = I am friends with those women Tamta děvčata poznávají tamta slova = Those girls recognize those words Co chtějí tamti muži = What do those men want Tamta děvčata poznávají tamta města = Those girls recognize those cities Tamto jméno neznáme = We do no know this name Lesson 5[] Prodávám tuhle ovci = I am selling this sheep Nesnášejí barvu těchto aut = They can't stand the color of this car Tahle děvčata jsou mé sestřenice = These girls are my cousins Potřebujeme tahle velká auta = We need this big car Tahle liška žere má kuřata. = This fox has been eating my chickens. Téhle osoby se bojíte = He fears this person Matěj se tohohle slova bojí. = Matej fears this word. Jak starý je tenhle stroj = How old is this machine Tohohle máme mnoho = We have a lot of this Proč mě tenhle člověk nenávidí? = Why does this person hate me? Žofie zná babičku tohohle chlapce. = Žofie knows this boy's grandmother. Pro koho kupujete tohohle koně? = Who are you buying this horse for? Lesson 6[] Tohle slovo je špatné = This word is bad Starají se o tyhle stromy = They are taking care of these trees Jména těchhle ptáků si pamatuješ = You remember the names of these birds Co tady dělají tihle vlci = What are these wolves doing here Máme tyhle holky rádi = We like these girls Čí je tohle = Whose is this Tohle náměstí neznáme = We do not know this square Tohle má ráda = She likes this Čekáte na tyhle medvědy = Are you waiting for these bears Lesson 7[] Co žerou tamhleti vlci? = What are those wolves eating? Jak se jmenuje tamhleten hrad = What is the name of that castle Tamhleta děvčata mne neznají = Those girls do not know me Bojíme se tamhleté zvláštní rodiny. = We are afraid of that weird family. Tamhleto je pro tebe. = That is for you. Počítá tamhlety osly. = He is counting those donkeys. Kdo prodává tamhlety domy? = Who is selling those houses? Poznáváš tamhletu ulici? = Do you recognize that street? Jména tamhletěch ulic neznáme. = We do not know the names of those streets. Jsou to jména tamhletěch ulic. = They are the names of those streets. Hledáme rodiny tamhletěch lidí. = We are looking for the families of those people. O tamhleta děvčata se nezajímám. = Those girls do not interest me. Tamhlety husy jsou šedé = Those geese are grey Tamhleten chlapec si bere moji mladou sestřenici. = That boy is marrying my young cousin. Lesson 8[] Takováhle slova nás zajímají = We are interested in words like these. Takový muž existuje? = Does that man exist? Takovouhle rodinu nemáš! = You do not have such a family Takových žen není mnoho = Such women are not many Jsi taková zvláštní = You are kind of strange Takové lidi potřebujeme = We need such men Kdo čte takovéhle knihy = Who reads such books Kdo píše takověto věci? = Who writes such things? Takovýchto slov znám mnoho. = I know many such words. Nechápu takovéto věty = I do not understand such sentences === Skill 19 - Adverbs === Lesson 1[] Zřídka tě chápu. = I seldom understand you. Proč stále čekáte? = Why are you still waiting Někdy nevím = Sometimes I don't know To vždy říká moje matka = My mother always says it On nikdy nespí = He never sleeps Často nespím = I often do not sleep Posloucháš mě někdy = Do you ever listen to me Stále na ni myslí = They think about her all the time. Ty nikdy neposloucháš = You never listen Jak často to říkáš = How often do you say it Tady nikdy mléko nekupujeme = We never buy milk here On někdy kupuje mléko tady. = Sometimes he buys milk here. Mléko vždy kupuji tady. = I always buy milk here. Mléko tady zřídka kupuji. = I rarely buy milk here. Lesson 2[] Ano, jsem doma = Yes I am at home Velký bratr je všude. = Big brother is everywhere. Bojí se toho všude. = They are afraid of it everywhere. My teď bydlíme jinde. = We live somewhere else now. Nikde nejsou = It is nowhere Není tam = It is not there Prodávají to někde = Do they sell it somewhere Někde na něho čekají. = They are waiting for him somewhere. Jsi doma? = Are you at home To neprodávají nikde = They don't sell it anywhere On tam někde bydlí. = He lives somewhere there. Jinde mléko nekupuji = I don't buy milk anywhere else Nikde jinde tě neznaji. = They do not know you anywhere else. Někde tam bydlí. = She lives somewhere. Lesson 3[] Je pryč = He is gone Proč nikam nejedeš? = Why are you not going anywhere Ta nová ulice vede jinam = The new street leads somewhere else Kateřina někam jde? = Is Katerina going somewhere Jdu domů = I am going home Jde sem Žofie = Zofie is coming here Jdeme domů? = Are we going home Nesou tu věc někam jinam. = They are carrying the thing somewhere else. Nikam nejdu = I am not going anywhere Vedeme ty koně pryč = We are leading the horse away Jdeš sem? = Are you coming here? Nejdeme nikam. = We are not going anywhere. Lesson 4[] Příliš mluvíte! = You talk too much Naše dítě téměř nikdy nepláče = Our child almost never cries Její automobil není úplně nový = Her car is not entirely new Vůbec ho nechápu = I don't understand him at all Hodně pláče = She cries a lot Hodně cukru = A lot of sugar To kluci chtějí úplně všude = Boys want this absolutely everywhere. Jejich dům je příliš malý = Their house is too small Je tady téměř stále = He is almost always here Její jméno je úplně jiné = Her name is entirely different Cukru máme hodně = We have a lot of sugar Lesson 5[] Děláme to velmi často = We do it very often Vína je hodně = There is a lot of wine Máš dost mléka? = Do you have enough milk? Máme málo mléka. = We do not have enough milk. Čaje je dost = The tea is enough Čaje mám hodně málo. = We have very little tea. Ta káva je velmi dobrá = The coffee is very good Naše rodina jí maso velmi zřídka. = Our family eats meat very infrequently. Nemám dost vína = I do not have enough wine Lesson 6[] Žofie mluví pomalu = Zofie talks slowly Proč je tak malá? = Why is she so small Říkáš to slovo špatně. = You are saying it wrong. Ti lidé to dělají špatně = Those people are doing it wrong Rychle stárnou = They age quickly Dobře čte = He reads well Kateřina tak mluví = Katerina talks like that To auto jede velmi rychle = That car goes very quickly Jejich syn špatně počítá = Their son counts poorly Jak dobře ji znáte? = How well do you know her Lesson 7[] On potom vždy spí = He is always sleeping afterwards Už jsme tam? = Are we there yet? Už tam jsme = We are already there Můj manžel zase spí = My husband is sleeping again Nejdřív hodně jíme = First we eat a lot Proč tady ještě jsi? = Why are you still here Ještě nevím = I still do not know On tady ještě není. = He isn't here yet. Potom ho nenávidí = Then she hates him Zase počítáš ovce? = Are you counting sheep again Co děláš nejdřív? = What do you do first? Zase tam čekají = They are waiting there again Potom hodně pijeme. = Then we drink a lot. František už tady není = Frantisek is no longer here Nejdřív ho miluje = First she loves him Lesson 8[] To možná sýr není = Perhaps it is not cheese Známe jen ji my. = Only we know her. Znáš ji také? = Do you know her also? Znáš toho člověka ty? = Do you know that person? Asi to je myš = Perhaps it is a mouse Opravdu ji miluju = I really love her Určitě jsi můj manžel? = Are you definitely my husband? Vůbec znás vaší ženy? = Do you actually know your wife? Mám také ovce = I also have sheep Opravdu nevím = I really don't know On mě asi nezná. = He probably does not know me. Asi si mě už nepamatuje. = He probably no longer remembers me. === Skill 20 - Numbers_1 === Lesson 1[] Mám jednoho bratra = I have one brother Znám jednoho z jejích bratrů = I know one of her brothers Jsem jeden z nich = I am one of them Potřebujou jedno prase = They need one pig Jeden kabát nestačí = One coat is not enough Ano, stačí jedno slovo = Yes, one word is enough Jeden manžel úplně stačí = One husband is entirely enough Jeden z těchto dětí je její. = One of these children is hers. Jsou to dcery jedné matky. = They are the daughters of one mother. Slyšíme jeden z jejich stojů. = We hear one of their machines. Je tady jen jeden hoch. = There is only one boy here. Lesson 2[] Která z těchto dvou žen je jeho dcera? = Which of these two women is his daughter Potřebujeme dva lidi = We need two people Jsou to dcery jedné matky = They are daughters of one mother Jedna bota tady je = One shoe is here Jedna hodina nestačí = One hour is not enough Máte jednu hodinu = You have one hour Je čtvrt na jednu = It is quarter past twelve Potřebuju dvě hodiny = I need two hours Jsou dvě hodiny = It is two o'clock Je čtvrt na dvě = It is quarter past one Milujou mě dva muži? = Do two men love me? Je čtvrt na jednu nebo na dvě? = Is it quarter past twelve or past one? Dvě z našich aut jsou černá. = Two of our cars are black. Nesou ho sem dva kluci. = Two boys are carrying him here. Lesson 3[] Je tři čtvrtě na jednu = It is a quarter to one Říká tři slova. = She is saying three words. Mám tři psy a tři kočky = I have three dogs and three cats Jsem matka tří dětí = I am the mother of three children. Jsem otec třech dětí = I am the father of three children. Už dva roky je vdaná. = She has been married for two years. Je už ženatý tři roky. = He has been married for three years. František tam už bydlí rok nebo dva. = Frantisek has already been living there for a year or two. František má jednu sestru a dva bratry. = František has one sister and two brothers. Čteš čtyři knihy? = Are you reading four books Proč má tvá sestřenice čtyři automobily? = Why does your cousin have four automobiles? Proč má tvoje sestřenice čtyři auta? = Why does your cousin have four automobiles? Jedna z těch čtyř dívek je má sestřenice. = One of the four girls is my cousin. Jeden z těch čtyřech chlapců je můj bratranec. = One of the four boys is my cousin. Která z těchto čtyřech dívek je jeho sestřenice? = Which of these four girls is his cousin? Který z těchto čtyř chlapců je váš syn? = Which of these four boys is your son? Jsou tři hodiny = It is three o'clock Jsme tři. = There are three of us. Vidíme čtyři lidi. = We see four people. Čtyři barvy určitě stači. = Four colors are definitely enough. Lesson 4[] Kupujeme svého druhého koně = We are buying our second horse Jejího třetího bratra neznám = I do not know her third brother Její první dítě je dívka, = Her first child is a girl, Znáš jeho druhou ženu? = Do you know his second wife? František je její druhý manžel = Frantisek is her second husband Kdo je ta čtvrtá osoba? = Who is the fourth person Jejich třetí dítě je zase děvče = Their third child is again a girl Jím už třetí hrušku = I am already eating my third pear Je to jedna z jeho prvních knih = It is one of his first books Toho čtvrtého neznám = I do not know the fourth one Co znamená čtvrté slovo? = What is the meaning of the fourth word Kdo to říká první? = Who says it first? Tamhleta dvě auta jedou přiliš pomalu. = Those two cars are going too slow. Lesson 5[] Kde je teď půl třetí odpoledne? = Where is it half past two in the afternoon now? Opravdu je půl čtvrté? = Is it really half past three? Je půl jedné = It is half past twelve Je půl druhé ráno = It is half past one in the morning Už je půl druhé. = It is already half past one Je půl jedné odpoledne? = Is it half past twelve in the afternoon? Půl druhé ještě není = It is not half past one yet. Je půl čtvrté ráno, ale on nespí. = It is half past three in the morning, but he is not sleeping. === Skill 21 - Conjunctions_1 === Lesson 1[] Jí i chléb. = He even (also, as well as) eats bread Co děláš, zatímco já dělám? = What do you do while I work? Tamhleten muž je buď František nebo Matěj. = That man is either Frantisek or Matej Teď, anebo nikdy! = Now or never Zatímco František spí, jeho manželka pláče. = While Frantisek is sleeping, his wife is crying. Myslí si, že už spím. = He thinks that I am already sleeping. Jedí jablka i hrušky. = They eat apples and also pears. Kateřina jí hrušky často, zatímco její muž je nesnáší. = Katerina eats pears often, while her husband can't stand them. Ty kávu piješ často kdežto já ji nepiju nikdy. = You drink coffee often, while I never drink it. Nechceme ani tohle, ani tamto. = We want neither this nor that Nemám ani ženu, ani děti. = I have neither a wife nor children. Buď už spí, anebo nás neslyší. = Either he is already sleeping, or he cannot hear us Neznám Františka ani Matěje. = I know neither Frantisek nor Matej Buď to děláme dobře anebo to neděláme vůbec. = Either we do it well, or we do not do it at all. Lesson 2[] Říká, že tě miluje = He says that he loves you Jestli chceš hrušky, proč kupuješ jablka? = If you want pears, why are you buying apples Pokud nespí, mluví. = If he is not sleeping, he is talking Já Kateřinu miluju, kdežto on ji nenávidí. = I love Katerina, while he hates her. Má ráda, když říkám její jméno. = She likes it when I say her name. Ani nevíš, jak se jmenuju! = You do not even know what my name is! Nevíme, jestli jsme bratři. = We do not know whether we are brothers František je chlapec, kdežto Matěj je muž. = Frantisek is a boy, whereas Matej is a man Jsem rád, že jsi tady. = I am glad that you are here Pokud máme hlad, jíme. = If we are hungry, we eat Pije i pivo, i víno. = She drinks both beer and wine. Když má žízeň, pije i vodu. = When he is thirsty, he even drinks water. Lesson 3[] František si bere Kateřinu, přestože ji nemiluje. = Frantisek is marrying Katerina even though he doesn't love her. Nevím, a proto se ptám. = I do not know and so I am asking. Když nevím ptám se. = If I do not know, I ask. Mléko máme rádi, a proto je často pijeme. = We like milk and so (because of this, for this reason) we drink it often. Protože jsi moje manželka! = Because you are my wife! Přesto mě nemiluješ = Yet you do not love me. Žofie Matěje nemiluje, a přesto si ho bere. = Zofie does not love Matej, and yet she is marrying him. Hledám tu věc, protože ji potřebuju. = I am looking for the thing because I need it. Přestože nás neznají, nenávidí nás. = Although they do not know us, they hate us. A přesto nás nenávidí. = And yet they hate us. Jedí, přestože hlad nemají. = They are eating despite not being hungry. Potřebujeme ji, a proto na ni čekáme.= We need her and so we are waiting for her. I když ho vůbec neznáš? = Even though you do not know him at all? I když já mám raději kočky, moje žena chce psa. = Even though I prefer cats, my wife wants a dog. Stále ji miluju, i když si ji už nepamatuju. = I still love her although I no longer remember her. === Skill 22 - Verbs:_Infinitive === Lesson 1[] stárnout = to age si pamatovat = to remember vidět = to see brát = to take chápat = to understand se dívat = to watch, to see nedívat se = not to look Chci si tě pamatovat. = I want to remember you. Jejich jména si pamatovat nepotřebujume. = We do not need to remember their names. Chci to vidět. = I want to see that. Nebylo se no co dívat. = There was nothing to look at. Nevím, jestli se dívat. = I do not know whether to look. Snažím se je nevidět. = I am trying not to see them. Ano, začínás mě chápat. = Yes, you are beginning to understand me. Snažíme se tu ženu chápat. = We are trying to understand that woman. On asi neví jak to chápat. = He probably does not know how to take it. Stárnout nechceme ani my. = We do not to age either. Stárnout ani my nechceme. = We do not to age either. Jestli vás dobře chápu potřebujete mne. = If I understand you correctly, you need me. Lesson 2[] Je zvláštní vůbec neznat své rodiče. = It is strange not to know one's parents at all. Začínám tě mít ráda, Františku. = I am starting to like you, Frantisek. Potřebuju vědět, že mě miluješ. = I need to know that you love me. Snažím se ji nemilovat. = I am trying not to love her. Chci být dobrý otec. = I want to be a good father. Znát ji znamená milovat ji. = To know her is to love her. Proč to potřebuješ vědět? = Why do you need to know it? On už tady nechce být. = He no longer wants to be here. Už ty lidi nenávidět nechci. = I no longer want to hate those people. Nevím, jestli tě nenávidět nebo milovat! = I don't know whether to hate you or love you. Nikdy není dobré nenávidět. = It is never good to hate. Čí jméno potřebujeme znát? = Whose name do we need to know? Už začínají být hlad. = They are starting to get hungry. František už tady není. = František is no longer here. Chtějí tady být? = Do they want to be here? Lesson 3[] Žofie neví, co si myslet. = Zofie does not know what to think. Nestačí to jen říkat. = It is not enough to just say it. Proč se bojíš mluvit? = Why are you afraid to talk? Snažím se to nikdy neříkat. = I am trying to never say it. Nechci čekat. = I do not want to wait. Už nechtějí čekat. = They don't want to wait anymore. Kde na ni chcete čekat? = Where do you want to wait for her? Proč to chceš dělat? = Why do you want to do it? Jeho teta se snaží příliš nemluvit. = His aunt is trying not to talk too much. Snažíme se to příliš nedělat. = We try not to do it too much. Z čeho chceš dělat tu polévku? = What do you want to make soup from? Chci tě slyšet. = I want to hear you. Jeho dědeček to nechce slyšet. = His grandfather does not want to hear it. Nepotřebujete to ani říkat! = You don't even need to say it. Snaží se mluvit pomalu. = They are trying to speak slowly. Často nevím, co si myslet. = Often I do not know what to think. Vůbec na něho nechceš myslet. = You do not want to think about him at all. Lesson 4[] Nemá se o koho starat. = She does not have anyone to take care of Není co respektovat. = There is nothing to respect. Nemají koho respektovat. = They have no one to respect. Ona se jich začíná bát. = She is beginning to be afraid of them. Začíná ji to zajímat. = She is beginning to be interested in it. Začíná se o to zajímat. = She is starting to be interested in it. Ona se o to začíná zajímat. = She is starting to be interested in it. Začíná ji to zajímat. = It is starting to interest her. Není čeho si vážit. = There is nothing to appreciate. Snažíme se vážit svá slova. = We are trying to weigh our words. Nemají se proč bát. = They have no reason to fear. Nematé se čeho bát. = You do not have anything to fear. Teď se o jejich medvěda nemá kdo starat. = Now there is no one to look after their bear. Není se čeho bát. = There is nothing to be afraid of. Nevím, jak se o ně nebát. = I do not know how not to be afraid for them. Chceš se starat o moje dítě? = Do you want to be looking after my children? Teď se nemá kdo starat o jejich medvěda. = Now there is no one to take care of their bear. Nemá so o mě kdo starat. = Now there is no one to take care of me. Lesson 5[] Co chceš pít? = What do you want to drink? Nevědí kde hledat žrádlo. = They do not know where to look for food. Její děti ještě nechtějí spát. = Her children do not want to sleep yet. Co chceš jíst? = What do you want to eat? Kateřina si Matěje brát nechce. = Katerina does not want to marry Matej. Snažím se teď nespat. = I am trying not to sleep now. Kde chce bydlet Kateřina? = Where does Katerina want to live? Kde ji chceš hledat? = Where do you want to look for her? Snažím se na ni nedívat. = I am trying not to look at her. Snažím se je nevidět. = I am trying not to see them. Další manželku už hledat nechci. = I do not want to look for another wife any more. Kdy se chcete brát? = When do you want to get married? Nemají co pít. = They do not have anything to drink. Proč nemá co jíst ani pít? = Why does he have nothing to eat or drink? Lesson 6[] Víš, jak vést lidi? = Do you know how to lead people? Nevím, jak vést. = I do not know how to lead. Ty lidi nemá kdo vést. = Those people have no one to lead them. Nemá nás kdo vést. = There is nobody to lead us. Chceš to tam nést ty? = Do you want to take it there? Bojí se tam jít. = They are afraid to go there. Co chce psát? = What does she want to write? My také chceme psát knihy. = We also want to write books. Nemáme co číst. = We have nothing to read. Proč to chce číst? = Why does he want to read it? Chceme jet někam jinam. = We want to go somewhere else. Můj dědeček zase začíná psát. = My grandfather is writing again. Nevím, kam jet = I do not know where to go. Moje slepice nechtějí nést vajícka. = My hens do not want to lay eggs. Kterou knihu chceš číst? = Which books do you want to read? Určitě chtěli číst jinou knihu. = They definitely wanted to read a different book. Moje láska pro tebe stále ještě žije. = My love for you is still alive. František a Žofie žiji u jejích rodičů. = František and Žofie live at her parents'. === Skill 23 - Household === Lesson 1[] ta kuchyně = the kitchen Chceš vidět moji ložnici? = Do you want to see my bedroom? Vy máte dva obýváky? = Do you have two living rooms? František jde z koupelny .= Frantisek is coming out of the bathroom. Hledám koupelnu. = I am looking for a bathroom. Kde je vaše koupelna? = Where is your bathroom. Ne, to není obývák. = No, this is not a living room. Kterou místnost hledáš? = Which room are you looking for? Tamhleta ložnice je moje. = That bedroom is mine. František má velmi malý byt. = Frantisek has a very small apartment. Byt bez obýváku nechceme. = We do not want an apartment without a living room. Jeho byt má velkou kuchyni. = His apartment has a big kitchen. Tato kuchyně je příliš malá. = This kitchen is too small. Máme tři další místnosti. = We have three other rooms. Kolik místností má váš byt? = How many rooms does your apartment have? Kolik máme ložnic? = How many bedrooms do we have? Kolik má ten dům koupelen? = How many bathrooms does that house have? Proč potřebujou dvě kuchyně pro jednu rodinu? = Why do they want two kitchens for one family? Lesson 2[] stůl= table pohovka= sofa ta postel= the bed Kterou z těch sušiček chceš ty?= Which one of those dryers do you want? Máte růžové pohovky? = Do you have pink sofas? Už potřebujeme novou pohovku! = We already need a new sofa! Tahle pohovka je pro náš byt příliš velká. = This sofa is too big for our apartment. Kolik stolů mají? = How many tables does he have? Čtyři stoly nestačí. = Four tables is not enough. Tahle židle je pro Žofii. = That chair is for Zofie. Kolik chcete židlí? = How many chairs do you want? Barva jejího stolu je zvláštní. = The color of her table is strange. Tento stůl je velký dost pro čtyři osoby. = The table is large enough for four people. Ta stará pračka je zelená .= That old washer is green. Ta postel je pro ni příliš malá. = That bed is too small for her. František prodává pračky a sušičky. = Frantisek sells washers and dryers. Matěj nemá ani pračku, ani sušičku. = Matej has neither a washer nor a dryer. František a Matěj vyrábějí postele a stoly. = Frantisek and Matej make beds and tables. Lesson 3[] záchod = toilet nůž = knife Žofie má málo lžic. = Zofie has few spoons. ten talíř = the plate Kde máte nože? = Where are your knives? Tyto nože jsou velmi špinavé. = That knife is very dirty. Zase hledá lžíci? = Is he looking for a spoon again? Máme polévku ale nemáme lžíce. = We have soup but do not have spoons. Vidliček máme dost? = Do we have enough forks? Tohle není vidlička. = These are not forks. Matěj jí z toho špinavého talíře. = Matej is eating from a dirty plate. Františku, proč je má lžíce tak špinavá? = Frantisek, why is my spoon so dirty? Jeden z těch nožů je špinavý! = One of those knives is dirty! Tyto nože jsou velmi špinavé. = These knives are very dirty. Vidím jeden nůž, ne dva. = I see one knife, not two. Potřebujeme ještě dvě vidličky. = We need two more forks. Chceš jít na záchod? = Do you want to go to the bathroom? Váš záchod je velmi špinavý. = Your toilet is very dirty. Lesson 4[] šálek = cup ty dveře = the door okno = window Jedna z těch sklenic je špinavá. = One of those glasses is dirty. Jejich okna jsou zřídka otevřená. = Their windows are seldom open. Její okno je otevřené. = Her window is open. Často se dívá z okna. = He often looks out the window. Nevím, jestli jsou ta okna zavřená. = I do not know whether those windows are closed. Jaká je barva vašich nových dveří? = What is the color of your new door? Jeho dům má fialove dveře. = His house has a purple door. Jeho dveře nejsou úplně zavřené. = His door isn't completely closed. Zelená sklenice je její. = The green glass is hers. Babička chce šálek kávy. = Grandmother wants a cup of coffee. Nemáme dost mýdla. = We do not have enough soap. Naše dveře jsou vždy otevřené. = Our door is always open. Čí mýdlo to je? = Whose soap is this. Která z těch oken jsou vaše? = Which of those windows is yours? Kolik šálků potřebujeme? = How many cups do we need? Ráno je to okno zavřené. = In the morning the window is closed. Nesnáším špinavá okna. = I can't stand dirty windows. Hledám ty šálky. = I am looking for the cups. Dva šálky jsou prázdné a jeden je plný kávy. = Two cups are empty and one is full of coffee. Lesson 5[] ta televize = the television Matěj má drahý byt. = Matej has an expensive apartment. Tvůj talíř je prázdný? = Is your plate empty? Kateřina hledá levnou postel pro Františka. = Katerina is looking for a cheap bed for Frantisek. Proč je lednička otevřená? = Why is the fridge open? Žofie chce velmi levný byt. = Zofie wants a very cheap apartment. Jeho talíř je plný polévky. = His plate is full of soup. Kdo chce talíř polévky. = Who wants a bowl of soup? Jejich talíře jsou vždy prázdné. = Their plates are always empty. Kolik doma máte televizí? = How many televisions do you have at home? Levných bytů je tady velmi málo. = There are very few inexpensive apartments here. Kateřina hledá levnou postel pro Františka. = Katerina is looking for a inexpensive bed for Frantisek. Koupelna je plná vody! = The bathroom is full of water! Jak drahá je tamhleta televize? = How expensive is that television? Mám velkou ledničku, ale často je prázdná. = I have a big fridge but it is often empty. Tyhle ledničky jsou příliš drahé. = These fridges are too expensive. On se nikdy nedívá na televizi. = He never watches television. Můj manžel so stále jen dívá na televizi. = My husband always just watches TV. === Skill 24 - Verbs:_Past_1 === Lesson 1[] Byl tvůj dědeček vysoký? = Was your grandfather tall? Jak dlouhé byly ty dva kabáty? = How long were those two coats? Které ženy tady včera byly? = Which women were here yesterday? Čí auto to bylo? = Whose car was it? Kteří chlapci tady včera byli? = Which boys were here yesterday? Její manžel byl tady včera. = Her husband was here yesterday. To byla jeho poslední slova. = These were his last words. Já jsem byl její muž. = I was her husband. Byla to dobrá žena. = She was a good woman. Jak stará byla? = How old was she? Jaké barvy byl ten automobil? = What color was that car? Jaké barvy bylo to auto? = What color was that car? Její jméno bylo velmi dlouhé. = Her name was very long. Tyto knihy byly příliš dlouhé. = These books were too long. Včera tady bylo jiné děvče. = Yesterday there was a different girl here. Naše děti ještě byly malé. = Our children were still small. František a Matěj byli bratři. = Frantisek and Matej were brothers. Matěj a František nebyli bratři. = Frantisek and Matej were not brothers. To byl František. = That was Frantisek. Lesson 2[] Byl jste to vy, Františku? = Was it you, Frantisek? Byls tady včera? = Were you here yesterday? Byla jsi tam? = Have you been there? Bylas tam? = Were you there? Byli jsme mladí! = We were young! Kdo byli ti lidé? = Who were those people? Ty jsi tam včera byla. = You were there yesterday. Kde jste včera byli? = Where were you yesterday? Byls tehdy zvláštní. = You were strange then. Byla jsem jeho žena. = I was his wife. Já jsem byl její muž. = I was his husband. Byls velmi dobrý manžel. = You were a very good husband. Byl jsem mladý. = I was young. Byli jsme velmi rádi. = We were very glad. Byl jste tady nový. = You were new here. Byl jsi tady nový. = You were new here. Tehdy jsi byl mladý muž. = You were a young man then. Bylas tehdy ráda. = You were glad then. Bylas už tehdy ma manželka. = You were even then my wife. Lesson 3[] Ty žluté svetry nebyly dost velké. = These yellow sweaters were not big enough. Nebyla jsem to já. = It was not me. Nebyl jsem to já. = It was not me. Nebylas ještě vdaná. = You were not yet married yet. Nebylas ještě ženatý. = You were not yet married yet. Nebylo co jíst! = There was nothing to eat. Nebylo se na co dívat! = There was nothing to look at. Matěj a Kateřina nebyli manželé. = Matej and Katerina were not husband and wife. Kateřina a Žofie nebyly sestry. = Kateřina and Žofie were not sisters. Kateřina a Žofie byly sestřenice. = Katerina and Zofie were cousins. Ta žena nebyla Žofie ale Kateřina. = That woman was not Žofie but Kateřina. Nebyls nikdy příliš vysoký. = You were never too tall. Nebylas poslední. = You weren't the last. Ta prasata nebyla dost velká. = Those pigs were not big enough. Ty knihy tady včera nebyly. = Those books were not here yesterday. To nebylo pivo. = It was not beer. Už jste tam nebyla. = You were not there anymore. Už jste tam nebyli. = You were not there anymore. Už jste tam nebyly. = You were not there anymore. Už jsi tam nebylas. = You were not there anymore. Už jsi tam nebyl. = You were not there anymore. Ještě jsme tam nebyli. = We haven't been there yet. Ještě nikde nebyl. = He has not been anywhere yet. Ještě vůbec nikde nebyl. = He has not been anywhere at all. Nebylas tady. = You were not here. Neměl jsem hlad. = I was not hungry. To nebyla příliš dobrá kniha. = That was not a very good book. Lesson 4[] Babička měla syna a dvě dcery. = Granny had a son and two daughters. Tvoje prase tady hledalo žrádlo. = Your pig was looking for food here. Kde nás hledali? = Where were they looking for us? Koho jste hledal? = Who were you looking for? Tři domy jsem nepotřeboval. = I did not need three houses. Včera jsme měly žízeň. = We were thirsty yesterday. Včera jsme měli žízeň. = We were thirsty yesterday. Pil jste vodu? = Were you drinking water. Pila jste vodu? = Were you drinking water. Vy jste pili vodu? = Were you drinking water. Potřebovali jsme nové stroje. = We needed new machines. Vždy jsem chtěl medvěda. = I have always wanted a bear. Ne, tebe jsem nehledal. = No, I was not looking for you. Kateřina tě hledala. = Kateřina was looking for you. Hledala tě Kateřina. = Kateřina was looking for you. Co jedlo to děvče? = What was that girl eating? Ne, včera už příliš nepili. = No, yesterday they were no longer drinking too much. Ráno kávu neměli. = They did not have coffee in the morning. Díky, já jsem už jedla. = Thanks, I have already eaten. Díky, už jsem jedl. = Thanks, I have already eaten. Proč ses na ni tak díval? = Why were you looking at her like that? Potřebovala někde bydlet. = She needed to live somewhere. Lesson 5[] Viděla jste to už? = Have you seen it? Už mluvila. = She was speaking already. Už nemluvil. = He was not speaking any more. Ještě jsem to neviděla. = I have not seen it yet. Já jsem nemluvil příliš často = I didn't speak too often. Žofie se asi nedívala. = Zofie probably was not looking. Vůbec jsem ji neznal. = I did not know her at all. Znali toho chlapce tvoji rodiče? = Did your parents know that boy? Spali jsme jinde. = We slept somewhere else. Moje babička to město znala velmi dobře. = My grandmother knew that city very well. Byl jsem černá ovce rodiny. = I was the black sheep of the family. Černou ovci jsem už viděl. = I have already seen a black sheep. Včera nás viděli. = They saw us yesterday. Včera jsem nespal. = I did not sleep yesterday. Kde jste tehdy bydlel? = Where did you live back then? Kde jste tehdy bydleli? = Where did you live back then? Já jsem tady nikdy nebydlel. = I have never lived here. Tady její babička bydlela. = Her grandmother lived here. Tady bydlela její babička. = Her grandmother lived here. Dívala ses? = Did you watch? Ty ses ale díval! = But you were looking! Kde jsi spala? = Where did you sleep? Nechtěla mít děti, ale má čtyři. = She did not want to have children, but has four. Lesson 6[] Proč jste to dělal tak pomalu? = Why did you do it so slowly? Co jsi tam dělala? = What were you doing there? Snažili jsme se jíst. = We were trying to eat. Také jsme to dělaly. = We were also doing that. Ani se nesnažil! = He was not even trying! Snažil ses? = Were you trying? Celý den jsem četla knihy. = I was reading books the whole day. Matěj celou noc četl. = Matej was reading all night. Celou noc psala. = She was writing all night. Celý den jsme psali dopisy. = We were writing letters all day. Psal jsem ten dopis celý den. = I was writing that letter the whole day. Já jsem celý den četl tvoje dopisy. = I was reading your letters all day. Lesson 7[] Šli jsme hodně rychle. = We were walking very fast. Moje sestry šly dělat polévku. = My sisters went to make soup. Ta prasata vážila hodně. = Those pigs weighed a lot. Kdo tam jel? = Who went there? Brali se velmi mladí. = They got married very young. Kam šel? = Where did he go? Příliš rychle jsem nejel. = I was not going too fast. Jela tam jeho dcera. = His daughter went there. Matěj tam sěl včera. = Matěj went there yesterday. František a Matěj slí hledat svou kočku. = Frantisek and Matej went to look for their cat. Kateřino, proč sis brala Františka? = Katerina, why did you marry Frantisek? Vážil sis svého dědečka? = Did you respect your grandmother? Matěje sis nevážila. = You did not respect Matej. Kdy se brali? = When did they get married? Lesson 8[] Toto děvče už napsalo čtyři knihy! = This girl has already written four books! Kde jsi koupila tento sýr? = Where did you buy this cheese? Včera jsem přečetla celou knihu. = Yesterday I read an entire book. Koupil ten stroj Matěj nebo František? = Did Matej or Frantisek buy that machine? Žofie rychle snědla tři hrušky. = Zofie quickly ate three pears. Vy jste ale nepřečetly celý dopis! = But you did not read the entire letter! Kdo snědl moje jablko? = Who ate my apple? Příliš mnoho mléka jsme nekoupili. = We did not buy too much milk. Přečetl to slovo špatně. = He read the word wrong. Ještě jsem ten dopis nenapsala. = I haven't written the letter yet. Napsal jsi už ten dopis? = Have you written the letter yet? Ty jsi vypila všechno moje pivo! = You drank all my beer! Proč jste vypili všechno mléko? = Why did you drink all the milk? Kdo vypil všechno mléko? = Who drank all the milk? Matěj zase snědl všechno maso! = Matěj ate all the meat! === Skill 25 - Verbs:_Present_2 === Lesson 1[] Tvoje dcera roste pomalu. = Your daughter is growing slowly. Kateřina a Žofie perou svoje košile. = Katerina and Zofie are washing their shirts. Děti rostou rychle. = Children grow fast. František nikdy nepere. = Frantisek never does laundry. Příliš mluvíš a málo pracuješ. = You talk too much and work little. Proč držíš ten šperk? = Why are you holding that jewel? Kde pracují? = Where do they work? Stěžují si na nás. = They complain about us. Ne, ona tady nepracuje. = No, she does not work here. Kateřina si stěžuje, že Matěj nikdy není doma. = Katerina complains that Matej is never home. Já tě tady nedržím! = I am not holding you here. Čeho se drží? = What is she holding on to? Pracuju pro její manželku. = I work for her wife. Stěžuje si zřídka. = He seldom complains. Jak rychle rostou tamhlety stromy? = How fast do those trees grow? Lesson 2[] Učíme je psát. = We are teaching them to write. Učím ji číst. = I am teaching her to read. Na co hrajete vy? = What do you play? Kde to leží? = Where does it lie? Hraje si. = She is playing. Kdo je učí? = Who is teaching them? Co hrajou? = What are they playing? Kde sedíte? = Where are you sitting? Proč stojíš? = Why are you standing? Stále jen sedíš doma! = You always only sit at home. Stojí u auta. = He is standing by the car. Ten pes zase sedí u dveří. = The dog is sitting by the door again. Jeho kočka leží u okna. = His cat is lying by the window. Kolik stojí? = How much does it cost? Já hraju na tohle. = I play this. Lesson 3[] Na co se těšíš? = What do you look forward to? Vůbec se na ten víkend netěším. = I am not looking forward to that weekend at all. Jak to vypadá? = What does it look like? Matěji, jak vypadám? = Matej, how do I look? Vypadáš dobře. = You look good. Trvá to tři hodiny. = It takes three hours. Už to trvá hodiny. = It has been going on for hours. Žofie už hodinu leži. = Žofie has been resting for an hour. Já ho za dobrého otce nepovažuju. = I do not consider him a good father. Kateřina považuje Františka za dobrého muže. = Katerina considers Frantisek a good man. Za co mě považuješ? = What do you take me for? Vypadají jako lišky. = They look like foxes. Vypadáte jako bratři. = You look like brothers. František se na to těší jako malé dítě. = Frantisek is looking forward to it like a little child. Vypadáš stejně jako tvá matka. = You look the same as your mother. Vypadám stejně dobře jako ona? = Do I look as good as her? My dvě vypadáme úplně stejně. = The two of us look exactly the same. Jejich láska stále trvá. = Their love still endures. Těšíš se na mě? = Are you looking forward to seeing me? Moje láska pro tebe stále ještě žije. = My love for you is still alive. Lesson 4[] Zbývají jen dvě vajíčka. = Only two eggs are left. Bydlíme u hradu. = We live by the castle. Kolik zbývá chleba? = How much bread is left? Odkud běžíte? = Where are you running from? Chodíš sem často? = Do you come here often? Ten kůň neběží příliš rychle. = That horse is not running too fast. Kdy tam chodí? = When does she go there? Proč stojí u toho stromu? = Why is he standing by that tree? Cítíš to? = Do you feel it? Kde to cítíte? = Where do you feel it? František a Žofie žijí u jejích rodičů. = Frantisek and Žofie live with their parents. Jak se cítíte? = How do you feel? Kam běžíš? = Where are you running to? Už sem nechodí. = He no longer comes here. Františku, cítím, že mne už vůbec nemiluješ! = Frantisek, I feel that you don't love me at all anymore. Matěj žije jen pro ni. = Matej lives only for her. Ti psi asi cítí maso. = The dogs probably smell meat. Co děláš u našeho domu? = What are you doing by our house? Kluci se často perou. = Boys often fight. Ledničky zbývají jen žluté a hnědé. = Only yellow and brown refrigerators are left. === Skill 26 - Numbers_2 === Lesson 1[] Matěj je jeden z osmi bratrů. = Matej is one of eight brothers. Jsem jedna z jeho pěti dcer. = I am one of his five daughters. Chceme vědět, kde je matka těch sedmi chlapců. = We want to know where the mother of the seven boys is. Včera jsem snědl šest ryb. = Yesterday I ate six fish. Co jsi dělala v osm hodin? = What were you doing at eight o'clock. Začíná v pět hodin. = It starts at five o'clock. Čekám tady už sedm dnů. = I have already been waiting here for seven days. Mám to auto jen osm dnů. = I have only had the car for eight days. Měla čtyři bratry a pět sester. = She had four brothers and five sisters. V kolik hodin? = At what time? Znáte jména těch pěti lidí? = Do you know the names of those five people? Už ho hledáme sedm dnů. = We have already been looking for him for seven days. Znám osm děvčat. = I know eight girls. Máme osm synů. = We have eight sons. Mél sedm bratrů. = He had seven brothers. Bylo sedm hodin. = It was seven o'clock. Je pět hodin = It is five o'clock. Už je šest hodin? = Is it six o'clock yet? Byl tady v šest? = Was he here at six? František už měl šest manželek! = Frantisek has already had six wives! Je nás pět. = There are five of us. Je nás šest. = There are six of us. František má pět bratrů. = Frantisek has five brothers. Hledám pět žen. = I am looking for five women. Jsme tady pět dní. = We have been here for five days. Lesson 2[] Jen jedna z jejich devíti dcer je vdaná. = Only one of their nine daughters is married. Žofie byla matka deseti dětí. = Zofie was the mother of ten children. Bylo jich devět? = Were there nine of them? Dělá tady už sedm roků. = He has been working here for seven years. Pije pivo od svých devíti let. = He has been drinking beer since he was nine. Čeká od deseti nebo jedenácti hodin. = She has been waiting since ten or eleven o'clock. Bydlelo jich tam deset nebo jedenáct. = Ten or eleven of them lived here. Je už jedenáct roků vdaná. = She has already been married for eleven years. Je vás deset? = Are you ten? Ten dopis už píše devět dnů. = He has been already writing that letter for nine days. Té polévky není dost pro devět lidí. = The soup is not enough for nine people. Máš tady dopisy od deseti dívek. = You have letters from ten girls here. Ještě nebylo jedenáct. = It was not eleven yet. Včera vypil jedenáct šálků kávy. = Yesterday he drank eleven cups of coffee. Ani jedno z těchto devíti slov si už nepamatuji! = I cannot remember even one of these nine words anymore! Od deseti hodin jsem nejedla. = I haven't eaten since ten o'clock. Je jich jedenáct. = There are eleven of them. Který z těch devíti lidí to byl? = Which of those nine people was it? Lesson 3[] patnáct = fifteen Myslím si číslo od jedné do deseti. = I am thinking of a number from one to ten. Bylo vás jedenáct nebo dvanáct? = Were there eleven or twelve of you? Ve dvanáct hodin? = At twelve o'clock? Vidím dvanáct oslů. = I see twelve donkeys. Jíme vždy ve dvanáct. = We always eat at twelve. Četl ty dopisy od dvanácti do čtyř. = He was reading the letters from twelve to four. Bydlel tam třináct roků. = He lived there for thirteen years. Dělám to od svých třinácti let. = I have been doing that since I was thirteen. Přečetla jsem jen jednu z těch třinácti knih. = I only read one of those thirteen books. Proč potřebujete čtrnáct sklenic? = Why do you need fourteen glasses? Knihy píše od svých čtrnácti roků. = She has been writing books since she was fourteen. Ve dvě hodiny jsem tam viděla čtrnáct ovcí. = At two o'clock, I saw fourteen sheep there. Už čtrnáct let nepiju ani pivo, ani víno! = I haven't had beer or wine in fourteen years! Ráno tady bylo patnáct psů. = There were fifteen dogs here in the morning. Naše dcera počítá od jedné do patnácti. = Our daughter counts from one to fifteen. Známe čísla od jedné do patnácti. = We know numbers from one to fifteen. Znám ji od jejích patnácti let. = I have known her since she was fifteen. Kolik čísel existuje? = How many numbers exist? Lesson 4[] Včera spala osmnáct hodin = She slept eighteen hours yesterday. Od osmnácti let se stará o dítě. = He has been taking care of a child since he was eighteen. Počítá od jedné do dvaceti. = He is counting from one to twenty. Nesu posledních dvanáct vajíček. = I am carrying the last twelve eggs. Od kolika lidí jsou ty dopisy? = From how many people are these letter? Včera byly dveře šestnácti bytů otevřené. = Yesterday the doors of sixteen apartments were open. Vidím dalších pět lišek. = I see five more foxes. Má devatenáct kabátů, a chce další. = She has nineteen coats and wants another one. Kde jsou vaše knihy pro dívky od čtrnácti do sedmnácti let? = Where are your books for girls from fourteen to seventeen years old? Dvacet let úplně stačí. = Twenty years is entirely enough. Potřebuju jména těch devatenácti děvčat. = I need the names of the nineteen girls. Bylo tam deset hodně zvláštních koz. = There were ten very strange goats there. Byl tam sedmnáct dnů. = He has been here for seventeen days. Byl tam sedmnáct dnů. = He was there for seventeen days. Viděl jsem tam šestnáct talířů. = I saw sixteen plates there. Pamatujete si jména těch dvaceti žen? = Do you remember the names of those twenty women? Opravdu kupuješ šestnáct let staré auto? = Are you really buying a sixteen year old car? Opravdu jsi včera snědla osmnáct vajíček? = Did you really eat eighteen eggs yesterday? Sedmnáct vidliček je příliš. = Seventeen forks is too many. Od kolika hodin? = From what time? Do kolika hodin? = Until what time? Je jich devatenáct nebo dvacet? = Are there nineteen or twenty of them? Lesson 5[] Zná jména dvaceti čtyř měst? = Does he know the names of twenty-four cities? Tehdy tady bylo dvacet čtyři měst? = Were there twenty-four cities here then? Který z tamhletěch dvaceti jedna mužů je jejich bratranec? = Which of those twenty-one men is their cousin? Jde sem dvacet sedm zvířat. = Twenty-seven animals are coming here. Potřebujeme ještě dvacet pět minut. = We need another twenty-five minutes. František chtěl dvacet dva stromů. = Frantisek wanted twenty-two trees. Dvě z těch dvaceti jedna holek jsou mé sestřenice. = Two of those twenty-one girls are my cousins. Jedno z těch dvaceti osmi zvířat je osel. = One of those twenty-eight animals is a donkey. Bylo tady dvacet jedna mužů. = There were twenty-one men here. Potřebujeme sukně pro dvacet dva holek. = We need skirts for twenty-two girls. Dvacet čtyři stromů je dost. = Twenty four trees are enough. Chtějí jíst do dvaceti dvou minut. = They want to eat within twenty-two minutes. Ano, přestože se starám o dvacet devět zvířat! = Yes, even though I am taking care of twenty-nine animals. Kolik z těch dvaceti třech stromů tady bylo? = How many of those twenty-three trees were here? Ani jedno z těch dvaceti třech měst nemám rád. = I don't like even one of those twenty-three cities. Dvacet šest minut možná bylo příliš? = Maybe twenty-six minutes was too much. Čeká na mě devacet dva holek! = Twenty-two girls are waiting for me. Těch devacet jedna mužů jsem znal! = I knew those twenty-one men. Těch devacet osm měst si už nepamatuji. = I no longer remember those twenty-eight cities. === Skill 27 - Adjectives === Lesson 1[] Levá bota je tmavě hnědá. = The left shoe is dark brown. Byly tam dvě pravé boty a čtyři levé. = There were two right shoes and four left ones there. Žofie si myslí, že pavouci jsou krásní. = Zofie thinks that spiders are beautiful. Ona říká, že František je ten pravý. = She says that Frantisek is the right one. Tento starý strom je krásný. = This old tree is beautiful. Tyto talíře nejsou dost hluboké. = These plates are not deep enough. Existuje mnoho krásných barev. = There are many beautiful colors. Proč se díváš na tu ošklivou pohovku? = Why are you looking at that ugly sofa? Měl hodně dětí a jednu starou babičku. = He had many children and one old grandmother. Kde je moje pravá bota? = Where is my right shoe? Levou botu nevidím. = I do not see the left shoe. Kolik starých lidí znáš? = How many old people do you know? Je naše láska hluboká? = Is our love deep? Noc byla hluboká. = The night was deep. Kateřino, máš krásné jméno. = Katerina, you have a beautiful name. Kateřina byla má pravá láska. = Kateřina was my true love. Myslíš si, že pavouci jsou oškliví? = Do you think that spiders are ugly? Často říká velmi ošklivá slova = He often says very many ugly words. Je tady příliš mnoho starých aut. = There are too many old cars here. Někdy jedí z těch starých talířů. = Sometimes they eat from the old plates. Voda je tady velmi hluboká. = The water is very deep here. Lesson 2[] Mají rádi teplé barvy. = They like warm colors. Mé tmavé dny končí. = My dark days are ending. Potřebujeme širokou postel. = We need a wide bed. Tato barva není tmavá. = This color is not dark. Jak úzké jsou její dveře? = How narrow is her door? Čeká na něho jen studený byt. = Only a cold apartment is waiting for him. Tmavé byty nesnášíme. = We cannot stand dark apartments. Moje postel je pro dva lidi dost úzká. = My bed is quite narrow for two people. Moje káva byla příliš horká! = My coffee was too hot! Studenou polévku nikdy nejím! = I never eat cold soup. Horké vino nesnáším. = I cannot stand hot wine. Tahle barva je hodně světlá. = This color is very light. Byl teplý den. = It was a warm day. Byla to horká noc. = It was a hot night. Noc byla dost studená. = The night was quite cold. Buď jsou tyto dveře příliš úzké, anebo ta pohovka příliš široká. = Either this door is too narrow or that sofa too wide. Jak široké je to okno? = How wide is that window? Naše ulice byly široké a světlé. = Our streets were wide and bright. Kdo vypil tu sklenici teplého mléka? = Who drank that glass of warm milk? Ten dům měl málo oken, a proto nebyl příliš světlý. = That house had few windows and so it was not very bright. Más teplé ponožky? = Do you have warm socks? Lesson 3[] Tohle je velmi důležitá osoba. = This is a very important person. Včera byl můj šťastný den. = Yesterday was my lucky day. Je zajímavé, že ji nepoznává. = It is interesting that he doesn't recognize her. Jak rychlá jsou tato zvířata, když jsou stará? = How fast are these animals when they are old? Ty máš stejnou bundu? = Do you have the same jacket? Jejich děti jsou téměř vždy šťastné. = Their children are almost always happy. Lidé pláčou, když jsou nešťastní. = People cry when they are unhappy. Tamhleten muž nosí stále stejné oblečení. = That man always wears the same clothes. Napsal mnoho zajímavých knih. = He wrote many interesting books. Byl to velmi nešťastný den. = It was a very unfortunate day. Tak rychlého koně také potřebujeme. = We also need a horse that swift. Chci rychlé auto. = I want a fast car. Je důležité pít dost vody. = It is important to drink enough water. To nešťastné zvíře má hlad. = The unfortunate animal is hungry. Proč je to pro něj tak důležité? = Why is it so important to him? Ten člověk říká opravdu zajímavé věci. = That person has been saying really interesting things. Její košile a klobouk mají stejnou barvu. = Her shirt and hat are the same color. Mám ráda šťastné pavouky. = I like happy spiders. Lesson 4[] Mluvil a díval se na vlastního psa. = He was talking and looking at his own dog. Nikdy nenosí takovou silnou bundu. = She never wears such a thick jacket. Pili jsme jen čistou vodu. = We drank only pure water. Šálek silné kávy, prosím. = A cup of strong coffee, please. František a Matěj jsou vlastní jména lidí. = Frantisek and Matej are proper names of people. Ta dívka nosí vždy hezké, čisté oblečení. = The girl always wears nice clean clothes. Je tohle možné? = Is this possible? Jsi příliš slabý. = You are too weak. To zvíře je slabé, protože nejí. = The animal is weak because it has not been eating. Ten hoch je dost silný. = The boy is strong enough. Tohle není čistá koupelna! = This is not a clean bathroom! Kateřino, kolik chceš mít vlastních dětí? = Katerina, how many of your own children do you want? Miluju úspěšné pavouky. = I love successful spiders. Moji pavouci jsou úspěšní. = My spiders are successful. Můj dědeček nenávidí slabou kávu. = My grandfather hates weak coffee. Jak je možné že je tak oranžový? = How is it possible that it is so orange? Nevím, jestli to je možné. = I do not know if it is possible. Jsou úspěšní lidé důležití? = Are successful people important? Lesson 5[] Už jsi jedla živou rybu? = Have you eaten a live fish? Je krásná, ale chudá. = She is beautiful but poor. Jsme chudí? = Are we poor? To bylo velmi hloupé = That was very dumb. Je František bohatý? = Is Frantisek rich? Kolik bylo mrtvých? = How many dead were there? Matěj chce bohatou! = Matej wants a rich one. Kdo je hloupý teď? = Who is stupid now? Mrtvý ještě nejsem. = I am not dead yet. Tato věta je hloupá. = This sentence is stupid. Kateřina chce bohatého. = Katerina wants a rich one. Ne, to opravdu nebylo příliš chytré. = No, that was really not too smart. František a Matěj jsou dost chytří. = Frantisek and Matej are quite smart. Včera ještě byl živý. = Yesterday he was still alive. Jsi chytrá holka. = You are a smart girl. Já už chudý být nechci = I do not want to be poor any more. Je živý nebo mrtvý? = Is he alive or dead? Lesson 6[] Kde jsou užitečné věty? = Where are the useful sentences? Můj otec je známá osoba. = My father is a well-known person. Můj otec je známý člověk. = My father is a well-known person. Máš lehký kabát? = Do you have a light coat? Večer jíme lehká jídla. = In the evening, we eat light meals. Bylo těžké se na to dívat! = It was hard to look at! Jsem jeho bývalá žena. = I am his ex-wife. Asi chce být můj bývalý manžel. = He probably wants to be my ex-husband. Nepotřebujeme vás, protože už nejste užitečný. = We do not need you because you are not longer useful. Je lehké tě milovat. = It is easy to love you. Pomalé auto nechci. = I do not want a slow car. Toto je velmi známé město. = This is a very well-known city. To jídlo pro mne bylo příliš těžké. = That meal was too heavy for me. František je tvůj bývalý manžel? = Frantisek is your former husband? Tohle slovo je velmi užitečné. = This word is very useful. Které dny jsou tady pomalé? = Which days are slow here? Medvědi jsou těžcí, ale ne pomalí. = Bears are heavy, but not slow. === Skill 28 - Days/Week === Lesson 1[] Dnes je Den mrtvých. = Today is the Day of the Dead. František dnes není doma. = Frantisek is not at home today. Můj oblibený den je dnes. = My favorite day is today. Pondělí není můj oblibený den. = Monday is not my favorite day. Pondělí nemám ráda. = I do not like Mondays. V pondělí jsem nebyl doma. = I was not at home on Monday. Úterý je jejich oblibený den. = Tuesday is their favorite day. Začínáme v úterý? = Do we begin on Tuesday? Ve středu jsme napsali čtyři dopisy. = We wrote four letters on Wednesday. Středa byla včera. = Wednesday was yesterday. Ano, dnes je středa. = Yes, today is Wednesday. Ano, dnes je čtvrtek. = Yes, today is Thursday. Čtvrtek je čtytý den týdne. = Thursday is the fourth day of the week. Od čtvrtka jsem ho neviděla. = I have not seen him since Thursday. Dnes není pondělí, ale středa. = Today is not Monday but Wednesday. Od úterý do čtvrtka jsme nespali. = We did not sleep from Tuesday to Thursday . V úterý a ve čtvrtek? = On Tuesday and on Thursday? Lesson 2[] V pátek jíme ryby. = On Friday we eat fish. Můj oblibený den je pátek. = My favorite day is Friday. Soboty miluju. = I love Saturdays. Je dnes sobota? = Is today Saturday? Sobota byla včera. = Saturday was yesterday. On neděle nesnáší. = He cannot stand Sundays. V neděli nedělám. = I do not work on Sunday. Jdeme tam v neděli. = We are going there on Sunday. První den týdne je neděle! = The first day of the week is Sunday! Je pondělí první den týdne? = Is Monday the first day of the week? Ne, pondělí je poslední den týdne. = No, Monday is the last day of the week. V pátek a v sobotu je tahle ulice prázdná. = This street is empty on Friday and Saturday. Od pátku do neděle se jen dívá na televizi. = From Friday to Sunday he just watches television. Myslím, že týden je sedm dní. = I think that a week is seven days. Kolik dní má týden? = How many days are there in a week? Týden má kolik dní? = How many days does a week have? Jsme tady na pět dní. = We have been here for five days. Jsme tady pět dní. = We have been here five days. === Skill 29 - Places === na = on, sometimes in, at v/ve = in, at po = after při = at o = about, as in talking about, writing about Lesson 1[] škola = school Ve kterém domě jsi viděla růžovou ložnici? = In which house did you see the pink bedroom? Ve kterém domě jsme ji hledali? = In which house were we looking for her? Ve které ulici mají svůj dům? = On what street do they have their house? Ve kterém domě bydlíš? = In which house do you live? Ve kterém městě jsme? = In which city are we? Ty děláš ve kterém městě? = Which city are you working in? Ve škole nás tohle slovo neučí. = They do not teach us this word in school. Ne, je ve škole. = No, he is at school. František už si ani nepamatuje, ve kterém městě je! = Včera jsem ve škole nebyla. = I was not at school yesterday. Žofie a já bydlime ve stejné ulici. = Žofie and I live on the same street. Moje auto stojí ve vaší ulici. = My car is in your street. Ve které ulici bydlíš ty? = What street do you live on? Lesson 2[] Učím ve čtyřech školách. = I teach in four schools. Kolik lidí pracuje v našich školách? = How many people work in our schools? Co vás v těch školách učí? = What do they teach you in those schools? Máme školy v pěti městech. = We have schools in five cities. Kdo bydlí ve vašich domech? = Who lives in your houses? František v tom městě kupuje dům. = František is buying a house in that city. Tohle v našich ulicích nechceme! = We do not want this in our streets. V tom domě bydlí Matěj. = Matej lives in that house. Mnoho lidí bydlí ve městech. = Many people live in cities. V těch jsme bydleli městech. = We have lived in those cities. [ another lesson said this was wrong and next was right] V těch městech jsme bydleli. = We have lived in those cities. Včera bylo v těch ulicích mnoho lidí. = Yesterday there were many people in that street. Kuchyně jsou v jejich domech malé. = The kitchens in their houses are small. Domy jsou v těch ulicích příliš malé. = The houses on those streets are too small. Kateřina v tom domě bydlet nechce. = Kateřina does not want to live in that house. V těchto dvou nových domech bydlí mladé rodiny. = Young families live in these two new houses. Lesson 3[] zahrada = garden Včera jsme na zahradě nebyli. = We were not in the garden yesterday. Pracuje na třech zahradách. = He works in three gardens. Na zahradě nosím staré kalhoty a svetr. = I wear old pants and a sweater in the garden. Na zahradě máme čtyří staré stromy. = We have four old trees in our garden. Vy jste spali na nádraží? = Did you sleep at the train station? Čekáme na tebe na nádraží. = We are waiting for you at the train station. Můj bratranec pracuje na nádraží. = My cousin works at the train station. Naše dcery spí v malé posteli = Our daughters sleep in a small bed. Na tvé posteli sedí liška. = There is a fox sitting on your bed. Moje sestřenice si čte v posteli. = My cousin reads in her bed. Ráno viděla moje dcera tvůj dopis na stole. = In the morning, my daughter saw your letter on the desk. Kdy Kateřina viděla na stole ten dopis? = When did Kateřina see the letter on the desk? Na stole jsou talíře, vidličky, nože a lžíce. = There are plates, forks, knives and spoons on the table. Jestli chceš pivo, jedno je na stole. = If you want a beer, there is one on the table. Jaké máš na talíři maso? = What kind of meat do you have on your plate? František nese hrušky na talíři. = František is carrying pears on the plate. To jídlo na talíři bylo moje. = The food on the plate was mine. Lesson 4[] kancelář = office letiště = airport Pracuje Žofie v kanceláři nebo doma? = Does Žofie work in the office or at home? Ve vaši kanceláři je koza. = There is a goat in your office. Matěj často spí v kanceláři. = Matěj often sleeps at the office. V této kanceláři jsou tři židle. = There are three chairs in this office. Jeho strýcové bydlí v hotelu. = His uncles live in a hotel. V tom hotelu jsou špinavé postele. = There are dirty beds in that hotel. Nikdy jsem nespala v tom hotelu. = I have never slept in that hotel. Ve vašich obchodech čaj nekupujeme. = We do not buy tea in your stores. Kupuješ mléko v obchodě? = Do you buy milk at the store? Kateřina prodává okna v tom nověm obchodě. = Kateřina sells windows in that new store. Jsou na novém nádraží? = Are they at the new train station? Hledal jste jej na novém letišti? = Did you look for him at the new airport? Chtěli čekat na letišti. = They wanted to wait at the airport. Kolik hodin už jsou na letišti? = How many hours have they already been at the airport? Jak často jíte v restauracích? = How often do you eat in restaurants? Já v téhle restauraci nedělám. = I do not work at this restaurant. Pili jsme pivo v té nové restauraci. = We were drinking beer at the new restaurant. Ona nesnáší restaurace na nádražích. = She cannot stand restaurants at train stations. Restaurace na letištích nemám ráda. = I do not like restaurants at airports. Jeho strýc má restaurace na dvou letištích. = His uncle has restaurants at two airports. Už na letištích spát nechceme. = We do not want to sleep at airports anymore. Kateřina pracuje v hotelech pět let. = Kateřina has been working in hotels for five years. Kolik stojí jedna noc v drahých hotelech? = How much is one night in expensive hotels? V tom novém hotelu je dvacet pokojů. = There are twenty rooms in the new hotel. V těchto hotelech jsou pokoje příliš špinavé. = The rooms in these hotels are too dirty. Nevím, ve kterém pokoji jsme byli. = I do not know which room we were in. Žofie bydlela ve kterém pokoji? = In which room did Žofie live? Ve kterém pokoji spíš? = In which room do you sleep? Pavouci často sedí na svých postelích a pláčou. = Spiders often sit on their beds and cry. Vaše děti už neleží v postelích. = Your children are not lying on beds anymore. Proč jste v našich postelích? = Why are you in our beds? Na oranžových talířích ta polévka vypadá špatně. = On orange plates, that soup looks bad. Na jejich talířích je asi jídla málo. = There is probably little food on their plates. Na nádražích se bojíme myší. = We are afraid of mice at train stations. Matěje hledají na čtyřech nádražích. = They are looking for Matěj at four stations. Co máte rádi na našem hotelu? = What do you like about our hotel? Také bydlite v tomto domě? = Do you also live in this house? František tehdy bydlel v dost zvláštním domě. = František was living in a rather strange house at the time. Byly jsme ve zvláštním městě. = We were in a strange city. Tohle na našem městě miluji. = I love this about our city. V tomto městě jsou tři letiště. = There are three airports in this city. Co prodávají v tamtom zvláštním obchodě? = What do they sell in that strange shop? Viděli jsme ji na tamtom nádraží. = We have seen her at that train station. Co je na jejím stole? = What is on her table? Na jejím talíři sedí dvě mouchy. = There are two flies sitting on her plate. Kateřina na mě čeká v mém pokoji. = Kateřina is waiting for me in my room. Kateřina v tamtom pikoji bydlela jen dva dny. = Kateřina lived in that room for only two days. Hledala jsem tě v jejím pokoji. = I was looking for you in her room. Chci spát v tomto pokoji. = I want to sleep in this room. Které věci nenávidí Žofie na našem pokoji? = Which things does Žofie hate about our room? Co děláš v mém pokoji? = What are you doing in my room? Proč je v mém pokoji koza? = Why is there a goat in my room? === Skill 30 - Numbers_3 === Lesson 1[] Hledáme ženy od dvaceti do třiceti let. = We are looking for women from twenty to thirty. Kam vedeš těch třicet krav? = Where are you taking those thirty cows? Opravdu ten nůž stojí třicet jedna korun? = Does the knife really cost thirty-one crowns? Počítá těch čtyřicet dva jablek. = He is counting those forty-two apples. Ptáme se čtyřiceti dvou matek. = We are asking forty-two mothers. Na tenhle den už se těším padesát dva let! = I have been looking forward to this day for forty-two years. Čtyřicet pět korun, prosím. = Forty-five crowns, please. Pavouků tam už je čtyřicet sedm. = There are forty-seven spiders there already. Chce padesát černých koní. = She wants fifty black horses. Máš padesát devět korun? = Do you have fifty-nine crowns? Trvá to od padesáti do šedesáti pěti minut. = It lasts from fifty to sixty-five minutes. Kdo koupil těch šedesát knih? = Who bought those sixty books. Stěžujete si na šedesát čtyři věcí. = You complain about sixty-four things. Potřebujeme už jen šedesát osm korun. = We just need another sixty-eight crowns. Lesson 2[] Koupil žrádlo pro sedmdesát zvířat. = He bought food for seventy animals. Peru pro sedmdesát jedna chlapců. = I do laundry for seventy-one boys. Čeká na sedmdesát dva dívek. = He is waiting for seventy-two girls. Máš osmdesát korun? = Do you have eighty crowns? Tento dům tady osmdesát stojí = This house has stood for eighty years. Tento dům tady stojí osmdesát šest let. = This house has been standing here for eighty-six years. Měli jen osmdesát devět židlí pro devadesát lidí. = They had only eighty-nine chairs for ninety people. Devadesát devět korun za jedno pivo je příliš! = Ninety-nine crowns for one beer is too much. Kdo potřeboval sto dva eur? = Who needed one hundred and two euros? Chci to triko za sto osmnáct eur! = I want that t-shirt for one hundred and eighteen euros. Ta kniha stojí sto devadesát pět eur. = That book costs one hundred and ninety-five euros. Lesson 3[] Prodávám těchto dvě stě zajímavých knih. = I am selling these two hundred interesting books. Pracuje tady dvě stě třicet lidí. = Two hundred and thirty people work here. Bydlelo tam dvě stě padesát pět rodin. = There were two hundred and fifty-five families living there. Kateřina mě učí tři sta nových slov. = Kateřina is teaching me three hundred new words. Starají se o tři sta šestnáct psů. = They are taking care of three hundred and sixteen dogs. Tento rok má tři sta šedesát šest dnů. = This year has three hundred and sixty-six days. Kde je ten čtyři sta let starý strom? = Where is the four hundred year old tree? Kde je ten čtyři sta let starý strom? = Where are those four hundred and five old trees. Prodávám kočku za čtyři sta dvacet tři eur. = I am selling a cat for four hundred and twenty-three euros. Jejich syn koupil čtyři sta padesát jedna medvědů. = Their son bought four hundred and fifty-one bears. Co tady dělá těch pět set ošklivých ptáků? = What are those five hundred ugly birds doing here? Roste tam pět set dvacet stromů. = Five hundred and twenty trees grow there. Je nás pět set čtyřicet jedna. = There are five hundred and forty one of us. Včera koupil šest set třináct knih. = He bought six hundred and thirteen books yesterday. Je to matka šest set šedesáti dvou malých pavouků. = It is the mother of six hundred and sixty-two small spiders. Proč potřebuješ kabát za šest set osmdesát devět eur? = Why do you need a coat for six hundred and eighty-nine euros? Lesson 4[] Kdo hledal sedm set čtyřicet osm nožů? = Who was looking for seven hundred and forty-eight knives? Třicet osm dnů je devět set dvanáct hodin? = Thirty-eight days is nine hundred and twelve hours? Ne, osm set devadesát tři vidliček nemám. = No, I do not have eight hundred and ninety-three forks. Mouchy často žijou tisíc hodin. = Flies often live for one thousand hours. Máme devět set mužů, ale jen sedm set žen. = We have nine hundred men but only seven hundred women. Den má tisíc čtyři sta čtyřicet minut. = One day has one thousand four hundred and forty minutes. Pamatuju si téměř devět set slov! = I remember almost nine hundred words! Zbývá osm set osmnáct korun. = Eight hundred and eighteen crowns is left. Ten hrad už tam stojí osm set deset let. = That castle has been standing there for eight hundred and ten years. Tehdy koupili tisíc sedm set zvířat = They bought one thousand seven hundred animals then. === Skill 31 - Body === Lesson 1[] ruka = hand noha = foot krk = neck tělo = body ta hlava = the head Nosí malé boty, protože má malé nohy. = He wears small shoes because he has small feet. Mají pavouci krky? = Do spiders have necks? Jeho tělo je hezké. = Its body is nice. Vidím jen tři hlavy. = I see only three heads. Tenhle kůň má velmi dlouhý krk. = This horse has a very long neck. Na nohou nosíme ponožky. = We wear socks on our feet. Existuje zvíře bez krku? = Is there an animal without a neck? Matěj je hlava naší rodiny. = Matej is the head of our family. Ta žena drží v rukou knihy. = That woman is holding books in her hands. Jeho ruce jsou studené. = His hands are cold. František má velkou hlavu. = Frantisek has a large head. Mám velmi krátké ruce. = I have very short arms. Tělo ma hlavu, dvě ruce a dvě nohy. = The body has a head, two arms and two legs. Koně mají čtyři nohy. = Horses have four legs. Včera hledala její tělo. = Yesterday she was looking for her body. Lesson 2[] nos = nose vlasy = hair Žofie měla hezký nos. = Zofie had a nice nose. Jeho nos roste! = His nose is growing. Chci nový nos! = I want a new nose. Přišel o nos. = He lost his nose. Vidím, protože mám oči. = I see because I have eyes. Moje matka má modré oči. = My mother has blue eyes. Tvoje matka nevidí na pravé oko. = My mother does not see out of her right eye. František nemá velké uši. = Frantisek does not have big ears. Potřebují vidět vaše uši. = They need to see your ears. Mám rád krátké vlasy. = I like short hair. Můj dědeček už nemá vlasy. = My grandfather does not have hair anymore. Má velmi drahé vlasy. = He has very expensive hair. Jak rychle rostou vlasy? = How fast does hair grow? Tenhle člověk má zelené oči, malé uši a černé vlasy. = This person has green eyes, small ears and black hair. Lesson 3[] ústa = mouth To bolí! = It hurts. Nemám rád dlouhé prsty. = I do not like long fingers. Má plná ústa, ale snaží se mluvit. = His mouth is full but he is trying to speak. Kolik máš prstů? = How many fingers do you have? Žofie má na pravé ruce šest prstů. = Zofie has six fingers on her right hand. Dvě jeho ženy přišly o hlavu. = Two of his wives lost their heads. Malé děti mají dvacet zubů. = Little children have twenty teeth. Kdy přišel? = When did he come? Přišel o dva zuby. = He lost two teeth. Naše dítě bolí zuby. = Our child has a toothache. Téměř jsem přišel o prst. = I nearly lost a finger. Stále tě bolí hlava? = Do you still have a headache? Co máš v ústech? = What do you have in your mouth? Zuby jsou v ústech. = Teeth are in the mouth. Lesson 4[] oko = eye (singular, nominative, accusative) ucho = ear (singular, nominative, accusative) levé oko = left eye rty = lips (plural, nominative, accusative) obličeje = faces (plural, nominative, accusative) červené tváře = red cheeks tu krásnou tvář = the beautiful face (singular, nominative, accusative) jeho obličej = his face (singular, nominative, accusative) na její tváři = on her face (singular, dative) Mají plné rty. = They have full lips. Jeho rty byly modré. = His lips were blue. Díval se na její rty? = Was he looking at her lips? Bolí mě levé oko. = My left eye hurts. Ten vlk přišel o jedno oko. = That wolf has lost one eye. Na levé ucho neslyší. = He is deaf in his left ear. Ale tohle ucho je příliš malé. = But this ear is too small. Tento chlapec nema levé ucho. = This boy is missing his left ear. Matěji, máš červené tváře. = Matej, your cheeks are red. Co je to na její tváři? = What is that on her face? Myslím na tu krásnou tvář. = I am thinking of that beautiful face. Máš na obličeji pavouka! = You have a spider on your face! Jak vypadají jejich obličeje? = What do their faces look like? Nepamatuji si jeho obličej, = I do not remember his face. Lesson 5[] nemocní lidé = sick people nemocná = sick (adjective, feminine, singular) nemocní = sick (adjective, masculine, plural) kosti = bones (plural, nominative, accusative) krev = blood (singular nominative, accusative; plural accusative) kost a kůže = bone and skin (= English "skin and bones") zdravá = healthy (adjective, feminine, singular) zdravé = healthy (adjective, neuter, singular) zdravý = healthy (adjective, masculine, singular) zdraví = healthy (adjective, masculine, plural) Krev není voda. = Blood is not water. Nikdy nebyl nemocný? = Was he never sick? Moje kůže je studená. = My skin is cold. Náš pes ji rád kosti. = Our dog likes to eat bones. Naše děti jsou zdravé. = Our children are healthy. Stará se o nemocné lidi. = He takes care of sick people. Kateřina je kost a kůže. = Katerina is skin and bones. Je tvoje matka stále nemocná? = Is your mother still sick? Ne, naši rodiče nejsou zdraví. = No, our parents are not healthy. Jste zdravá? = Are you healthy? Kde jsi viděl ty kosti? = Where did you see the bones? Jeho kůže byla zelená. = Its skin was green. Krev není voda. = Blood is not water. I naše krev je červená. = Even our blood is red. Opravdu je to krev? = Is it really blood? Má na rukou krev. = He has blood on his hands. Máte na rukou jeho krev. = You have his blood on your hands. === Skill 32 - Months === Lesson 1[] leden = January (singular nominative, accusative) únor = February (singular nominative, accusative) březen = March (singular only, nominative, accusative) v březnu = in March (singular only, locative) v lednu = in January (singular, locative) v únoru = in February (singular, locative) měsíců = months (plural genitive) měsíc = month (singular nominative, accusative) zimy = winters (plural nominative, accusative) zimu = winter (singular accusative) Od února = since February (singular, genitive) Který je měsíc? = Which month is it? Kdo se těší na leden? = Who is looking forward to January? Leden je velmi studený měsíc. = January is a very cold month. V lednu jsme tam viděli vlka. = In January, we saw a wolf there. Je únor? = Is it February? Co dělal v únoru? = What did he do in February? Od února jsme ho neviděli. = We have not seen him since February. V února hodně jím. = In February, I eat a lot. Jsem rád, že únor je krátký měsíc. = I am glad that February is a short month. Dnes začíná březen. = March starts today. Těšíš se na březen? = Are you looking forward to March? Proč nesnášís zimu? = Why can't you stand winter? Proč nenávidíš zimu? = Why do you hate winter? V březnu jedeme domů. = We are going home in March. Pracuji na tom pět měsíců. = I have been working on it for five months. Zimy tady jsou studené a dlouhé. = Winters here are cold and long. Lesson 2[] první duben = the first of April (singular nominative, accusative) květen = May (singular nominative, accusative) červen = June (singular nominative, accusative) jaro = spring (singular nominative, accusative) prvního června = the first of June (singular genitive) v dubnu = in April (singular locative) v květnu = in May (singular locative) v červnu = in June (singular locative) Na jaře = in the spring (singular locative) od dubna do května = from April to May (dative) Začíná jaro. = Spring is beginning. Napsal tu knihu na jaře? = Did he write the book in the spring? Květen je můj oblibeny měsíc. = May is my favorite month. V červnu tady jsou dlouhé dny. = In June, the days are long here. Naše zahrada je v květnu krásná. = Our garden is beautiful in May. To nádraží bylo celý červen zavřené. = The train station was closed the entire month of June. Nepamatujeme si, co jsme dělali v dubnu. = We do not remember what we were doing in April. Trvá to od dubna do května. = It lasts from April till May. Prvního června tady nebyla. = She was not here on the first of June. Na jaře pracujeme na zahradě. = In the spring, we work in the garden. První duben je zajimavý den. = The first of April is an interesting day. Lesson 3[] červenec = July (singular, nominative or accusative) srpen = August (singular, nominative or accusative) září = September (nominative or accusative) v červenci = in July (singular, locative) v srpnu = in August (singular, locative) v září = in September (singular, locative) léto = summer (singular, nominative or accusative) v létě = in summer (singular, locative) ve třetím měsíci = in the third month (singular locative) ve čtvrtém měsíci. = in the fourth month (singular locative) v prvním a druhém měsíci = in the first and second month (singular locative) Je srpen? = Is it August? Miliju léto. = I love summer. Těším se na září. = I am looking forward to September. Léto je tady. = Summer is here. Kdy byl červenec? = When was July? V létě příliš nejí. = In the summer, it does not eat too much. Byla jsem ve třetím měsíci. = I was in my third month. Kateřina je ve čtvrtém měsíci. = Katerina is in her fourth month. Berete se v červenci nebo v srpnu? = Are you getting married in July or in August? V srpnu jíme jablka a hrušky. = In August, we got apples and pears. V září začíná škola. = School begins in September. V červenci pijeme hodně vody. = We drink a lot of water in July. Proč jsi tam nejel v září, Františku? = Why did you not go there in September, Frantisek? V prvním a druhém měsíci jsem ještě jedla všechno. = In my first and second month, I still was eating everything. Lesson 4[] říjen = October (singular, nominative or accusative) třetího října = third of October (singular genitive) v říjnu = in October (singular locative) listopad = November (singular, nominative or accusative) od listopadu do března = from November to March (dative) v listopadu = in November (singular locative) prosinec = December (singular, nominative or accusative) v prosinci = in December (singular locative) podzim = Autumn (singular, nominative or accusative) barvy podzimu = Autumn's colours (singular genitive, dative, locative. This example is genitive) Podzim mám ráda. = I like autumn. Tady je v říjnu podzim. = It is autumn here in October. Má listopad třicet dnů? = Does November have thirty days? V prosinci pijeme teplý čaj. = In December, we drink hot tea. Chlapci jedou třetího října domů. = The boys are going home on the third of October. Medvědi spí od listopadu do března. = Bears sleep from November to March. Červená, žlutá a oranžová jsou barvy podzimu. = Red, yellow and orange are the fall colors. Říjen není příliš teplý měsíc. = October is not a very warm month. Říjen není moc teplý měsíc. = October is not a very warm month. Kateřina v prosinci nepracuje. = Katerina does not work in December. Pamatuješ si ten prosinec? = Do you remember that December? Má teta měla v listopadu další dítě. = My aunt had another child in November. Tohle staré město je na podzim krásné. = This old town is beautiful in the fall. === Skill 33 - Loc/Topics === Lesson 1[] o něm = about him o té knize = about the book o tvé babičce = about your grandmother o její babičce a tvém dědečkovi = about her grandmother and your grandfather o svém dědečkovi = about my/his/her grandfather (svém refers to the subject of the sentence) o své babičce = about my/his/her grandmother o které knize = about which book O tvé babičce? = About your grandmother? O své babičce napsala knihu. = She wrote a book about her grandmother. Co víš o té knize? = What do you know about that book? Já o té knize vím málo. = I know little about that book. Víme a něm málo. = We know little about him. Mluví o svém dědečkovi? = Is he talking about his grandfather? O svém dědečkovi příliš nevís. = You do not know too much about your grandfather. Četla jsem knihu o tvém dědečkovi. = I was reading a book about your grandfather. Tu knihu jsem napsala o svém dědečkovi, no a tvém. = I wrote that book about my grandfather not yours. O něm jsem mluvit nechtěl. = I did not want to talk about him. O tvé babičce? = About your grandmother? O které knize? = About which book? Napsal jsem o něm už dvacet dva knih. = I have aready written twenty-two books about him. Čteme ten dopis o její babičce a tvém dědečkovi. = We are reading the letter about her grandma and your grandpa. Lesson 2[] devět takových míst = nine such places (takových is locative case of takový) o svém muži = about her husband ta místa = that place o své ženě = about his wife o vašem muži = about your husband o vašem dítěti = about your child o tobě nebo o mně? = about your or about me? o mojí ženě = about my wife o ženě, jejím muži a jejich dítěti = about a woman, her husband and their child o tobě = about you Znáš to místo? = Do you know that place? Ještě o vašem dítěti nevědí. = They do not yet know about your child. Kateřina to napsala o vašem muži. = Kateřina wrote it about your husband. Ano, mluvil jsem o vašem dítěti. = Yes, I was talking about your child. Nevím, co si o tobě myslet. = I do not know what to think about you. Kdo to o mně říká? = Who says that about me? Mluví jen o svém muži. = She only talks about her husband. Ta místa už neexistují. = Those places no longer exist. Je devět takových míst. = There are nine such places. Mluvily o tobě nebo o mně? = Were they talking about you or about me? Můj bratr o své ženě nikdy nemluví. = My brother never speaks about his wife. Ještě o tobě a mojí ženě nevědí. = They do not know about you and my wife yet. Co o mně chtěla vědět? = What did she want to know about me? Tato kniha je o ženě, jejím muži a jejich dítěti. = This book is about a woman, her husband and their child. Lesson 3[] v těch knihách = in the books (plural locative) o mužích = about men (plural locative) o ženách = about women (plural locative) na těch mužích = in those men (plural locative) o Matějovi = about Matej (proper noun, locative) o svých babičkách = about their grandmothers (plural locative) o svých dědečcích. = about their grandfathers (plural locative) o svých babičkách a dědečcích = about their grandmothers and grandfathers (plural locative) o knihách = about books (plural locative) o našich babičkách = about our grandmothers na mužích = about men (plural locative) o dětech = about children (plural locative) O našich babičkách? = About our grandmas? O knihách vím málo. = I know little about books. Co miluješ na mužích? = What do you love about men? Nevím co no těch mužích vidíš. = I do not know what you see in those men. Co si myslíš o mužích? = What do you think about men? Co ale já vím o ženách? = But what do I know about women? Proč čteš knihy o dětech? = Why are you reading books about children? O Matějovi píšu dlouhou knihu. = I am writing a long book about Matěj. Nejdřív o Žofii a potom o Matějovi. = First about Žofie and then about Matěj. Matěj and František mluvili o svých babičkách? = Matěj and František were talking about their grandmothers. Napsal pět knih o dětech a dědečcích. = He wrote five books about children and grandfathers. Žofie nechce mluvit o dětech. = Žofie does not want to talk about children. Kateřina a Žofie mluví o svých dědečcích. = Kateřina and Žofie are talking about their grandfathers. Co je v těch knihách? = What is in the books? O svých babičkách a dědečcích víme málo. = We know little about our grandmothers and grandfathers. Na mých knihách spi koza. = There is a goat sleeping on my books. O ženách stále mluvi, ale chápe je velmi málo. = He still talks about women but understands very little about them. Potřebujume ještě dvě věty o Matějovi a tři o Žofii. = We need two more sentences about Matěj and three more about Žofie. Říká o ženách velmi ošklivé věci. = He says very ugly things about women. Lesson 4[] V tomto časopise = in this magazine (singular locative) leží na tamhletom stole = on that table over there (singular locative) v jejím dopise = in her letter (singular locative) o tomhle městě = about that town (singular locative) v takovém bytě = in such an apartment (singular locative) v takovémto bytě = in an apartment like this one (singular locative) v takovémhle bytě = in an apartment like this (singular locative) o tamhletom muži = about that man over there (singular locative) v časopise pro děvčata = in a magazine for girls (singular locative) v takovémhle klobouku = in a hat like this (singular locative) Na takovémto náměstí? = On a square like this? Co hledáte v tom bytě? = What are you looking for in that apartment? O tomhle muži už víme. = We already know about this man. Bylo to v jejím dopise? = Was it in her letter? Na takovém letišti spal? = Was he sleeping at such an airport? O tamhletom muži vím všechno. = i know everything about that man. V tomto časopise není co číst. = There is nothing to read in this magazine. Četl jsem to v časopise pro děvčata. = I read it in a magazine for girls. Co víš o tomhle městě? = What do you know about this city? V takovémhle klobouku nevypadáš špatně. = You don't look bad in a hat like this. O tomhle jsem nikdy nemluvila. = I never have spoken about this. Vy chcete bydlet v takovém bytě? = Do you want to live in such an apartment? Naše veči leží na tamhletom stole. = Our things are on that table. V tamhletom bytě v pátek bylo padesát lidí. = There were fifty people in that apartment on Friday. V takovémto bytě chci bydlet. = I want to live in an apartment like this (or.. in such an apartment). Víte o takovém hotelu? = Do you know of such a hotel? Jeho bratranec koupil hezkou restauraci v takovémto městě. = His cousin bought a nice restaurant in a city like this. Lesson 5[] o jejich psovi = about their dog (singular locative) na cestě = on the way (singular locative) o tom ptákovi = about that bird (singluar locative) na Františkovi = about Frantisek, on Frantisek, up to Frantisel (proper noun locative) při cestě domů = on the way home (singular locative) na svém oslovi = on my donkey (singular locative) při jídle = during a meal (singular locative) v této láhvi = in that bottle (singular locative) při obědě = during lunch, at lunch (singular locative) při láhvi vína = over a bottle of wine (singular locative) v tom domě při cestě = in that house by the road (singular locative) láhev = bottle Jsme na cestě. = We are on the way. Stojíme při něm. = We stand by him. Při kterém jídle? = During what meal? Při jídle nemluvíme. = We do not speak during meals. Při cestě domů snědla sedmnáct jablek. = On the way home, she ate seventeen apples. Co je v té láhvi? = What's in that bottle? Co víš o tom ptákovi? = What do you know about that bird? Co víte o jejich psovi? = What do you know about their dog? Na Františkovi sedí liška. = There is a fox sitting on František. Kolik vody vypil při obědě? = How much water did he drink at lunch? Sedím na svvm oslovi. = I am sitting on my donkey. Co bylo v této láhvi? = What was in this bottle? Můj otec při jídle pije pivo. = My father drinks beer during meals. Na té láhvi sedí pták. = There is a bird sitting on that bottle. Tohle mám na Františkovi ráda. = I like this about František. Teď je na obědě. = He is out to lunch now. Mluvili jsme o tom při láhvi vína. = We talked about it over a bottle of wine. Bydlíme v tom domě při cestě. = We live in that house by the road. Tohle je na Františkovi. = This is up to František. Zase mluví o tom obědě? = Is she talking about that lunch again? Lesson 6[] po obědě = after lunch (singular locative) o Kateřině? = about Katerina (proper noun locative) o kom = about whom (singular locative) po pláži = along the beach (singular locative) o její matce = about her mother (singular locative) na čem = on what (singular locative) o jejím otci = about her father (singular locative) po otci nebo po matce = after his father or after his mother (who does he resemble, locative) O kom? = About whom? O čem? = About what? O čem je ta kniha? = What is the book about? Na čem sedíš. = What are you sitting on? O kom to říká? = Who is he saying that about? Po kom to dítě je? = Who does that child take after? Šli po pláži. = They were walking along the beach. O jejím otci příliš nevím. = I do not know too much about her father. Jsi po otci nebo po matce? = Do you take after your father or after your mother? Kateřina vůbec není po matce. = Kateřina does not take after her mother at all. Jdeme po pláži. = We are walking along the beach. Co si pamatuje o Kateřině on? = What does he remember about Kateřina? Nemluvil jsem o její matce. = I wasn't talking about her mother. Po jídle vždy spim. = After meals, I always sleep. Já chodím po pláži zřidka. = I seldom walk along the beach. Vi František, co si myslíme o Kateřině? = Does František know what we think about Kateřina? Tohle jsem o Kateřině nepotřeboval vědět. = I did not need to know this about Kateřina. Tohle o Katerine jsem nepotreboval. = I did not need to know this about Katerina. Můj bratr je úplně po otci. = My brother completely takes after our father. Lesson 7[] v našem žrádle pro psy = in our dog food (singular locative) po těch pivech = after those beers (plural locative) o tom autě = about that car (singular locative) v neděli = on Sunday (singular locative) v divadle = at the theatre (singular locative) ve vajíčkách = in eggs (plural locative) o těch slovech = about those words (plural locative) o autech = about cars (plural locative) v těchto jídlech = in those meals (plural locative) v oku = in my/his/her/the eye (singular locative) v tom jablku = in that apple (singular locative) na tom vajíčku = on that egg (singular locative) v pivu = in my/his/her/the beer (singular locative) o mase = about meat (singular locative) o divadlech = about theaters (plural locative) v mléku = in my/his/her/the milk (singular locative) v jablkách = in apples (plural locative) v tom mýdle = in that soap (singular locative) v tom slovu = in that word (singular locative) Más v pivu mouchu. = You have a fly in your beer. Mám v mlěku mouchu. = I have a fly in my milk. Co je ve vajíčkách? = What's in eggs? V jablkách je cukr. = There is sugar in apples. Dva roky spal v autě. = He slept in the car for two years. My mluvíme o tom autě. = We are talking about the car. Ve vajíčkách je cukru velmi málo. = There is very little sugar in eggs. Čtu knihy o divadlech. = I am reading books about theaters. V tom slovu byla láska. = There was love in that word. Je to časopis o autech. = It is a magazine about cars. Po těch pivech měl hlad. = After those beers, he was hungry. Co si myslíte o těch slovech? = What do you think about those words? V našem žrádle pro psy maso není. = There is no meat in our dog food. Ano, v neděli jsem byla v divadle. = Yes, I was in the theater on Sunday. Dnes na tom vajíčku sedí jiný pták. = A different bird is sitting on the egg today. František vždy mluví o jídlech své matky. = František always talks about his mother's meals. Co bylo v tom jablku? = What was in that apple? O těch slovech vůbec nevím. = I do not know about those words at all. V těchto jídlech bylo příliš cukru. = There was too much sugar in these meals. Co je v tom mýdle? = What is in that soap? Co ty víš o mase? = What do you know about meat? Strýc píše pro časopis o pivu. = My uncle writes for a magazine about beer. Lesson 8[] o kterém jménu = about which name (singular locative) o horkých nocích a studených ránech = about hot nights and cold mornings (plural locative) ve velkém městě = in a big city (singular locative) hodně zajímavých věcí o prasatech = many interesting things about pigs (plural locative) při svém děvčeti = by his/her girl (singular locative) o červených vínech = about red wines (plural locative) v oknech = in the windows (plural locative) na kuřatech = on the chicks (plural locative) v růžovém klobouku = in a pink hat (singular locative) o víně. = about wine (singular locative) ve starém domě. = in an old house (singular locative) o děvčatech = about girls (plural locative) v tamtom okně = in that window (singular locative) o tomto ránu = about this morning (singular locative) o praseti a kuřeti = about a pig and a chick (singular locative) po tom ránu = after that morning (singular locative) Co je ve víně? = What is in the wine? Na okně sedí ptáci. = There are birds sitting in the window. Kdo sedí v tamtom okně? = Who is sitting in that window? Bydlím ve starém domě. = I live in an old house. Bydlel ve velkém městě. = He lived in a big city. Asi ví o děvčatech málo. = He probably knows little about girls. Chci mluvit o tomto ránu. = I want to talk about this morning. V oknech bylo mnoho lidí. = There were many people in windows. O kterém jménu mluví Žofie? = Which name is Žofie talking about? Byla tam v růžovém klobouku. = She was there in a pink hat. Matěj stojí při svém děvčeti. = Matěj stands by his girl. O červených vínech příliš nevím. = I do not know much about red wines. Vím o prasatech hodně zajímavých věcí. = I know many interesting things about pigs. Je to kniha o horkých nocích a studených ránech. = It is a book about hot nights and cold mornings. V té knize píše o praseti a kuřeti. = In that book, he writes about a pig and a chicken. Ta slepice sedí na kuřatech. = Is that hen sitting on chicks? Po tom ránu byla nešťastná. = After that morning, she as unhappy. Píšu knihu o víně. = I have been writing a book about wine. Máte knihy o kuřatech a prasatech? = Do you have books about chickens and pigs? === Skill 34 - Ordinals === Lesson 1[] pátý = fifth (sing. male animate or inam., nom., inam. acc.) pátého = fifth (sing. male animate, acc.) pátá = fifth (sing. fem. nom.) pátou = fifth (sing. fem. acc.) pátém = fifth (sing. masc. or neut. loc.) šestý = sixth (sing. male animate or inam., nom., inam. acc.) šestého = sixth (sing. male animate, acc.) šestá = sixth (sing. fem. nom.) šestém = sixth (sing. masc. or neut. loc.) sedmý = seventh (sing. male animate or inam., nom., inam. acc.) sedmého = seventh (sing. male animate, acc.) sedmá = seventh (sing. fem. nom.) sedmém = seventh (sing. masc. or neut. loc.) osmý = eighth (sing. male animate or inam., nom., inam. acc.) osmého = eighth (sing. male animate, acc.) osmá = eighth (sing. fem. nom.) osmém = eighth (sing. masc. or neut. loc.) osmý = eighth Čekají šesté dítě. = They are expecting their sixth child. Je v sedmém měscíci. = She is in her seventh month. Píše svou pátou knihu. = He is writing his fifth book. Pátek je pátý den týdne. = Friday is the fifth day of the week. Kdo byl její sedmý manžel? = Who was her seventh husband? Osmý den naší cesty nezačíná dobře. = The eighth day of our trip is not beginning well. Je pátek pátý nebo šestý den týdne? = Is Friday the fifth or sixth day of the week? Sobotu tady považujeme za šestý den týdne. = We consider Saturday the sixth day of the week here. Tohle je dnes můj pátý sálek kávy. = This is my fifth cup of coffee today. Po sedmé sklenici vína se necítí dobře. = After the seventh glass of wine, he is not feeling well. Berete se sedmého nebo osmého? = Are you getting married on the seventh or eighth? Bydlíš už v osmém bytě? = Are you already living in your eighth apartment? Lesson 2[] devátý = ninth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.) devátého = ninth (sing. male animate or neut., acc.) devátá = ninth (sing. fem. nom.) devátou = ninth (sing. fem. acc.) devátém = ninth (sing. masc. or neut. locative) desátý = tenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.) desátého = tenth (sing. male animate or neut., acc.) desátá = tenth (sing. fem. nom.) desátou = tenth (sing. fem. acc.) desátém = tenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative) jedenáctý = eleventh (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.) jedenáctého = eleventh (sing. male animate or neut., acc.) jedenáctá = eleventh (sing. fem. nom.) jedenáctou = eleventh (sing. fem. acc.) jedenáctém = eleventh (sing. masc. or neut. locative) dvanáctý = twelfth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.) dvanáctého = twelfth (sing. male animate or neut., acc.) dvanáctá = twelfth (sing. fem. nom.) dvanáctou = twelfth (sing. fem. acc.) dvanáctém = twelfth (sing. masc. or neut. locative) jedenáctý = eleventh dvanáctý = twelfth Jeli jste tam devátého? = Did you go there on the ninth? To je naše devátá mašina. = That is our ninth machine. To je naše devátý mašina. = That is our ninth machine. Kde je dvanáctá vidlička? = Where is the twelfth fork? Jedenáctý dopis tady není. = The eleventh letter is not here. Desátý večer byl dost zvláštní. = The tenth evening was quite strange. František teď píše svou jedenáctou knihu. = František is writing his eleventh book now. O čem psala v devátém dopisu? = What did she write about in her ninth letter? Jejich jména byla v desátém dopisu. = Their names were in the tenth letter. Je dnes jedenáctého nebo dvanáctého? = Is today the eleventh or twelfth? Ve svém dvanáctém dopisu o tom nepíše. = In his twelfth letter, he does not write about it. Desátého asi v kanceláři nebyla. = On the tenth, she probably was not in the office. Lesson 3[] třináctý = thirteenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.) třináctého = thirteenth (sing. male animate acc.) třináctá = thirteenth (sing. fem. nom.) třináctou = thirteenth (sing. fem. acc.) třináctém = thirteenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative) čtrnáctý = fourteenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.) čtrnáctého = fourteenth (sing. male animate acc.) čtrnáctá = fourteenth (sing. fem. nom.) čtrnáctou = fourteenth (sing. fem. acc.) čtrnáctém = fourteenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative) patnáctý = fifteenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.) patnáctého = fifteenth (sing. male animate or neut., acc.) patnáctá = fifteenth (sing. fem. nom.) patnáctou = fifteenth (sing. fem. acc.) patnáctém = fifteenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative) šestnáctý = sixteenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.) šestnáctého = sixteenth (sing. male animate acc.) šestnáctá = sixteenth (sing. fem. nom.) šestnáctou = sixteenth (sing. fem. acc.) šestnáctém = sixteenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative) třináctý = thirteenth čtrnáctý = fourteenth patnáctý = fifteenth šestnáctý = sixteenth Už je čtrnáctého? = Is it the fourteenth yet? Dnes je pátek třináctého. = Today is Friday the thirteenth. Třináctou knihu nenapsal. = He never wrote his thirteenth book. Třináctou knihu nenapsal. = He did not write his thirteenth book. Hledala svou třináctou ovci. = She was looking for her thirteenth sheep. Matěj kupuje svůj patnáctý dům. = Matěj is buying his fifteenth house. Ne, třináctého je ve čtvrtek. = No, the thirteenth is on Thursday. Přišel včera o svůj šestnáctý zub. = He lost his sixteenth tooth yesterday. Šestnáctá minuta byla opravdu důležitá. = The sixteenth minute was really important. Čtrnáctý den jsme jedli jen ty zvláštní hrušky. = On the fourteenth day, we only ate the strange pears. Už napsal svou třináctou knihu? = Has he written his thirteenth book yet? Co jedli lidé ve čtrnáctém století? = What did people eat in the fourteenth century? Tohle slovo znali už v patnáctém století. = They already knew this word in the fifteenth century. Byla to jejich patnáctá zima? = Was it their fifteenth winter? Koně tady žijou od šestnáctého století. = Horses have lived here since the sixteenth century. Lesson 4[] sedmnáctý = seventeenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.) sedmnáctého = seventeenth (sing. male animate acc.) sedmnáctá = seventeenth (sing. fem. nom.) sedmnáctou = seventeenth (sing. fem. acc.) sedmnácté = seventeenth (sing. neut. nom. or acc.) sedmnáctém = seventeenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative) osmnáctý = eighteenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.) osmnáctého = eighteenth (sing. male animate acc.) osmnáctá = eighteenth (sing. fem. nom.) osmnácté = eighteenth (sing. neut. nom. or acc.) osmnáctou = eighteenth (sing. fem. acc.) osmnáctém = eighteenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative) devatenáctý = nineteenth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.) devatenáctého = nineteenth (sing. male animate or neut., acc.) devatenáctá = nineteenth (sing. fem. nom.) devatenácté = nineteenth (sing. neut. nom. or acc.) devatenáctou = nineteenth (sing. fem. acc.) devatenáctém = nineteenth (sing. masc. or neut. locative) dvacátý = twentieth (sing. male anim. or inam. nom., inam. acc.) dvacátého = twentieth (sing. male animate acc.) dvacátá = twentieth (sing. fem. nom.) dvacáté = twentieth (sing. neut. nom. or acc.) dvacátou = twentieth (sing. fem. acc.) dvacátém = twentieth (sing. masc. or neut. locative) o mých osmnáctých narozeninách = on my eighteenth birthday (locative case) svých osmnáctých narozeninách = her eighteenth birthday (genitive case) sedmnáctý = seventeenth osmnáctý = eighteenth devatenáctý = nineteenth dvacátý = twentieth Byl to sedmnáctý týden. = It was the seventeenth week. Sedmnáctá minuta byla důležitá. = The seventeenth minute was important. Co vás učí o osmnáctém století? = What do they teach you about the eighteenth century? Ve dvacátém století jsem byl šťastný. = In the twentieth century, I was happy. Devatenáctá sobota roku je vždy v květnu. = The nineteenth Saturday of the year is always in May. Dnes je její devatenáctý den v této kanceláři. = Today is her nineteenth day in this office. V devatenáctém století to ještě nebylo ani malé město. = In the nineteenth century, it was not even a small town yet. Dvacátého měla Kateřina narozeniny. = On the twentieth, it was Kateřina's birthday. Těším se na své sedmnácté narozeniny. = I am looking forward to my seventeenth birthday. Žofie už o svých osmnáctých narozeninách byla vdaná. = Žofie was already married on her eighteenth birthday. Dnes mám dvacáté narozeniny. = Today is my twentieth birthday. Do svých osmnáctých narozenin nevypila ani jednu sklenici vína. = Until her eighteenth birthday, she hadn't drunk even one glass of wine. === Skill 35 - Verbs:_Past_2 === Lesson 1[] věděla = she knew nevěděli jste = you (plural or polite) did not know našel = he found našla = she found našli jste = you found pamatoval = he remembered pamatovala = she remembered nepamatovala = she did not remember cítila jsi = you (female informal) felt cítily jsme = we felt necítil jsem = I didn't feel zapomněl = he forgot nezapomněla = she did not forget sežral = he ate sežraly = they (female) ate Kde ho našla? = Where did she find him? Našel nový byt. = He found a new apartment. Už jste ji našli? = Have you found her yet? Cítily jsme kávu. = We smelled coffee. Zase jsi zapomněl? = Did you forget again? Jak se cítila jsi včera? = How did she feel yesterday? Co sežralo naše ovce? = What ate our sheep? Vy jste o tom nevěděli? = You didn't know about it? Nevěděl, kde to hledat. = He did not know where to look for it. Nikdy na něho nezapomněla. = She never forgot about him. Kateřina vždy věděla, co chce. = Kateřina always knew what she wanted. Protože si pamatovala, že je vdaná. = Because she remembered that she was married. Zapomněla jeho jméno, ale ne jeho slova. = She forgot his name but not his words. Ta holka si ani nepamatovala moje jméno. = That girl did not even remember my name. Necítil se dobře. = He was not feeling well. Co sežraly naše ovce? = What did our sheep eat? Kolik si toho pamatoval? = How much did he remember? Já jsem se nikdy necítil tak šťastný. = I have never felt this happy. Co jsi cítila? = What did you feel? Tvůj dopis sežral pes. = A dog ate your letter. Lesson 2[] seděl = he sat seděli jsme = we sat seděly = they sat běžel = he ran běžela = she ran běželi jste = you (male) ran žil = he lived žili = they lived nežil = he did not live ležel = there was, there lay, he lay ležela = she lay leželo = it (neuter) lay stal = he stood stala = she stood stalo = it happened nestáli = they did not stand nestála jsi = you (female) didn't care Kdy se to stalo? = When did it happen? Protože nestáli. = Because they did not stand! Na stole ležel nůž. = There was a knife on the table. Kam běžela ta kráva? = Where was the cow running to? Kolik stála to pohovka? = How much did the sofa cost? Kde leželo jejich město? = Where did their city lie? Protože jsi o mě nestála. = Because you didn't care for me! Seděli jsme na její posteli. = We were sitting on her bed. Kde seděly? = Where did they sit? Proč jste běželi tak rychle? = Why were you running so fast? Stal se z něj úspěšný člověk. = He became a successful man. Včera celý den ležela v posteli. = Yesterday she lay in bed all day. Nežil dlouho. = He did not live long. Jak dlouho tam žili? = How long did they live there? Dlouho seděl u okna. = He sat by the window for a long time. Tři měsíce žil ve svém automobilu. = For three months, he lived in his car. Stalo se to velmi rychle. = It happened very quickly. Po ulici běžel medvěd. = There was a bear running down the street. Stál u ledničky. = He was standing by the fridge. Lesson 3[] dostala = she received, got dostal jsem = I received, got dostali jsme = we received, got čekal = he waited nečekal = he did not wait čekaly = they waited (fem. plural) čekali = they waited (mas. animate plural) začal = he started začala = she started začalo = it started (neuter) trvala = she took (e.g. she took a long time) trvalo = it took netravala = it didn't take her (long) vzal = he married vzali = they married nevzali = they did not marry skončil = he finished skončila = she finished skončili = they finished Dostali jsme ho. = We got him! Nevzali dost jídla. = They did not bring enough food. Tohle jsem nečekal. = I was not expecting this. Začalo to ve čtvrtek. = It started on Thursday. Jak dlouho to trvalo? = How long did it take? Červenec skončil včera. = July ended yesterday. Kateřina na tom trvala, = Kateřina insisted on it. Kdy začal psát tu knihu? = When did he begin writing the book? Školu skončila v červnu. = She finished school in June. Naši hoši skončili druzí. = Our boys finished second! Naši kluci skončili druzí. = Our boys finished second! Dostal jsem hlad a žízeň. = I got hungry and thirsty. Cesta do města netrvala dlouho. = The trip to the city did not take long. Svůj druhý rok začala v listopadu. = She began her second year in November. Jak dlouho Kateřina a Žofie čekaly na Matěje? = How long did Kateřina and Žofie wait for Matěj? Rychle se vzali, protože čekali rodinu. = They got married quickly because they were expecting. Žofie od něj v srpnu dostala dopis. = Žofie got a letter from him in August. František si ji vzal za ženu. = František married her. Lesson 4[] Vypadal jsem stejně? = Did I look the same? Kateřinu on miloval. = He loved Kateřina. Kam chodil pro pivo? = Where did he go to get beer? Vypadalo to jako cukr. = It looked like sugar. Kolik žen tě milovalo? = How many women loved you? Ale vypadala na dvacet. = But she looked twenty! Tehdy ho ještě milovala. = She still loved him then. Vždy si na mne stěžovala. = She always complained about me. On se o to nikdy nestaral. = He never cared about it. Na čem jste pracovaly včera ráno? = What were you working on yesterday morning? V neděli do restaurace nechodili. = They did not go to restaurants on Sundays. Naši dědečci chodili do školy i v sobotu. = Our grandfathers went to school even on Saturday. Byl chudý, ale téměř nikdy si nestěžoval. = He was poor but almost never complained. František od října do prosince nepracoval. = From October to December, František did not work. Když jsem byl nemocný, starala se o mě moje dcera. = When I was sick, my daughter took care of me. Děvčata v sobotu pracovala na zahradě. = The girls worked in the garden on Saturday. Kdo se staral o tvoje děti? = Who took care of your children? Stěžovala si, že polévka je studená. = He complained that the soup was cold. Stěžoval si, že je polévka studená. = He complained that the soup was cold. Vůbec nevypadal špatně. = He did not look bad at all. Lesson 5[] počkala = she waited nepočkal = he did not wait nepočkali = they did not wait (male animate they) poznala jsi = you knew, you recognized (female you) nepoznal = he did not know nepoznali = they did not know (male animate they) zavřel = he closed zavřeli = they closed (male animate they) zavřela = she closed nezavřela jsi = you did not close (female you) otevřel jsem = I opened neotevřela = she did not open ztratil = he lost ztratila = she lost otevřit = to open zavřit =to close ztratit = to lose Františeka zavřeli. = They locked up František. Dveře zavřel úplné. = He closed the door completely. Vůbec mne nepoznal. = He did not recognize me at all. Hlad nikdy nepoznali. = They never knew hunger. Počkala na ně na letišti? = Did she wait for them at the airport? Proč jsi ta okna nezavřela? = Why didn't you close those windows? Žofie v lednu ztratila manžela. = Žofie lost her husband in January. Matěj a Žofie na nás nepočkali. = Matěj and Žofie did not wait for us. Žofie dopis od Kateřiny neotevřela. = Žofie did not open the letter from Kateřina. Když jsem otevřel oči, můj pokoj byl prázdný. = When I opened my eyes, my room was empty. Na svého přítele nepočkal. = He did not wait for his friend. Poznala jsi svého přítele? = Did you recognize your friend? Nepláče, přestože ztratil přítele. = He is not crying even though he has lost a friend. Matěj v červenci u letiště otevřel novou restauraci. = In July, Matěj opened a new restaurant by the airport. Asi zase ztratil ponožku. = He probably lost a sock again. Kateřina pomalu zavřela oči. = Kateřina slowly closed her eyes. === Skill 36 - Verbs:_Modals_1 === Lesson 1[] mohu = I can mohu se dívat = can I watch mohou = they can nemohu = I cannot nemohou = they cannot moci = can Mohou pít mléko. = They can drink milk. Já mohu pít víno. = I can drink wine. Mohu se dívat ná televizi. = May I watch television? Jak mohou být tak hloupí? = How can they be so stupid? Jak mohou být tak hloupí? = How can they be that stupid? Nemohu jíst ani spát. = I cannot eat or sleep. Nemohu čekat další čtyři hodiny. = I cannot wait for another four hours. Jsou tak chudí, že se nemohou starat o své děti. = They are so poor that they cannot take care of their children. Lesson 2[] můžu = I can nemůžu = I cannot můžeme = we can můžete = you (plural/formal) can nemůžeš = you cannot Nemůžeš mít všechno. = You cannot have everything. Proč nemůžeš spát tady. = Why can't you sleep here? Můžeme tam jít v pátek. = We can go there on Friday. Nemůžu pít pivo, protože jsem dítě. = I cannot drink beer because I am a child. Jak toho člověka můžete poslouchat? = How can you listen to that person? Kateřinu já můžu poslouchat celý den. = I can listen to Kateřina all day. Já už to nemůžu poslouchat. = I can't listen to this any more. Lesson 3[] musíš = you must musím = I must nemusíte = you (plural/formal) do not have to musí = he/she/it must nemusíš = you do not have to musíme = we must Musíš tam jít. = You must go there! Nemusíte tady být. = You do not have to be here. To musí být František. = That must be František. Já pracuju jen proto, že musím. = I work only because I have to. Myslíš, že ty se nemusíš snažit? = Do you think that you do not need to try? Musíme se snažit. = We have to try. Nemusím se ani snažit. = I don't even have to try. Lesson 4[] musíte = you (plural/formal) must můžeš = you can smím = I may smíme = we may smějí = they may nesmí = he/she/it may not nesmíš = you may not nesmíme = we may not Nesmíš jíst tak rychle. = You must not eat so fast! To slovo říkat nesmíme? = We cannot say that word? Smíme číst jen tuto knihu. = We may read only this book. Nejdřív musíte sníst polévku. = First you have to eat soup. Smím sníst tu poslední hrušku? = May I eat the last pear? Matěj hrušky nesmí. = Matěj cannot have pears. Kolik vajíček můžeš sníst za pět minut? = How many eggs can you eat in five minutes? Psi sem smějí. = Dogs are allowed here. Lesson 5[] máš = you are supposed to, you should nemáš = you should not, you are not supposed to má = he/she/it is supposed to mám = I am supposed to, I should nemám = I am not supposed to, I should not nemáme = we should not, we are not supposed to Máš jít domů. = You are supposed to go home. Co mám dělat? = What am I supposed to do? Mám otevřít okno? = Am I supposed to open the window? Dnes na ni nemáme čekat. = We are not supposed to wait for her today. Nemáš řikat tak hloupé věci. = You should not say such stupid things. Nemám na něho myslet? = I am not supposed to think about him? Nevím, jak otevřít tuhle láhev. = I do not know how to open this bottle. Kdo to má chápat? = Who is supposed to understand this? Proč nesmíme otevřít oči? = Why can't we open our eyes? === Skill 37 - Indefinite/Negative === Lesson 1[] něco = something (nom. or acc.) něčeho = of anything, of something, something's (genitive) někdo = somebody (nom.) někoho = somebody's or somebody (genitive, or acc.) něčí = someone's (feminine, e.g. someone's daughter) něčího = someone's (masculine or neuter, e.g. someone's son) Něco potřebuju. = I need something. Dělal jsi dnes něco? = Did you do something today? Stále na něco čekají. = They are always waiting for something. Bojíš se něčeho? = Are you afraid of anything? I on je něčí syn. = Even he is someone's son! On si někoho váží? = Does he respect anyone? Vidíš někoho. = Do you see anyone? Respektuje někoho? = Does he respect anyone? Někdo na nás čeká. = Someone is waiting for us. Stará se o něčího psa. =He is taking care of somone's dog. V ledničce je něčí hlava. = There is somebody's head in the fridge. Čeká tady něčí dítě. = Someone's child is waiting here. Lesson 2[] nějak = somehow nějaký = some (masc. nom. or masc. inaminate nom. and acc.) nějaké = some (neuter nom. or acc.) nějací = some (plural masc. nom.) nějakem = some (locative masc. or neuter) několik = some, several několika = some, several někteří = some (plural masc. animate nom. or acc.) některých = some (plural genitive or locative) Nějak se to stalo. = Somehow it happened. Nějak to okno otevřel. = Somehow he opened the window. Tohle nějak nechápu. = Somehow I do not understand this. Známe ho několik let. = We have known him for several years. Mám několik aut. = I have several cars. Některých žen se bojím. = I am afraid of some women. Sežrali ho nějací pavouci. = Some spiders have eaten him. Potřebuji nějaké věcí do školy. = I need some things for school. Někteří z nich si rádi stěžujou. = Some of them like to complain. Jsou tady dopisy od několika lidí. = There are letters from several people here. Dobrý den, máte nějaký pokoj pro dvě osoby? = Hello, do you have a room for two people? Pro některé z vás je tato věta příliš těžká. = This sentence is too difficult for some of you. Někteří z vás to stále nechápou. = Some of you still do not understand this. Lesson 3[] kdokoli = everyone, anyone nemůže kdokoli = not everyone can o komkoli = about whomever cokoli = anything, whatever kdekoli = anywhere, wherever Cokoli chceš. = Whatever you want. Něco se stát musí. = Something must happen. Ano, kdekoli chceš. = Yes, wherever you want. To se může stát kdekoli. = This can happen anywhere. Můžeš spát kdekoli. = You can sleep anywhere. Tohle může číst kdokoli. = Anyone can read this. Tady nemůže dělat kdokoli. = Not everyone can work here. On opravdu může říkat cokoli. = He really can say anything. Je velmi špatné o komkoli tohle říkat. = It is very bad to say this about anyone. Stát se může cokoli. = Anything can happen! Lesson 4[] každý = each, every, everyone (sing. masc. anim. and inam. nom., inam. acc.) každou = each, every, everyone (sing. fem. acc.) všechny = all, everyone (plural. masc. inam. nom., fem. nom., masc. and fem. acc.) všechnu voda = all the water (sing. fem. acc.) e.g. všichni = all, everyone (plural. masc. anim. nom.) o všech holkach = about every girl (plural all genders locative) ode všech = from or of everyone (plural all genders genitive) To řiká každý. = Everyone says that. Já to dělám každý den. = I do it every day. Každý o ní mluví dobře. = Everybody speaks well of her. Milujeme všechny. = We love everybody. Někdo vypil všechnu vodu. = Someone drank all the water. On to řiká o všech holkách. = He says this about all girls. Ode všech jsem něco dostal. = I got something from everyone. Kupuje je ode všech? = Is she buying them from everyone? Všechny dívky to znají. = All girls know this. Proč o té holce všichni mluví? = Why is everyone talking about that girl? Ty miluješ každou hezkou holku. = You love every pretty girl. Tohle je ode všech tvých přátel. = This is from all of your friends. Lesson 5[] nikdo = nobody (nom.) nikoho = nobody (acc. or gen.) ničí = nobody's (all genders nom., all genders acc. except masc. anim. ničího) nic = nothing (nom.) ničeho = of nothing (gen.) o ničem = about nothing (loc.) o něčem = about something (loc.) žádný = none (masc. nom., masc inam. acc.) žádná = none (fem. nom.) žádnou = none (fem. acc.) Nejsem ničí. = I am nobody's. Nevidím nikoho. = I do not see anyone. Nikdo mě nemá rád. = No one likes me. Nejsi žádný přítel. = You are no friend. Ty se ničeho nebojíš? = You are not afraid of anything? Díky, nic nepotřebuju. = Thanks, I do not need anything. Žádná z našich koček nežere myší. = None of our cats eat mice. Ta moucha seděla na něčem zvláštním. = That fly was sitting on something weird. Nemáme žádnou polévku. = We do not have any soup. On není ničí přítel. = He is nobody's friend. O ničem nevědí. = They do not know about anything. Nikdo mě nezná tak dobře jako ty. = Nobody knows me as well as you do. Ničí manželka nejsem. = I am nobody's wife. Proč tady nikdo není? = Why isn't anyone here? Mluvil o něčem úplně novém. = He was talking about something brand new. === Skill 38 - Family_2 === Lesson 1[] táta = dad (nominative) máma = mom (nominative) mámu = mom (accusative) mámy = moms (plural, nominative or accusative) mladší ženu = younger woman starší bratr = older brother mladší = younger starší = older Vzal si o hodně mladší ženu. = He married a much younger woman. Vzala si o hodně mladšího muže. = She married a much younger man. František je starší bratr její mámy. = František is her mom's older brother. Je tvůj bratr Matěj mladší nebo starší než ty? = Is your brother Matěj younger or older than you? Můj táta je starší než tvůj. = My dad is older than yours. Můj táta není příliš vysoký. = My dad is not too tall. Její táta je mladší než její máma. = Her dad is younger than her mom. Mám maso pro mámu. = I have the meat for Mom. Lesson 2[] rychlejší = faster šťastnější = happier důležitější = more important užitečnější = more useful zajímavější = more interesting ošklivější = uglier Máma už si táty neváží. = Mom no longer respects Dad. Který z vás je hloupější? = Which of you is more stupid? Auto mého táty je rychlejší. = My dad's car is faster. Manželka říká, že stará pračka byla rychlejší. = My wife says that the old washing machine was faster. Proč není má žena šťastnější? = Why isn't my wife happier? Když jsem byl chudý, byl jsem šťastnější. = When i was poor I was happier. Co je pro rodinu důležitější? = Which is more important for a family? Je důležitější být bohatý nebo být šťastný? = Is it more important to be rich or to be happy? Nová manželka mého táty je mladší než já. = My dad's new wife is younger than me. Syn čte zajímavější knihy než manžel. = My son reads more interesting books than my husband. Máš zajímavější rodinu než já. = You have a more interesting family than I do. Pro mě je důležitější rodina než jiné věci. = Family is more important than other things to me. Proč tvůj strýc chce ošklivější psy? = Why does your uncle want uglier dogs? Celá rodina je teď šťastnější. = The entire family is happier now. Moje dcera si myslí, že starší hosí jsou zajímavější. = My daughter thinks that older boys are more interesting. Máma tu levnější sušičku nechtěla. = Mom did not want the cheaper dryer. Jsem rád, že můj bratr byl rychlejší než ten medvěd. = I am glad that my brother was faster than that bear. Lesson 3[] hezčí = prettier delší = longer pomalejší = slower dražší = more expensive chytřejší = smarter Bratr má delší nos. = My brother has a longer nose. Čí rodiče jsou chytřejší? = Whose parents are smarter? Myslíš, že má sestra je hezčí? = Do you think my sister is prettier? Rodina je pro mě ještě důležitější. = Family is even more important to me. Kateřina je velmi hezká, ale Žofie je ještě hezčí? = Kateřina is very pretty but Žofie is even prettier. Ano, moje dcera je ještě chytřejší. = Yes, my daughter is even smarter! Moje máma má světlejší vlasy než tvoje. = My mom has lighter hair than yours. Naše dítě je mnohem chytřejší než vaše. = Our child is much smarter than yours! Všechno je dražší, když máš mnoho dětí. = Everything is more expensive when you hava a lot of children. Když jsem ještě nebyl ženaty, jedl jsem v mnohem dražších restauracích než teď. = When I was not married yet, I ate at restaurants much more expensive than I do now. Váš kůň je pomalejší než náš. = Your horse is slower than ours! Když se o zahradu starala babička, byla mnohem hezčí. = When Grandma took care of the garden, it was much prettier. Kdo je hezčí, Kateřina nebo její sestra? = Who is prettier, Kateřina or her sister? Moje teta má jednu ruku delší než druhou. = My aunt has one arm longer than the other. Která z jejích dcer má delší nohy? = Which of her daughters has longer legs? Máma chce tuhle sušičku ale je dražší než tamhleta. = Mom wants this dryer, but it is more expensive than that one. Lesson 4[] lepšího bratrance = better cousin (masc. animate) špatnou ženu = the wrong woman (fem.) menší uši než = smaller ears than větší = bigger menšiho psa = smaller dog (masc. anim) většího bratra = bigger brother (masc. anim) kratší krk = shorter neck horšího = worse (masc. anim) špatného = bad (masc. animate) lepší = better vyšší = taller kratší = shorter horší = worse Byl vyšší? = Was he taller? Dědeček má špatnou nohu. = Grandpa has a bad leg. František si vzal špatnou ženu. = František married the wrong woman. Mám většího bratra než ty. = I have a bigger brother than you do. Mám kratší krk než můj táta. = I have a shorter neck than my dad. Jsem rád, že mám menší uši než můj táta. = I am glad that I have smaller ears than my dad! Myslíš, že je lepší mít menší rodinu? = Do you think it is better to have a smaller family? Je horší mít špatného otce nebo otce nemít vůbec? = Is it worse to have a bad father or to not have a father at all? Kateřina měla dva manžely jednoho horšího než druhého. = Kateřina has two husbands, one worse than the other. Protože čekáme další dítě, hledáme větší být. = Because we are expecting another child we are looking for a bigger apartment. Talíře mé tety jsou větší. = My aunt's plates are bigger. František má manželku ještě horší než Matěj. = František has a wife even worse than Matěj. František má ještě horší manželku než Matěj. = František has a wife even worse than Matěj. Mí bratři mají kratší nohy než má sestra. = My brothers have shorter legs than my sister. Moji bratři mají kratší nohy než moje sestra. = My brothers have shorter legs than my sister. Už jsem vyšší než můj otec. = I am already taller than my father. Moje manželka řiká, že lepšího manžela nehledá. = My wife says that she is not looking for a better husband. Kateřina má kratší vlasy než její syn. = Kateřina has shorter hair than her son. Kateřina vůbec není vysoká, ale určitě je vyšší než ty. = Kateřina has shorter hair than her son. Potřebuji lepšího bratrance. = I need a better cousin. Lesson 5[] sourozenců = siblings (genitive plural) zajímavějším = more interesting nejstaršího = oldest (masc. anim acc.) nejstarší = oldest (all genders nom. and acc. except masc. anim. acc.) hezčím = nicer sourozenci = siblings (plural nom.) nejmladšího = youngest nejdražší = dearest nejvyšší = tallest nejdůležitější = most important nejmladší = youngest sourozenec = sibling (singular nom.) nejchytřejší = smartest větším = bigger největší = biggest Vy čtyři jste sourozenci? = The four of you are siblings? Rodina je nejdůležitější věc. = The family is the most important thing. Chceme bydlet ve větším bytě. = We want to live in a bigger apartment. František je náš nejvyšší syn. = František is our tallest son. Je tvůj nejstarší bratr ženaty? = Is your oldest brother married? Naše rodina bydlí v hezčím domě. = Our family lives in a nicer house. Tehdy ještě žil můj nejdražší manžel. = My dearest husband was still alive back then. Který z jejích sourozenců je nejvyšší? = Which of her siblings is tallest? Znala jste mého nejstaršího bratrance? = Did you know my oldest cousin? Kateřina si vzala jejich nejmladšího syna. = Kateřina married their youngest son. Moje nejstarší sestra jeho nejmladšího bratra miluje. = My oldest sister loves his youngest brother. Jsi vyšší než můj nejvyšší bratr. = You are taller than my tallest brother. Můj bratranec pracuje v zajímavějším obchodě. = My cousin works in a more interesting store. Matěj je můj nejmladší sourozenec. = Matěj is my youngest sibling. Můj nejchytřejší sourozenec je Žofie. = My smartest sibling is Žofie . === Skill 39 - Geography === Lesson 1[] Evropa = Europe (nom.) Evropy = Europe (gen.) Evropě = Europe (dative or loc.) Evropu = Europe (acc.) Polsko = Poland (nom. or acc.) Polska = Poland (gen.) Polsku = Poland (dative or loc.) Česko = Czech Republic (nom. or acc.) Česku = Czech Republic (dative or loc.) Čechy = Bohemia (nom. or acc.) Čechách = Bohemia (loc.) Evropa = Europe Česko = Czechia Polsko = Poland země = country Jsi z Evropy? = Are you from Europe? Jak dlouho bydlíš v Polsku? = How long have you been living in Poland? Evropa není země. = Europe is not a country. Čechy nejsou země. = Bohemia is not a country. Je Česko v Evropě? = Is Czechia in Europe? Česko není velká země. = Czechia is not a big country. Polsko je mnohem větší země něz Česko. = Poland is a much bigger country than Czechia. Čechy jsou v Česku. = Bohemia is in Czechia. Moje žena je z Polska. = My wife is from Poland. Žijou v Čechách medvědi? = Do bears live in Bohemia? Matěj o Polsku asi ví hodně protože o něm napsal šest knih. = Matěj probably knows a lot about Poland because he has written six books about it. Lesson 2[] soused = neighbor sousedi = neighbors Německo = Germany (acc. or acc.) Německa = Germany (gen.) Německu = Germany (dative or loc.) o něco menší než = somewhat smaller than na Moravě = in Moravia západ = west Německo = Germany Slovensko = Slovakia Moravě = Moravia Nebydlím v Čechách, ale na Moravě. = I do not live in Bohemia, but in Moravia. Německo leží na západ. = Germany lies to the west. Kateřina bydlí v Čechách a Žofie na Moravě. = Kateřina lives in Bohemia and Žofie in Moravia. Česko je na západ od Slovenska. = Czechia is to the west of Slovakia. Můj soused pracuje v Německu. = My neighbor works in Germany. Slovensko a Německo jsou naší sousedi. = Slovakia and Germany are our neighbors. Slovensko soused Německa není. = Slovakia is not Germany's neighbor. Čechy jsou na západě Česka. = Bohemia is in the West of Czechia. Na Moravě rostou jiné stromy než v Čechách? = Do different trees grow in Morovia than in Bohemia? Co víš o Německu? = What do you know about Germany? Česko a Slovensko byly jedna země. = Czechia and Slovakia were one country. Lesson 3[] mapa = map (nom.) na této mapě = on this map (locative) Čech = Bohemia (genitive) mapu středních Čech = map of Central Bohemia (plural fem. genitive) ve středních Čechách = in Central Bohemia (locative) Praha = Prague (nom.) hlavní město = capital city mapa střední Evropy = map of Central Europe (singular fem. genitive) mapa Prahy = map of Prague (genitive) mapa = map hlavní = main střední = central Praha = Prague V létě chci jet do Čech. = In the summer, I want to go to Bohemia. Na této mapě to město nevidím. = I cannot see that city on this map. Jak se jmenuje hlavní město Slovenska? = What is the name of Slovakia's capital? Praha je hlavní město Česka. = Prague is the capital of Czechia. Praha je ve středních Čechách. = Prague is in central Bohemia. Vaše mapa Prahy je stará. = Your map of Prague is old. Proč hledáš mapu středních Čech. = Why are you looking for a map of central Bohemia? Kolik tady stojí mapa střední Evropy? = How much does a map of central Europe cost here? Hlavní město Čech je stejné jako hlavní město Česka. = The capital of Bohemia is the same as the capital of Czechia. Lesson 4[] v severních Čechách = in Northern Bohemia (locative) ze západních Čech = from Western Bohemia (genitive) na jih od Polska = to the south of Poland (genitive) v Česku = in the Czech Republic (dative or locative) na Slovensk = to or in Slovakia (dative or locative) západní Rakousko = western Austria (nom. or acc.) Rakouska = Austria (genitive) o severním Rakousku = about northern Austria (locative) ze severní Moravy = from Northern Moravia (genitive) na jihu Moravy = in the south of Moravia (genitive) na Moravě = in Moravia (dative or loc.) Rakousko = Austria narodit = to be born severní = northern jih = south Co pijou na jihu Moravy? = What do they drink in the south of Moravia? Narodil jsem se v Čechách, ne na Moravě. = I was born in Bohemia, not in Moravia. Kde ses narodila ty, v Čechách nebo na Moravě? = Where were you born, in Bohemia or in Moravia? Máte knihy o severním Rakousku? = Do you have books about northern Austria? Západní Rakousko je velmi krásné. = Western Austria is very beautiful. Vzal jsem si dívku ze severní Moravy. = I married a girl from Northern Moravia. Pivo ze západních Čech máme hodně rádi. = We like beer from Western Bohemia very much. Jsi ze západních Čech? = Are you from western Bohemia? Táta se narodil v Česku a máma na Slovensku. = Dad was born in Czechia and Mom in Slovakia. Moje sestra bydlí v severních Čechách. = My sister lives in northern Bohemia. Máme na jihu Čech dva domy. = We have two houses in the south of Bohemia. Kdy chcete jet do Rakousko. = When do you want to go to Austria? Rakousko je o nečo větší než Česko. = Austria is slightly bigger than Czechia. Česko a Slovensko jsou na jih od Polska. = Czechia and Slovakia are to the south of Poland. === Skill 40 - Skills === Lesson 1[] umíš? = do you speak, do you know (a language) neumím = I do not speak, know umí = he/she speaks, knows líp = better Umíš anglicky? = Do you speak English? Mluvíte anglicky? = Do you speak English? Ne, já anglicky neumim vůbec. = No I do not speak English at all. Kdo umí líp česky? = Who speaks better Czech? Umíš česky mnohem líp než já. = You speak Czech much better than me. Ty umíš líp anglicky než česky.= You speak English better than Czech! Lesson 2[] jezdit = to ride jezdit na kole = to ride a bicycle to uměla hůř = worse at it Na koni jezdit neumím. = I do not know how to ride a horse. Umíš jezdit na kole? = Do you know how to ride a bicycle? Moje babička už na kole jezdit nemůže. = My grandmother is no longer able to ride a bicycle. Na tomhle kole už jezdit nemohu, protože je pro mne příliš malé. = I can no longer ride this bicycle because it is too small for me. Neuměl ani číst, ani psát. = He could neither read nor write. Tehdy jsem uměl anglicky hůř než ty. = I then spoke English worse than you. Ne, Žofie to uměla hůř.= No, Žofie was worse at it. Psal ještě hůř než mluvil. = He wrote even worse than he spoke. Lesson 3[] jazyků = languages (acc pl) řídit = driving, the skill of driving a vehicle ještě jeden jazyk = one more language víc než jeden jazyk = more than one language nestačí = it is not enough řídit = to drive víc = more jazyk = language. Umím řídit líp než Matěj. = I can drive better than Matěj. Moje auto každý řídit neumí.= Not everyone knows how to drive my car! Chci umět víc jazyků než on. = I want to know more languages than him. Kolik jazyků umíš. = How many languages do you know? Proč musím umět víc než jeden jazyk? = Why do I have to know more than one language? Jsem tady protože chci umět ještě jeden jazyk. = I am here because I want to know one more language. Nestačí jen umět číst a psát. = It is not enough just to know how to read and write! Umíš vůbec řídit? = Do you even know how to drive? Lesson 4[] skončil úspěšně = finished successfully neumíš plavat = you do not know how to swim používal = he used rychleji psát = write/type faster neúspěšně = unsuccessfully snažila se = he/she tried používat počítač = use a computer neuměl = he did not know používat = to use počítač = computer Neumíš plavat. = I cannot swim. Rychleji psát neumíš? = Can't you type faster? Snažila se, ale neúspěšně. = She tried but unsuccessfully. Já umím psát na počítači rychleji, než typ mluvíš. = I can type faster on the computer than you talk. Používal tu lžíci úspěšně?= Did he use the spoon successfully? Školu jsem skončil úspěšně. = I have finished school successfully. Nesmíš tam, protože neumíš plavat.= You cannot go there because you do not know how to swim. Moje babička počítač používat neuměla. = My grandmother did not know how to use the computer. Česky mluvím mnohem rychleji než anglicky. = I speak Czech must faster than English. Umíš používat počítač? = Do you know how to use a computer? Asi neuměl plavat. = He probably did not know how to swim. Česky neuměl víc než dvacet slov. = He did not know more than twenty words in Czech. Neuměl používat nůž a vidličku. = He did not know how to use a knife and fork. Lesson 5[] se učíš = you learn, you are learning učí = he/she teaches, is míň často než = less often than míň = less, fewer se učit = he learns, is learning učil = he/she taught častěji = more often míň = less Proč se učíš česky? = Why are you learning Czech? Proč se učíte česky? = Why are you learning Czech? Musíš se víc učit. = You have to study more. Musíš se učit častěji. = You must study more often. Ten jazyk umím líp, protože jej používám častěji. = I know that language better because I use it more often. Mluvíš častěji česky než anglicky? = Do you speak Czech more often than English? Česky mluvím míň často než ty. = I speak Czech less often than you. Kdo tě učí tahle anglická slova? = Who is teaching you these English words? Já se anglicky učím déle než on. = I have been learning English longer than him. Umíš míň anglických slov než moje malá sestra. = You know fewer English words than my little sister. Kdo na vaší škole učil anglický jazyk? = Who taught English at your school? Matěj se vždy míň učil a teď míň umí. = Matěj always studied less, and now he knows less. Matěj se nechce učit déle než pět minut za den. = Matěj does not want to study longer than five minutes a day. Já umím česky déle, než tvůj dědeček umi jezdít na kole. = I have been speaking Czech longer than your grandfather could ride a bike. Lesson 6[] nejrychleji = fastest, co nejrychleji = as fast as possible nejlíp = best co nejlíp = as well as possible nejvíc = the most, as many as possible co nejvíc = as many as possible Který jazyk umíš nejlíp? = Which language do you speak best? Ja tady česky umím nejlíp. = I speak the best Czech around here. Můj kůň běží nejrychleji. = My horse is running the fastest! Učí se nejvíc z našich dětí? = Which of our children studies the most? Učí se nejvíc z našich dětí. = She studies the most of our children. Chci umět co nejvíc jazyků. = I want to know as many languages as possible. Chceš umět mluvit co nejrychleji nebo co nejlíp? = Do you want to be able to speak as fast as possible or as well as possible? Který z vás píše nejrychleji? = Which one of you types the fastest? Musíš co nejvíc mluvit česky. = You must speak Czech as much as possible. Lesson 7[] ještě rychleji = even faster úspěšněji než = more successfully than nejmíň = at least, the fewest nejhůř = the worst pomaleji než = slower than On tady umí česky nejhůř. = He speaks the worst Czech here. Ty plaveš ještě rychleji. = You swim even faster! Musíme se učit úspěšněji. = We must study more successfully. Žofie všechno dělá úspěšněji než její strýc. = Žofie does everything more successfully than her uncle. Chtějí vědět, jak se učit úspěšněji. = They want to know how to study more successfully. Učíme se pomaleji než vy? = Are we learning more slowly than you? Kdo z vás umí nejmíň jazyků? = Which one of you speaks the fewest languages? Dnes plavou pomaleji než včera. = Today they are swimming slower than yesterday. Plavu pomaleji než on. = I swim slower than him. Kateřina zná nejmíň deset jazyků. = Kateřina knows at least ten languages. === Skill 41 - After === Lesson 1[] po jednom šálku čaje = after one cup of tea po jednom dni = after one day ani po měsící = even after a month ani po jednĕ hodině = even after one hour Po jednom šálku čaje se cítil dobře. = After one cup of tea, he felt well. Po jednom dni v této škole? = After one day in this school? Po jednĕ hodině se vrátil domů. = After one hour, he returned home. Po jednĕ hodině se vrátil z koupelny. = After one hour, he returned from the bathroom. Po jednom dni bez jídla byl slabý. = After one day without food, he was weak. Po jednom měsící se vrátila do školy. = After one month, she returned to school. My jsme si po jednom dni na letišti začali stěžovat. = After one day at the airport, we began to complain. Cítila se po jednom týdnu v naší kanceláři nešťastná. = She felt unhappy after one week in our office. Ani po jednĕ hodině nenašel záchod. = Not even after one hour did he find a toilet. Lesson 2[] po dvou letech = after two years po dvou dnech = after two days po dvou hodinách = after two hours Po dvou letech zase začal psát. = After two years, he began to write again. Po dvou letech můžes dělat kdekoli. = After two years, you can work anywhere. Když se po dvou letech vrátil, vypadal mnohem starší. = When he returned after two years, he looked much older. Po dvou hodinách ten šperk našli. = After two hours, they found that jewel. Po dvou hodinách v kanceláři chtěla jít domů. = After two hours in the office, she wanted to go home. Po dvou hodinách jsem zase dostala hlad. = After two hours, I got hungry again. Já jsem ji po dvou dnech začal chápat. = After two days, I began to understand her. Po dvou měsících nebo po dvou dnech? = After two months or after two days? Po dvou dnech bez vody byl kůň velmi nemocný. = After two days without water, the horse was very sick. Moji rodiče ten hotel začali po dvou měsících nenávidět. = My parents started to hate that hotel after two months. Po dvou měsících tom bytě už nechtěl bydlet. = After two months, he no longer wanted to live in that apartment. Lesson 3[] po čtyřech letech = after four years po třech talířích polévky = after three bowls of soup po pěti letech = after five years po dvaceti letech = after twenty years po devíti nešťastných letech = after nine unfortunate years po sedmi měsících = after seven months po osmi hodinách = after eight hours po šesti hodinách = after sixty hours po třech měsících = after three months po třech sklenicích vína = after three glasses of wine Po pěti letech se vrátil domů. = After five years, he returned home. Po čtyřech letech zase začal pít. = After four years, he started drinking again. Jak se cítil po třech měsících toho jídla? = How did he feel after three months of that food? Konečně ji po dvaceti letech zase viděl. = Finally, after twenty years he saw her again. Zofie se po devíti nešťastných letech přestala snažit. = After nine unfortunate years, Zofie stopped trying. Po osmi hodinách se konečně přestal dívat na televizi. = After eight hours, he finally stopped watching television. František po šesti hodinách na letišti přestal čekat. = After six hours at the airport, František stopped waiting. Po čtyřech dcerách čekají malého chlapce. = After four daughters, they are expecting a little boy. Po sedmi měsících školy konečně počitá do deseti. = After seven months of school, he is finally counting to ten. Po třech talířích polévky jsem už hlad neměla. = After three bowls of soup, I was not hungry anymore. Zofie i po čtyřech dětech vypadá jako mladá dívka. = Even after four children, Zofie looks like a young girl. Po třech sklenicích vína nevěděl, jak se jmenuje. = After three glasses of wine, he did not know his name. Po třech sklenicích vína nevěděl, jak se jmenuje. = After three glasses of wine, he did not know what his name was. Po čtyřech měsících tam přestal pracovat. = After four months, he stopped working there. === Skill 42 - With_What%3F === Lesson 1[] lžící = with a spoon nesmíš = you can't něčím = something čím = with what tužkou = with a pencil novou tužkou = with a new pencil novou lžící = with a new spoon tužka = pencil Učím jí psát tužkou. = I am teaching her to write with a pencil. Něčím ty dveře otevřel. = He opened that door with something. Čím jsi napsal ten dopis? = What did you write the letter with? Čím jí tu polévku? = What is he eating that soup with? Určitě něčím ten dopis napsal. = He definitely wrote that letter with something. Tohle jídlo nesmíš jíst lžící. = You must not eat this meal with a spoon. Ten dopis jsem napsal novou tužkou. = I wrote that letter with a new pencil. Píšeš tou novou tužkou? = Are you writing with the new pencil? On tou lžící asi chce jíst všechno. = He probably wants to eat everything with that spoon. Proč nejíš tou novou lžící? = Why aren't you eating with the new spoon? Něčím to okna otevřít musíme. = We must open those windows with something. Čím mám otevřít tu láhev? = What am I supposed to open that bottle with? Lesson 2[] zvláštní větou = with a strange sentence tím novým perem = with that new pen tím novým nástrojem = with the new tool lepší větou = with a better sentence nástroj = tool věta = sentence Proč jsi nezačal lepší větou? = Why didn't you begin with a better sentence? Jeho dopis končí velmi zvláštní větou. = His letter end with a very strange sentence. Ta kniha začíná zvláštní větou. = The book begins with a strange sentence. Učil se to dělat novým nástrojem. = He was learning to do it with a new tool. Dělam to tím novým nástrojem. = I am doing it with the new tool. Musím psát tím novým perem? = Do I have to write with that new pen? On tím novým perem psát nechce. = He does not want to write with that new pen. Proč nepíšeš tím novým perem? = Why are you not writing with the new pen? Umíš tím novým nástrojem otevřít láhev? = Do you know how to open a bottle with that new tool? Lesson 3[] hlubokým hlasem = with a deep voice nožem = with a knife zvláštním perem = with a strange pen zvláštním nástrojem = a strange tool levou rukou = with his left hand nožem = with a knife vysokým hlasem = a high voice hlas = voice Psala zvláštním perem. = She was writing with a strange pen. Mluvil hlubokým hlasem. = He spoke in a deep voice. Levou rukou držel mé pravé ucho. = He was holding my right ear with his left hand. Snažil se jíst tu polévku nožem? = Was he trying to eat the soup with a knife? Já to ale nožem udělat neumím. = But I do not know how to do it with a knife. Tohle jsem neudělala nožem, ale tužkou. = I did not do this with a knife but with a pencil. Když jem ji viděl, držela tím zvláštním nástrojem mrtvého ptáka. = When I saw her, she was holding a dead bird with that strange tool. Co držela Žofie tím zvláštním nástrojem? = What was Žofie holding with that strange tool? Žofie mluví zvláštním hlasem. = Žofie speaks in a weird voice. Udělal to nožem. = He did it with a knife. Mluvil tehdy Matěj vysokým hlasem? = Did Matěj speak in a high voice then? Lesson 4[] tim slovem = with that word jedním hlasem = with one voice jedním šálkem kávy = with one cup of coffee slovy = with words těmi slovy = with those words zranit = to hurt vyjádřit = to express zranit = to injure. vyjádřit = to express Mluvime jedním hlasem. = We speak with one voice. Jedním šálkem to neskončilo. = It did not end with one cup. Tohle všechno opravdu začalo jedním šálkem čaje? = All of this really started with one cup of tea? Všechno jsem vyjádřil jedním slovem. = I expressed everything with one word! František tím slovem Kateřinu zranil. = František hurt Kateřina with that word. Nevyjádřil to slovy. = He did not express it with words. Těmi slovy jsme jej zranili. = We hurt him with those words. Nechtěla jsem ji těmi slovy zranit. = I did not want to hurt her with those words. Co jsi těmi slovy chtěla vyjádřit? = What did you want to express with those words? Začalo to jedním šálkem kávy. = It began with one cup of coffee. Lesson 5[] jinými knihami = with different books Kterými knihami = with which books jinými nástroji = with other tools Kterými nástroji = with which tools My začináme jinými knihami. = We begin with different books. Kterými knihami jste začali vy? = Which books did you start with? Dnes je vyrábíme jinými nástroji. = Today we make them with other tools. Kterými nástroji vyrábíte ty stoly? = With which tools do you make the desks? Naše škola začala jinými knihami. = Our school started with different books. Nevím, kterými nástroji je vyrábějí. = I do not know which tools they make it with. Lesson 6[] vlastníma očima = with one's own eyes vlastníma rukama = with one's own hands holýma rukama = with bare hands zabít = to kill Udělala to holýma rukama? = Did she do it with her bare hands? Zabil holýma rukama medvěda. = He killed a bear with his bare hands! Snažíš se mě zabít očima? = Are you trying to kill me with your eyes? Já holýma rukama neumím zabít ani mouchu. = With my bare hands, I can't even kill a fly. Viděl jsem je vlastníma očima. = I saw them with my own eyes. Držela jsem to vlastníma rukama. = I held it with my own hands. Musíš se dívat vlastníma očima. = You must look with your own eyes! === Skill 43 - Conjunctions_2 === Lesson 1[] by = he/she/it would, they would bylo by = would be Vážila by si = she would respect.... Báli by se = they would be afraid.... Už nic neřikám. = I am not saying anything anymore. Potřebuju lepšího bratrance. = I need a better cousin. Kde by bydleli? = Where would they live? Učili by se? = Would they study? Čeho by se bál? = What would he be afraid of? On by si ji vzal? = Would he marry her? Vážila by si tě víc. = She would respect you more. Bylo by lo lepší. = It would be better. Báli by se jíst tohle zelené maso. = They would be afraid to eat this green meat. Matěj by se nebál ničeho. = Matěj would not be afraid of anything. Kateřina by tuhle kihu nečetla. = Kateřina would not read this book. Nic špatného by se nestalo. = Nothing bad would happen. Nic by si nepamatoval. = He would not remember anything. Starala by se o dětí. = She would be looking after children. Čekal jsem na ni, aby se nebála. = I was waiting for her so that she would not be afraid. Kdo by tě chětel? = Who would want you? Lesson 2[] bys = you would Protože bys chtěla = because you would want jaká bys byla = what kind of ___ would you be Nikdy bys nebyl = you would never be Cítil by ses = you would feel Vzala by sis = you would marry stěžoval by sis = you would complain Bála by ses = you would be afraid by ses díval = you would look Bála by ses? = Would you be afraid? Stěžoval by sis? = Would you complain? Ty by sis stěžoval? = Would you complain? Vy byste si stěžoval? = Would you complain? Vzala by sis někoho jiného. = You would marry someone else. Jaká bys byla manželka? = What kind of wife would you be? Protože bys chtěla hrad. = Because you would want a castle! Nikdy bys nebyl šťastný. = You would never be happy. Cítil by ses mnohem hůř. = You would feel much worse! Na co by ses díval? = What would you be looking at? Lesson 3[] já bych = I would kam bychom = Where would we.... byli bychom = we would be byste si = you would bych si = I would raději bychom = we would rather by sis = you would Kam bychom šly? = Where would we go? Stěžoval bych si. = I would complain. Proč bych se cítila líp? = Why would I feel better? Já bych to nejedl. = I would not eat it. Stěžoval byste si? = Would you complain? Vy byste si stěžoval? = Would you complain? Učili byste se víc. = You would study more. Byi bychom rádi. = We would be glad. Raději bychom spali v hotelu. = We would rather sleep in a hotel. Protože bych tě neznala. = Because I would not know you. Jeho bych si nevzala, ani kdyby byl bohatý. = I would not marry him, even if he was rich. Lesson 4[] aby = that he/she/it would abychom = that we would abys byla = that you would be abyste byl = that you would be (formal or plural) aby Matěj koupil = that Matey would buy abych = that I would abyste si = that you would (with a reflexive verb) Jíme, abychom žili. = We eat to live. Piji, abych zapomněl. = I drink to forget. Bojíme se abychom o ten strom nepřišli. = We are afraid of losing that tree. Jsme tady, abychom vás učili česky. = We are here to teach you Czech. Chci, abys míň mluvil. = I want you to talk less. Dělá to, aby byl zdravý. = He does that to be healthy. Potřebuji, abyste byl silný. = I need you to be strong. Jste příliš mladí abyste si ho pamatovali. = You are too young to remember him. Máte deset minut, abyste našli ten dopis. = You have ten minutes to find the letter. Požadáli ho, aby je vzal na letiště. = They asked him to take them to the airport. Žofie chtěla, abych ji požádal o ruku. = Žofie wanted me to propose to her. Kateřina mě požádala, abych na ni počkal. = Kateřina asked me to wait for her. Nechci, abys byla nešťastná. = I do not want you to be unhappy. Žofie chtěla, aby Matěj koupil jablka a hrušky. = Žofie wanted Matěj to buy apples and pears. Chtěl jsem, aby sis mě pamatovala. = I wanted you to remember me. Nemusím být bohatý, abych byl šťastný. = I do not have to be rich to be happy. Lesson 5[] kdybych víc spal = if I were to sleep more.... kdybychom měli = if we were to have.... kdybys míň jedl = if you were to eat less kdybyste = if you were to.... kdyby = if he were to.... ani kdyby = even if he were.... Byli bychom rádi. = We would be glad. Co bys dělala, kdybych nebyl? = What would you do if I did not exist? Kdyby měl žizeň, pil by i vodu. = If he was thirsty, he would drink even water. Bylo by lepší, kdybys míň mluvil. = It would be better if you spoke less. Bylo by lepší, kdybyste míň mluvil. = It would be better if you spoke less. Bylo by lepší, kdybyste míň mluvili. = It would be better if you spoke less. Byli bychom rádi kdybyste víc pracoval. = We would be glad if you worked more. Byli bychom rádi kdybys víc pracoval. = We would be glad if you worked more. Co by se stalo, kdybychom přišli o svůj dům? = What would happen if we lost our houses? Kdybychom měli další dítě potřebovali bychom větší byt. = If we had another child, we would need a bigger apartment. Kdybys míň jedl, byl bys zdravější. = If you ate less, you would be healthier. Byli bychom rádi, kdybys víc pracoval. = We would be glad if you worked more. Kdybych víc spal, cítil bych se líp. = If I slept more, I would feel better. Kdybychom měli víc dítě, nebydleli bychom tady. = If we had more children, we would not be living here. Kdybych byl vzala bohatý, vzala by sis mne? = If I were rich, would you marry me? Jsi dost stará na to, abys to věděla. = You are old enough to know that. Kdyby mě požádala počkal bych. = If she asked me to, I would wait. === Skill 44 - Nations === Lesson 1[] České školy = Czech schools (as adj. neuter nom. or acc.) Češi = the Czechs (masc. plural nom.) mnoho Čechů = many Czechs (plural genitive i.e. many of the Czechs) Čech = a Czech man (masc. singular nom.) Čecha = a Czech man (masc. singular acc.) Čechy = Czech men (masc. plural acc.) Češka = a Czech woman (fem. singular nom.) Češky = Czech women (fem. plural nom. or acc.) o Češkách = about Czech women (fem. plural locative) česká jména = Czech names (adj. fem. plural nom. or acc.) Čech = Czech man Češka = Czech woman typický = typical Češky jsou krásné. = Czech women are beautiful. Její strýc byl Čech. = Her uncle was Czech. Manžel tamhleté Češky pracuje na letišti. = The husband of that Czech woman works at the airport. Co ty víš o Češkách? = What do you know about Czech women? Mnoho Čechů nemluví anglicky. = Many Czechs do not speak English. Typický Čech pije pivo každý víkend. = The typical Czech drinks beer every weekend. Moje žena neví, proč si vzala za muže Čecha. = My wife does not know why she married a Czech guy. Jsou i jiná česká mésta tak hezká jako Praha? = Are other Czech cities also as pretty as Prague? Kateřina a František jsou typická česká jména. = Kateřina and František are typical Czech names. Typická Češka nemá víc než dvě děti. = The typical Czech woman has no more than two children. To je pro Čechy typické. = That is typical of the Czechs! Češi doma nenosí boty. = Czechs do not wear shoes at home. České školy začínají v osm hodin. = Czech schools start at eight o'clock. Lesson 2[] Slovenka = a Slovak woman (fem. singular nom.) Slovenky = Slovak women (fem. plural. nom.) Slovák = a Slovak man (masc. singular nom.) Slováci = Slovaks (male plural nom.) Slováků = of Slovaks (masc. plural genitive) o tom novém Slovákovi = about that new Slovak (masc. singular dative or locative) ve slovenských restauracích = in Slovak restaurants (adj. plural locative or genitive) slovenskou pračku = a slovak washing machine (adj. fem. singular acc.) slovenské kuchyně = Slovak cuisine (adj. fem. singular genitive, dative or locative) Slovák = Slovak man Slovenka = Slovak woman kouřit = to smoke Můj soused je Slovák. = My neighbor is Slovak. Já jsem víc Slovák než Čech. = I am more Slovak than Czech. Moje babička byla Slovenka. = My grandma was Slovak. Ta vysoká Slovenka vypadala líp. = That tall Slovak woman looked better! Také máte slovenskou pračku? = Do you also have a Slovak washing machine? Západní Slováci používají jiná slova. = Western Slovaks use different words. Slováci kouří míň a míň. = Slovaks smoke less and less. Kdo kouří víc Češi nebo Slováci? = Who smokes more, the Czechs or the Slovaks? Jeden z deseti Slováků bydlí v Česku. = One of ten Slovaks lives in Czechia. Kateřino, co máš ráda ze slovenské kuchyně? = What do you like from Slovak cuisine Kateřina? Jsou tamhlety tři holky Češky nebo Slovenky? = Are those three girls Czech or Slovak? Ve slovenských restauracích nesmíte kouřit. = You may not smoke in Slovak restaurants. Co víš o tom novém Slovákovi? = What do you know about that new Slovak? Slováků je míň než Čechů. = There are fewer Slovaks than Czechs. Lesson 3[] jste Angličané = you are Englishmen (masc. plural nom.) typický Angličan = a/the typical Englishman (masc. singular nom.) o tamhletom Němci = about that German (masc. singular locative) z německých obchodů = from German stores (adj. plural locative or instrumental) o Angličanech líp než o Němcích = better about the English than about the Germans (masc. plural locative) Němců = of the Germans (masc. plural genitive) německé jméno = a German name (adj. neuter nominative) Němka = a German woman (fem. singular nom.) Němci = German men (masc. plural nom.) Angličan = Englishman Němec = German man Němka = German woman Jste Angličané? = Are you English? Jsi Angličan? = Are you English? Co víš o tamhletom Němci? = What do you know about that German? Jak víš, že ta holka je Němka? = How do you know that the girl is German? František je rad, že jeho manželka je Němka. = František is glad that his wife is German. Typický Angličan pije černy čaj. = The typical Englishman drinks black tea. Můj prvni manžel byl Angličan. = My first husband was English. Němci vyrábějí dobrá auta. = Germans produce good cars. Naše sestřenice má německé jméno, ale není Němka. = Our cousin has a German name but she is not German. Někteří Češi mají raději jídlo z německých obchodů. = Some Czechs prefer food from German stores (shops). Kolik procent Němců kouři? = What percentage of Germans smoke? Devadesát osm procent německých obchodů vedou muži. = Men manage ninety-eight percent of German stores. V Česku žije jen jedno procento Němců. = Only one percent of Germans live in Czechia. Ona vždy mluví o Angličanech líp než o Němcích. = She always talks better about the English than about the Germans. Lesson 4[] Polka = a Polish woman (fem. singular nom.) Poláků = Polish (masc. plural genitive) polská jídla = Polish dishes (adj. neuter nom. or acc.) typický Polák = Pole (masc. singular nom.) Poláci = Poles (masc. plural nom.) odkud pocházíte = you originally come from tu polskou knihu = that Polish book (adj. fem. acc.) Polska = Poland Polky = Polish women (fem. plural nom. or acc.) polské rodiny = Polish families (adj. fem. plural) Polák = Polish man Polka = Polish woman Odkud pocházíte? = Where do you come from? (informal) Odkud pocházíš? = Where do you come from? (formal) Poláci jsou naši sousedi. = The Poles are our neighbors. Polky zřídka nosí krátké sukně. = Polish girls rarely wear short skirts. Ten muž vypadal jako typický Polák. = The man looked like a typical Pole. Typická polská jídla obsahují maso. = Typical Polish dishes contain meat. Vy jste četl tu polskou knihu o Češích? = Have you read that Polish book about Czechs? Jejich táta pochází z polské rodiny. = Their dad comes from a Polish family. Moje babička je Polka, ale z Polska nepochází. = My grandmother is Polish but she does not come from Poland. Jeho přítelkyně je Polka. = His girlfriend is Polish. Mnoho Poláků žije na Moravě. = Many Poles live in Morovia. Lesson 5[] tuhle Angličanku = that English woman (fem. singular acc.) Angličani = Englishmen (masc. plural nom.) Angličanky = English women (fem. plural nom.) cizinec = foreigner (masc. singular nom.) cizího člověka = stranger (cizího = adj. masc. singular nom.) cizí jazyky = foreign languages (cizí = singular or plural nom.) cizince = foreigners (masc. sing. or plural acc.) Angličanek = English women (fem. plural genitive) Kolik cizích jazyků = how many foreign languages cizinka = a foreign woman (fem. singular nom.) Angličanka = English woman znít = to sound cizí = foreign Kolik Angličanek znáš? = How many English women do you know? Kolik cizích jazyků znáš? = How many foreign languages do you know? Cizí jazyky jsou důležité. = Foreign languages are important. Ta cizinka má jen šest eur. = That foreigner has only six euros. Tvoje přítelkyně je Češka nebo cizinka? = Is your girlfriend Czech or a foreigner? Naše rodina má cizince ráda. = Our family likes foreigners. Znáte tohoto ciziho člověka? = Do you know this stranger? František má rád tuhle Angličanku. = František likes this English woman. Tvoje žena vůbec nezní jako cizinka. = Your wife does not sound like a foreigner at all. František miluje všechny ženy: Angličanky, Němky i Češky. = František loves all women: English, German and also Czech. V tomto hotelu jsou Češi, Němci, Angličani a další cizinci. = There are Czechs, Germans, Englishmen and other foreigners at (in) this hotel. Ten muž zní jako cizinec. = That man sounds like a foreigner. Ten cizinec má jen šest eur. = That foreigner has only six euros. Ona ale není Angličanka. = But she is not English! Už začínáš znít jako Čech. = You are already beginning to sound like a Czech! Lesson 6[] angličtina = the English language (fem. singular only, nom.) v angličtině = in the English language (fem. singular only, locative) slovenština = the Slovak language (fem. singular only, nom.) slovenštinu = the Slovak language (fem. singular only, acc.) polština = the Polish language (fem. singular only, nom.) němčina = the German language (fem. singular only, nom.) němčiny = of the German language (fem. singular only, genitive) čeština = the Czech language (fem. singular only, nom.) češtinu = the Czech language (fem. singular only, acc.) ve slovenštině nebo v polštině = in Slovak or in Polish (locative cases) Matěj učí angličtinu a němčinu = Matěj teaches English and German (accusative cases) němčina = German language slovenštinu = Slovak language angličtina = English language čeština = Czech language Němčina vůbec není lehká. = German is not easy at all. Češtinu potřebuje znát málo lidí. = Few people need to know Czech. Potřebuji tuto knihu v angličtině. = I need this book in English. Mnoho Čechů nepovažuje slovenštinu za cizí jazyk. = Many Czechs do not consider Slovak a foreign language. Po čtyřech letech němčiny ve škole stále neumím téměř nic. = After four years of German at school, I still know almost nothing. Matěj učí angličtinu a němčinu. = Matej teaches English and German. Je ta kniha ve slovenštině nebo v polštině? = Is that book in Slovak or in Polish? Tohle nezní jako slovenština, ale polština. = This does not sound like Slovak but Polish. Považuješ češtinu za užitečný jazyk? = Do you consider Czech a useful language? Angličtina je lepší. = English is better. Čeština je krásný jazyk. = Czech is a beautiful language. Polština je užitečnejší jazyk než čeština. = Polish is a more useful language than Czech. === Skill 45 - Travel === Lesson 1[] jezdím = I travel on jezdíme = we travel on jezdíš = you travel on nádraží = station, stations (singular, and plural most cases except plural dative, locative, singular and plural instrumental) ten vlak = the train (singular, nom.) vlakem = by (means of a) train (singular, instrumental) metro = subway (singular, nom.) metrem = by (means of a/the) subway (singular, instrumental) autobus = bus (singular nom.) autobusů = of the buses (plural genitive) autobusem = by (means of a) bus (singular instrumental) v tramvaji = in a tram (singular locative) v metru = in a subway train (singular locative ten vlak = the train autobus = bus tramvaj = tram Mám rád vlaky. = I like trains. Ten žlutý autobus je plný. = The yellow bus is full. Tramvaje v Německu jsou čisté. = Streetcars in Germany are clean. V té ulici stojí sedm autobusů. = There are seven buses in that street. Metrem jezdím od sedmi let. = I have been taking the subway since I was seven years old. Často do Prahy jezdíme autobusem. = We often go to Prague by bus. Dnes jedu domů vlakem, ne autobusem. = Today I am going home by train, not by bus. Zapomněla jsem tu knihu v metru nebo v tramvaji. = I left the book on the subway or streetcar. Jezdíš často do města? = Do you often go to the city? Tramvaje jsou krátké ale vlaky metra jsou dlouhé. = Streetcars are short, but subway trains are long. Je metro v Česku rychlé? = Is the subway in Czechia fast? Na nádraží stojí spinavý vlak. = There is a dirty train at the station. Proč nejedeš tramvají? = Why don't you go by streetcar? Lesson 2[] motorka = motorcycle (fem. singular nom.) motorku = motorcycle (fem. singular acc.) o své motorce = about his motorcycle (fem. singular locative) letadlo = plane (neuter, singular nom.) letadlem = by air (neuter, singular, instrumental) letišti = airport cestuji = I travel cestuješ = you travel cestujete = you (plural or formal) travel cestujeme = we travel kolikrát za rok= how many times a year jednou nebo dvakrát za týden = once or twice a week jednou za měsíc = once a month letadlo = plane motorka = motorcycle kolikrát = how many times dvakrát = twice cestovat = to travel Dražší motorku neměli? = They did not have a more expensive motorbike? Vždy mluví o své motorce. = He is always talking about his motorcycle. Kolikrát jste byla v Rakousku? = How many times have you been to Austria? Já na motorce jezdit neumím. = I do not know how to ride a motorcycle. Pamatuješ jsi kolikrát si byl na Moravě. = Do you remember how many times you have been to Moravia? Kolikrát za rok cestuješ letadlem? = How many times a year do you travel by airplane? Letadlem cestuji jen jednou za rok. = I only travel by plane once a year. Jezdím do Prahy jednou nebo dvakrát za týden. = I go to Prague once or twice a week. Na Slovensko cestujeme jednou za měsíc. = We travel to Slovakia once a month. Všechno ví a všude byla dvakrát. = She knows everything and has been everywhere twice. Na Slovensku jsem byl v březnu dvakrát. = In March, I was in Slovakia twice. Lesson 3[] lodí cestuji = I travel by boat turista = tourist (masc. singular nom.) turisté = tourists (masc. plural nom.) turistu = tourist (masc. singular acc.) turisty = tourists (masc. plural acc. or singular genitive) turistů = tourist (masc. plural genitive) e.g. tisíce turistů = thousands of tourists třikrát za rok= three times a year čtyřikrát = four times pětkrát = five times šestkrát = six times kufr = suitcase (masc. singular nom.) kufru = suitcase (masc. singular genitive, dative or locative) ten pas = passport lod' = boat třikrát = three times sedmkrát = seven times Ztratil svůj pas. = He lost his passport. Co máte v tom kufru? = What do you have in that suitcase? Jak často cestujete lodí? = How often do you travel by boat? V Německu jsem byl čtyřikrát. = I have been to Germany four times. Praha je v létě plná turistů. = Prague is full of tourists in the summer. Na Slovensku jsem byla šestkrát. = I have been to Slovakia six times. Na motorce jsem jel jen třikrát. = I have ridden a motorcycle only three times. Já jsem svůj pas ztratila už třikrát. = I have already lost my passport three times. Nevím, protože jsem také turista. = I do not know because I am also a tourist. Tento kufr není můj. = The suitcase is not mine! Turisty nesnáším. = I hate tourists. Naše lod' je mnohem větší a lepší. = Our boat is much bigger and better! Lodí cestuji třikrát za rok. = I travel by boat three times a year. V Polsku jsme byli pětkrát. = We have been to Poland five times. Potřebuju menší kufr než tenhle. = I need a smaller suitcase than this one Potřebuju svůj pas když jedu na Slovensko nebo do Polska? = Do I need my passport when I go to Slovakia or to Poland? Lesson 4[] turistka = a female tourist (fem. singular nom.) turistku = a female tourist (fem. singular acc.) cestovat = to travel cestoval = traveled nastoupil = got off stanici = station (fem. singular locative) kolo = bicycle nastoupit = to get on vystoupit = to get off Chci cestovat. = I want to travel. Odkud je ta turistka? = Where is the tourist from? Někdo vzal moje kolo. = Someone took my bicycle. Čí kolo to může být? = Whose bicycle can it be? Jeho žena nechtěla, aby cestoval. = His wife did not want him to travel. Ti turisti nastoupili do špatného vlaku. = Those tourists got on the wrong train. Nevěděla jsem, kde z toho autobusu vystoupit. = I did not know where to get off the bus. V této stanici musíte vystoupit. = You must get off at this station. Ve které stanici jste nastoupil? = At which station did you get on? Do vlaku nastoupily čtyři turistky. = Four tourists got on the train. Jak tam cestovala. = How did she travel there? Tohle kolo není moje. = This bicycle isn't mine. Matěj hledá bohatou turistku. = Matěj is looking for a wealthy tourist. Co máte v tom kufru? = What do you have in that suitcase? Kateřina si vzala bohatého turistu z Rakouska. = Kateřina married a rich tourist from Austria. Ve které stanici mám vystoupit z metra, když chci jet na letiště? = At which station should I get off the subway if I want to go to the airport? === Skill 46 - Prepositions_I === Lesson 1[] s = with (used with a noun in the instrumental case) S tím zvířetem? = With that animal? Kdo mluvil s tím děvčetem? = Who spoke with that girl? Chtěl jsem polévku s masem. = I wanted soup with meat. Matěj si vzal ženu s dítětem. = Matěj married a woman with a child. Byl to malý pokoj s jedním oknem. = It was a small room with one window. František na ni čeká s jejím dítětem. = František is waiting for her with her child. Pracovala jsem tehdy s jejím bratrem. = I was working with her brother then. Čeká dítě s mým bratrem. = She is expecting a child with my brother. Kateřina často mluví s mým synem. = Kateřina often talks to my son. V úterý jsem tě viděla s jejím mužem. = On Tuesday, I saw you with her husband. Pracuješ s mým manželem. = Do you work with my husband? Hraje si s jídlem. = She plays with her food. Lesson 2[] Kam jdeš s tou krávou? = Where are you going with that cow? Ta kočka si zase hraje s myší. = The cat is playing with a mouse again. Se mnou. = With me! František je se svým novým autem spokojený. = František is happy/satisfied with his new car. On bydlí se svou matkou. = He lives with his mother. Hraje si se svou dcerou. = She is playing with her daughter. Díval jsem se na to se svou ženou. = I watched it with my wife. Vrátil se se svou novou manželkou. = He returned with his new wife. Se svou novou přítelkyní je František šťastný. = František is happy with his new girlfriend. Hledal tě muž s jednou rukou. = A man with one arm was looking for you. Dům s jednou koupelnou nechceme. = We do not want a house with one bathroom. V mém pokoji byl jen stůl s jednou židlí. = In my room, there was only a table with one chair. Jak spokojení jste byli s tou novou restaurací ? = How satisfied were you with the new restaurant? Jsem se svým počítačem spokojená. = I am satisfied with my computer. Včera byl se mnou. = Yesterday he was with me. Je tady se svou mladší sestrou. = She is here with her younger sister. Kdo je se mnou? = Who is with me? Co deláš v té postelí svým manželem? = What are you doing in that bed with my husband? Lesson 3[] s tebou = with you s ní = with her s ním = with him s Žofií = with Žofie My s ní počítáme = We are counting on her souhlasit = to agree znít = to sound Jsem teď s Žofií. = I am with Žofie now. My s ní počítáme. = We are counting on her! Já jsem s ní. = I am with her. Moje dcery byly s Žofií v divadle. = My daughters were with Žofie in the theater. Můžeme s vámi počítat? = Can we count on you? Ano, souhlasím s vámi. = Yes, I agree with you. František s ní vždy souhlasí. = František always agrees with her. Nikdo s tebou nesouhlasí. = Nobody agrees with you. Jeho rodiče stojí před tebou. = His parents are standing in front of you. Před ním nic říkat nechtěla. = She did not want to say anything in front of him. Co jste tam s ním udělali? = What have you done with him there? Co je ta zvláštní věc před tebou? = What is that strange thing in front of you? Já jsem tady ale byla před vámi. = But I was here before you! Chodili jsme s ním do školy. = We went to school with him. Před Žofií seděl vysoký muž v klobouku. = There was a tall man in a hat sitting in front of Žofie. Souhlasíš s našimi sousedy? = Do you agree with our neighbors? Lesson 4[] s kým = with whom před vaším = in front of your ... před naším = in front of our ... před kterým = in front of which ... ? s nimi = with them za nimi = behind them za námi = behind us S kým? = With whom? Kdo chce jít s nimi? = Who wants to go with them? Sedím za nimi. = I sit behind them. Jsou za námi. = They are behind us. Čekáme před nádražím. = We are waiting in front of the train station. Zahrada za naším domem je často plná ptáků. = The garden behind our house is often full of birds. Lidé tady před naším stoletím nežili. = People did not live here before our century. Už je to za námi. = It is already behind us. Čí je to špinavé auto před vaším domem? = Whose dirty car is in front of your house? Já s nimi nesouhlasím. = I do not agree with them. Jeden ze stromů před naším domem je nemocný. = One of the trees, in front of our house, is sick. Jde ze námi kůň. = A horse is walking behind us. Před kterým nádražím máme čekat. = In front of which train station are we supposed to wait? S kým tam jedeš? = Who are you going there with? Nemám s kým jít. = I have no one to go with. Lesson 5[] nad vámi = above you (or above you all) před jejich = in front of their ... s jejich = with their ... pod jejich = under their ... svými syny= with one's own sons pod těmi stromy = under those trees pod našimi okny = under our windows s mými sousedy = with my neighbors s vašimi děvčaty = with your girls nad svými syny = above one's own sons pod vašimi okny = under your windows nad = above Kdo bydlí nad vámi? = Who lives above you? Když otevřel oči, stál nad ním medvěd. = When he opened his eyes, a bear was standing over him. Stalo se něco před jejich domem? = Did something happen in front of their house? Pod postelí jsem našla něčí kalhoty. = I found someone's pants under the bed. Pod jejich autem spí dvě kočky. = There are two cats sleeping under their car. Naše dcera si s jejich zvířaty nehraje. = Our daughter does not play with their animals. Někdy mluvím se svými zvířaty. = Sometimes I talk to my animals. Pláčou nad svými syny. = They are crying over their sons. Pod našimi okny je široká ulice. = There is a wide street under our windows. Pod vašimi okny stojí mnoho lidí. = There are a lot of people standing under your windows. Včera odpoledne jsme četly knihy s vašimi děvčaty. = Yesterday afternoon we were reading books with your girls. O čem jsi mluvil s mými sousedy? = What were you talking about with my neighbors? Pod těmi stromy nic neroste. = Nothing grows under these trees! Lesson 6[] s dětmi = with children jeden rok přede mnou = one year before (previous to) me před špatným nádražím = in front of the wrong station pode mnou = under me pod starými hrady = under old castles pod starým stromem = under an old tree nad námi = above us nade mnou = above me nad stolem = above the table s malými dětmi = with small children s velkým bytem = with a big apartment viset = to hang Žofie pracuje s dětmi. = Žofie works with children. Nad stolem visí pavouk. = There is a spider hanging over the table. Nade mnou nikdo nebydlí. = Nobody lives above me. Sedím pod starým stromem. = I am sitting under an old tree. Bylo pode mnou celé město. = An entire city was below me. Čekal před špatným nádražím. = He was waiting in front of the wrong train station. Hledám někoho s velkým bytem. = I am looking for someone with a large apartment. Neviselo nade mnou vůbec nic. = Nothing at all was hanging over me. Kolik jste jich našli přede mnou? = How many of them did you find before me? Kateřina skončila školu jeden rok přede mnou. = Kateřina finished school one year before me. Pracuje pode mnou jedenáct lidí. = Eleven people work under me. Bydlela nade mnou rodina s malými dětmi. = A family with small children lived above me. Kolik tady pracuje žen s malými dětmi. = How many women, with small children, work here? Říká, že přede mnou nikoho nemiloval. = He says that he did not love anyone before me. Některá česká města leží pod starými hrady. = Some Czech towns lie below old castles. Ta židle pode mnou vypadala špatně. = The chair under me looked bad. Stále jejich slova visí nad námi. = Their words are still hanging over us. Lesson 7[] s modrými košilemi = with blue shirts mezi chlapci a děvčaty = between boys and girls mezi staršími ženami = among older women mezi většími zeměmi = between larger countries rozdíl = difference mezi = between S lidmi být nechci. = I do not want to be with people. Hraji si s jejími vlasy. = I am playing with her hair. Kam chodíte s prázdnými láhvemi? = Where do you go with empty bottles? Myslím na lžíci mezi jejími rty. = I am thinking about the spoon between her lips. Jste mezi přáteli. = You are among friends. Čekám na letišti s jejími přítelkyněmi. = I am waiting at the airport with her girlfriends. Co si myslíš o starých mužích s mnohem mladšími přítelkyněmi? = What do you think about old men with much younger girlfriends? Jaký je mezi těmi stroji rozdíl? = What is the difference between the machines? Jaký je mezi těmi mašinami rozdíl? = What is the difference between the machines? Slovensko leží mezi většími zeměmi. = Slovakia lies between bigger countries. Mezi staršími ženami by ses cítila lip. = You would feel better among older women. Já mezi kachnami a husami žádný rozdíl nevidím. = I do not see any difference between ducks and geese. Měli tmavé kalhoty s modrými košilemi. = They had dark pants with blue shirts. Mezi zvířaty se cítí líp nez mezi lidmi. = She feels better among animals than among people. Ptá se na rozdíl mezi chlapci a děvčaty. = He is asking about the difference between boys and girls. Mezi jejími studenými prsty našli dopis. = Between her cold fingers they found a letter. S takovými lidmi bych bydlet nechtěl. = I would not want to live with such people. Vidíš mezi nimi nějaký rozdíl? = Do you see any difference between them? === Skill 47 - Verbs:_Modals_2 === Lesson 1[] nemohla jsem = I could not (sing. fem. subject) mohla jsem = I could (sing. fem. subject) mohlo být = it could be (sing. neuter subject) nemohl = could not (sing. masc. subject) mohl = could (sing. masc. subject) Mohlo být deset hodin. = It could have been ten o'clock. Nemohla jsem jít do školy. = I could not go to school. Jeho hlava nemohla být větší než jablko. = Its head could not have been bigger than an apple. Jak jsi na mě mohl zapomenout? = How could you forget about me? Ani po dvaceti letech na tu ženu nemohl zapomenout. = Not even after twenty years could he forget the woman. Na čistou postel jsem mohla zapomenout. = I could forget about a clean bed! Lesson 2[] musela = had to (sing. fem. subject) nemusela = did not have to (sing. fem. subject) musela být = must have been (sing. fem. subject) musel = had to (sing. masc. subject) nemusel = did not have to (sing. masc. subject) nemuselo = did not have to (sing. neuter subject) museli = had to (plural. masc. subject) Stát se to nemuselo. = It did not have to happen. To musela být zajímavá žena. = She must have been an interesting woman. Ne, já jsem to dělat nemusel. = No, I did not have to do it. Musel jste pracovat? = Did you have to work? Potom už nikdy pracovat nemusela. = Afterwards sh never had to work any more. Museli jsme každý den pracovat dvanáct hodin. = We had to work twelve hours every day. Lesson 3[] směl = could, was allowed to (sing. masc. subject) směla = could, was allowed to (sing. fem. subject) nesměl = could not, was not allowed to (sing. masc. subject) nesměl = could not, was not allowed to (sing. fem. subject) směli = could, were allowed to (plural masc. subject) nesměli = could not, were not allowed to (plural masc. subject) Nesměli jsme se dívat na televizi. = We could not watch TV. Nikdo nesměl nic říct. = No one was allowed to say anything. František nesměl pít. = František was not allowed to drink. Směl jsem říct jen málo. = I could only say a little. Směla vaše kočka do ložnice? = Was your cat allowed in the bedroom? Každý rok směl říct jen jedno slovo. = Every year, he could only say one word. Lesson 4[] měl = he should have, he was supposed to (sing. 3rd person masc.) měla = she should have, she was supposed to (sing. 3rd person fem.) neměl = he should not have, he was not supposed to (sing. 3rd person masc.) neměla = she should not have, she was not supposed to (sing. 3rd person fem.) neměl jsi = you should not have, you were not supposed to (sing. 2nd person masc.) neměli jste = you all should not have, you all were not supposed to (plural 2nd person masc.) Měla to být velmi dobrá kniha? = Was it supposed to be a very good book? Měl víc studovat. = He should have studied more. V těchto dnech by měl každý být doma. = Everyone should be at home these days. Měl jsem studovat jazyky. = I was supposed to study languages. Neměla tolik studovat. = She shouldn't have studied so much. Neměli jste tolik pít. = You shouldn't have drunk so much. Neměl jsi to říkat. = You should not have said that! Možná sis neměl brát o tolik mladší ženu? = Maybe you shouldn't have married a woman so much younger? Lesson 5[] nesměli bychom = we could not neměli bychom = we should not neměl bys = you should not by směl = would be allowed to někdy bys měl = sometimes you should měli bychom = we should směl bych.... = would I be allowed to.... by směly.... = they would be allowed to.... (plural sub.) by měl = he should proč by nesměla.... = why could she not.... neměla bych = I should not zkusit = to try odejít = to leave zpívat = to sing Nesměli bychom zpívat. = We could not sing. Měli bychom to zkusit. = We should try it. František by měl zkusit míň pít. = František should try to drink less. Kdokoli by směl odejít. = Anyone would be allowed to leave. Odejít by směly jen ženy a děti. = Only women and children would be allowed to leave. Někdy bys měl zkusit pracovat. = Sometime you should try to work. Neměla bych kupovat pivo. = I shouldn't be buying beer. Ten starý automobil bychom kupovat neměli = We should not buy that old car. Proč by nesměla zpívat? = Why couldn't she sing? Směl bych odejít. = Would I be allowed to leave? Neměl bys kupovat tolik jídla. = You should not buy so much food. Tam by zpívat nesměla vůbec. = You would not be allowed to sing there at all. === Skill 48 - Verbs:_Aspect === Lesson 1[] jakmile = as soon as otevřela ústa = she opened her mouth (perfective) otevíral = he was opening (imperfective) otevírala = she was opening (imperfective) když jsme otevírali = when we were opening (imperfective) stěžovat = to complain (imperfective) viděl = I saw (imperfective) viděla = she saw (imperfective) podíval se na = he took a look at (perfective) podívala = she took a look (perfective) nepodívaly = they did not look (perfective) učím = I have been learning (imperfective) naučila = she learnt (perfective) naučili jsme = we learnt (perfective) nenaučil = I have not learnt (perfective) kupoval = he had been buying, was buying (imperfective) kupovala = she had been buying, was buying (imperfective) kupovali = we were buying (imperfective) zavíral = I was closing (imperfective) vypadal = it seemed, it appeared (imperfective) přišel o prst = he lost his finger (perfective) jakmile = as soon as Podíval se na své ruce. = He took a look at his hands. Rychle se na něho podívala. = She quickly looked at him. Ani jednou se na mě nepodívaly. = Not once did they look at me. Kde ses naučila tak dobře řídit? = Where did you learn to drive so well? Přišel o prst, když otevíral láhev nožem. = He lost a finger when he was opening a bottle with his knife. Stalo se to, když Kateřina zavírala dveře. = It happened when Kateřina was closing the door. Jakmile otevřela ústa, začala si stěžovat. = As soon as she opened her mouth she began to complain. Jakmile zavřela oči, její manžel vypadal líp. = As soon as she closed her eyes, her husband looked better. Když jsem kufr zavíral, to tělo v něm nebylo. = When I was closing the suitcase, the body was not in it. Naučili jsme se osmdesát nových českých slov. = we have learnt eighty new Czech words. Když jsem ten dům kupovali, vypadal mnohem větší. = When we were buying the house, it looked much bigger. Učím se česky už dlouho, ale ještě jsem se příliš nenaučil. = I have been studying Czech for a long time, but I have not learned too much yet. Když jsem tam kupovala kabát pro manžela, viděla jsem tyhle krásné svetry. = When I was buying a coat for my husband there, I saw these beautiful sweaters. Když jsme otevírali svůj první obchod byi jsme chudí. = When we were opening our first shop, we were poor. Když jsem zavíral okno, viděl jsem vás na ulici. = When I was closing the window, I saw you on the street. Kolik let od ní kupoval sýr a mléko? = How many years had he been buying cheese and milk from her? Když moje sestřenice otevírala dveře, viděla na nich krev. = When my cousin was opening the door, she saw blood on it. Lesson 2[] prodával = he sold (singular masc. subject, imperfective) prodávala = she sold (singular fem. subject, imperfective) prodali = we sold (plural masc. subject, perfective) neprodala = she did not sell (singular fem. subject, perfective) vystupoval = he alighted e.g from a bus (singular masc. subject, imperfective) vystupovala = she alighted (singular fem, subject, imperfective) vystupovali = they alighted (plural masc. subject, imperfective) vystoupil = he alighted (singular masc. subject, perfective) vystoupila = she alighted (singular fem. subject, perfective) vystoupili = they alighted (plural masc. subject, perfective) překládal = he translated (singular masc. subject, imperfective) překládala = she translated (singular fem. subject, imperfective) přeložil = he translated (singular masc. subject, perfective) nepřeložili = they did not translate (plural masc. subject, perfective) nepřeložila = she did not translate (singular fem. subject, perfective) prodat = to sell přeložit = to translate Už jste ten dům prodali? = Have you sold that house yet? Já bych tu knihu přeložil líp. = I would translate that book better. Překládal jsi ten dopis dlouho? = Were you translating that letter for a long time? Tu větu asi překládal nějaký cizinec. = Some foreigner probably translated that sentence. Každý týden prodávala svou krev. = She sold her blood every week. Ne, ten byt jsem ještě neprodala. = No, I have not sold the apartment yet. Kolik let prodával František auta? = For how many years did František sell cars? Jak dlouho vystupoval z té tramvaje? = How long was he getting off that streetcar? Co se stalo, kydž vystoupila z vlaku? = What happened once she got off the train? Co se stalo, kydž vystupovala z vlaku? = What happened while she was getting off the train? Překládala jsem ten dopis celý vikend. = I was translating that letter all weekend. Ten vysoký turista už z tramvaje vystoupil. = That tall tourist already got off the tram. Tuhle větu jste opravdu nepřeložili příliš dobře. = You really did not translate this sentence too well. Jakmile jsme vystoupili z autobusu, začali jsme hledat hotel. = As soon as we got off the bus, we began to look for the hotel. Ti turisté vystupovali z vlaku pět nebo šest minut. = The tourists were exiting the train for five or six minutes. Proč jsi ještě nepřeložila ten dopis od Františka? = Why haven't you translated the letter from František yet? Tehdy jsem prodával v metru trika. = I was selling t-shirts in the subway back then. Jakmile jsme koupili dům, Žofie chtěla dítě. = As soon as we bought a house, Žofie wanted a child. To auto jsme včera prodali. = We sold that car yesterday. Lesson 3[] nadále = still, keeps on naposledy = for the last time pomalu = slowly pravidelně = regularly čekal = he waited, he was waiting (singular masc. subject, imperfective) navštěvoval = he visited (singular masc. subject, imperfective) navštěvovali = we visited (plural masc. subject, imperfective) navštěvovala = she visited (singular fem. subject, imperfective) navštívil = he visited (singular masc. subject, perfective) Navštívili = they visited (plural masc. subject, perfective) navštívily = they visited (plural fem. subject, perfective) zapomínal = he forgot (singuar masc. subject, imperfective) zapomínala = she forgot (singular fem. subject, imperfective) dostával = he got (singular masc. subject, imperfective) dostávali = we got (plural masc. subject, imperfective) navštívit = to visit Navštěvoval ji často? = Did he visit her often? František nadále čekal. = František kept on waiting. Navštívili nás jen jednou. = They visited us only once. Navštívil jsem je třikrát. = I have visited them three times. Dědeček stále něco zapomínal. = Grandpa was always forgetting something. Navštěvovali jsme je vždy večer. = We would always visit them in the evening. Pomalu jsem zapomínala česká slova. = I was slowly forgetting Czech words. Často jsme od rodičů dostávali knihy. = We would often get books from our parents. Proč jste mne ani jednou nenavštívili ? = Why haven't you visited me even once? Včera jsme ho navštívily naposledy. = Yesterday we visited him for the last time. Kdy jsi naposledy něco dostala od Matěje? = When did you last get anything from Matěj? Pravidelně jsem od něho dostávala drahé šperky. = I would regularly get expensive jewelry from him. Ona jej navštěvovala pravidelně od ledna do května. = She was regularly visiting him from January until May. Jak pravidelně dostával ty dopisy? = How regularly was he getting the letters? Seděl tam nadále? = Did he keep on sitting there? Naposledy jsme od nich dostali dopis v červnu. = The last time we got a letter from them was in June. Nadále zapomínal kde vystoupit z tramvaje. = He kept on forgetting where to get off the streetcar. Lesson 4[] prohrávat = to lose (infinitive, imperfective) prohrát = to lose (infinitive, perfective) prohrával = he lost (singular masc. subject, imperfective) prohrál = he lost (singlular masc. subject, perfective) prohráli = they lost (plural, masc. subject, perfective) vyhrávali = they won (plural, masc. subject, imperfective) vyhráli = they won (plural, masc. subject, perfective) hrál = he played (singular, masc. subject, imperfective) hráli = they played (plural, masc, subject, imperfective) vyhrát = to win prohrát = to lose Rád vyhrával. = He liked to win. Zase prohráli? = Did they lose again? Stále prohrával. = He was always losing. Včera jsem prohrál. = I lost yesterday. Včera nehrál dobře. = He did not play well yesterday. Ty chceš vždy vyhrát. = You always want to win. Ještě jsme noprohráli. = We have not lost yet. Na jaké nástroje hráli? = What instruments did they play? S ní bys neměla prohrát. = You should not lose to her. Tehdy jsme vyhrávali často. = We were winning frequently back then. Nechci stále jen prohrávat. = I do not want just to lose all the time. V páté minutě už jsme prohrávali. = We were already trailing in the fifth minute. Celé odpoledne si hrál s počítačem. = He played with the computer all afternoon. Co jsem vyhrál? = What did I win? Chtěl zase vyhrávat ale prohrál. = He wanted to win again, but he lost. Vyhráli jsme nad nimi dvakrát. = We have defeated them twice. myl = he washed (singular, masc. subject, imperfective) myješ = you wash (singular, 2nd person, imperfective) nemyje = he does not wash (singular, 3rd person, imperfective) nemyl = he did not wash (singular, masc. subject, imperfective) umyl = he washed (singular, masc. subject, perfective) neumyl = he washed (singular, masc. subject, perfective) prála = to wash, to do laundry (singular, fem. subject, imperfective) vyprat = to wash, to do laundry (infinitive, perfective) vyprala = she did laundry (singular, fem. subject, perfective) nádobí = dishes Celé ráno prala. = She was doing laundry all morning. Ten svetr musíš vyprat. = You have to wash that sweater. Nikdy nemyje svoje auto. = He never washes his car. Nikdy jsi neumyl ani talíř. = You have never even washed a plate. Ty košile jsem vyprala včera. = I washed those shirts yesterday. Co jsi v té pračce vyprala? = What did you wash in that washing machine? Myl každou sobotu všechna okna. = He washed all the windows every Saturday. Myl někdy nádobí? = Has he ever washed the dishes? Jak často myješ nádobí? = How often do you wash the dishes? Můj první manžel nádobí nemyl nikdy. = My first husband never washed the dishes. Kdo umyl všechno nádobí ? = Who did all the dishes? Prala holýma rukama? = Was she doing laundry with her bare hands? Žofie nadále prala ve stejné pračce. = Žofie kept on doing laundry in the same washer. Ty to okno už myješ čtyřicet minut. = You have been cleaning that window for forty minutes. Už jsi umyl to nádobí? = Did you do those dishes yet? === Skill 49 - Jobs === Lesson 1[] v práci = at work studentka = student (singular, female, nom.) studenti = students (plural, male, nom.) studentem = with the student (singular, male, instrumental) studentkami = with the students (plural, female, instrumental) učitelka = teacher (singular, female, nom.) učitelkou = with the teacher (singular, female, instrumental) učitelem = with the teacher (singular, male, instrumental) učiteli = teachers (plural, male, nom.) student = student (singular, male, nom.) job = práce Más dost práce? = Do you have enough work? Už nejsem studentkou. = I am not a student anymore. Žofie je dobrá studentka. = Žofie is a good student. Je tvoje matka učitelkou? = Is your mother a teacher? Ona byla špatnou učitelkou. = She was a bad teacher. Žofie chce být učitelkou angličtiny. = Žofie wants to be an English teacher. Jsou ty dívky studentkami? = Are those girls students? Mluvil jsem s tvým učitelem. = I talked to your teacher. Františku, jsi stále studentem? = František, are you still a student? Co mám udělat s tímto studentem? = What am I supposed to do with this student? Já jsem v práci od devíti do pěti. = I am at work from nine to five. Učitelka s tímto studentem souhlasí. = The teacher agrees with this student. Nesmíš se práce bát. = You must not be afraid of work. Všichni moji bratři jsou učiteli. = All my brothers are teachers. Byli jste tam s učiteli? = Were you there with the teachers? S tímto učitelem jsem mluvil ve středu. = I spoke to this teacher on Wednesday. Studenti mají v zimě hodně práce. = Students have a lot of work in winter. Je ta práce důležitá? = Is that work important? Někteří naši studenti si myslí, že umí anglicky a česky líp než my. = Some of our students think that they speak better English and Czech than we do. Lesson 2[] šéfa = boss (singular male, acc.) šéfka = boss (singular female, nom.) šéfku = boss (singular female, acc.) firma = firm (singular nom.) firmu = firm (singular acc.) firmě = at or to the firm (singular dative or locative) lékař = doctor (singular male, nom.) lékařka = doctor (singular female, nom.) lékaři = doctors (plural, male, nom.) podnikatelem = with the businessman (singular, male, instrumental) podnikatelkou = with the businesswoman (singular, female, instrumental) odborník = expert (singular, male, nom.) odborníků = expert (plural, male, genitive) odborníkem = expert (singular, male, instrumental) odbornicí = expert (singular, female, instrumental)[1] odbornice = expert (singular, female, nom.) podnikatelka = businesswoman lékař = doctor firma = company Co na to říká tvoje šéfka? = What does your boss say about it? Pracují tam jen odbornice. = Only experts work there. Svého šéfa vůbec nesnáším. = I cannot stand my boss at all. Jsem odborníkem na všechno. = I am an expert on everything. Pracuji pro německou firmu. = I work for a German firm. Kolik odborníků tady pracuje? = How many experts work here? Rád pracuji s tímto podnikatelem. = I like to work with this businessman. Moje lékařka je velmi chytrá žena. = My doctor is a very smart woman. Jeho manželka je odbornicí na ryby. = His wife is an expert on fish. S touto učitelkou moji rodiče nemluvili. = My parents did not speak to this teacher. On ale není odborník. = But he is not an expert! Vidíte nějaký rozdíl mezi touto podnikatelkou a vámi? = Do you see any difference between this businesswoman and you? Jeho rodiče jsou lékaři. = His parents are doctors. S touto podnikatelkou jsem byl v restauraci. = I was at a restaurant with this businesswoman. Tato firma vyrábí sýr. = This firm produces cheese. Co si o tom myslí tvůj lékař? = What does your doctor think about it? Opravdu je ta žena odbornice? = Is that woman really an expert? Proč chcete pracovat v této firmě. = Why do you want to work at this firm? Takovou šéfku bych také chtěl. = I would want a boss like that too! Lesson 3[] kolega = colleague (singular, male, nom.) kolegyně = colleague (singular, female, nom.) kolegou = colleague (singular, male, instrumental) kolegyní = colleague (singular, female, instrumental) soudce = judge (singular, male, nom. or acc.) soudcem = judge (singular, male, instrumental) soudci = judges (plural, male, instrumental) soudkyní = judge (singular, female, instrumental) soudkyněmi = judge (plural, female, instrumental) umělců = artists (plural, male, genitive) umělcem = artist (singular, male, instrumental) umělkyně = artist (singular, female, nom.) umělkyní = artist (singular, female, instrumental) soudce = judge umělec = artist Je těžké být soudkyní? = Is it hard to be a judge? Stal se špatným soudcem. = He became a bad judge. Soudci jsou užiteční lidé. = Judges are useful people. Žofie je úspěšnou umělkyní. = Žofie is a successful artist. Je mnohem víc chudých umělců než bohatých. = There are many more poor artists than rich ones. Souhlasíš s tamtím kolegou? = Do you agree with that colleague? Kateřina čeká dítě s tamtím umělcem. = Kateřina is expecting a child with that artist. Pili jsme pivo s tamtou kolegyní. = We were drinking beer with that colleague. Ta známá umělkyně je bývalá kolegyně mé přítelkyně. = That famous artist is a former colleague of my friend. Jejich dcera chce být soudkyní. = Their daughter wants to be a judge. S tamtím kolegou je těžké mluvit. = It is hard to talk to that colleague. Dvě z mých tet jsou soudkyněmi. = Two of my aunts are judges. Každý pátek chodím s tamtou kolegyní na kávu. = Every Friday, I go with that colleague for coffee. S tamtou umělkyní včera mluvil můj kolega Matěj. = My colleague Matěj spoke with that artist yesterday. Proč bys chtěl být umělcem? = Why would you want to be an artist? Nevím, nejsem soudce. = I do not know, I am not a judge. Lesson 4[] dělník = worker (singular, male, nom.) dělníků = workers (plural, male, genitive) dělnicí = worker (singular, female, instrumental) prezident = president (singular, male, nom.) prezidenta = president (singular, male, acc.) prezidenty = president (plural, male, acc.) prezidentkou = president (singular, female, instrumental) ředitel = director (singular, male, nom.) ředitelem = director (singular, male, instrumental) ředitelkou = director (singular, female, instrumental) továrně = at a/the factory (singular, male inam., locative) zaměstnání = job/jobs (singular/plural, neuter, most cases) vydělává = he makes/earns (3rd person singular) vydělávat = to earn dělník = laborer ředitel = director Příliš nevyděláváš. = You do not make too much. Potřebujeme prezidenta? = Do we need a president? Kdy se stala ředitelkou? = When did she become director? Já s ředitelem nesouhlasím. = I do not agree with the director. Tahle zaměstnání nikdo nechce. = Nobody wants these jobs! Nemohu s těmito kolegy pracovat. = I cannot work with these colleagues. S těmito prezidenty nejsme spokojení. = We are not satisfied with these presidents. Prezident je s těmito soudci nespokojený. = The president is dissatisfied with these judges. První prezident Česka byl dobrý člověk. = The first president of Czechia was a good man. Měl bys hledat nové zaměstnání. = You should look for a new job. Moje první zaměstnání bylo v továrně na klobouky. = My first job was at a hat factory. Moje babička byla dělnicí v továrně. = My grandmother was a worker in a factory. V naší továrně pracuje pět set dělníků. = There are five hundred workers working in our factory. Matěj vydělává víc než já. = Matěj makes more than me. Jsem váš nový ředitel. = I am your new director. Kolik tady vydělává dělník? = How much does a laborer make here? Ve které zemi se manželka bývalého prezidenta stala prezidentkou? = In which country has a former president's wife become president? Lesson 5[] zaměstnanci = employees (plural, male, nom.) zaměstnance = employee/s (singular or plural, male, acc.) zaměstnancem = with the employee (singular, male, instrumental) zaměstnankyně = employee/s (singular or plural, female, nom.) zaměstnankyní = with the employee (singular, female, instrumental) zkušená = experienced (adj. applied to female subject) líná = lazy (adj. applied to female subject) pilným = industrious (adj. instrumental, e.g. with that industrious....) pilný = diligent zkušený = experienced Rád učím pilné studenty. = I like to teach hard working students. Souhlasím s tímhle kolegou. = I agree with this colleague. S touhle kolegyní není možné pracovat. = It is not possible to work with this colleague. Líné zaměstnance nehladáme. = We are not looking for lazy employees. Kateřina je velmi pilná zaměstnankyně. = Kateřina is a very hard-working employee. S tamhletěmi ženami počítáme, protože jsou velmi zkušené zaměstnankyně. = We are counting on those women because they are very experienced employees. Co chceš udělat s těmihle línými zaměstnanci? = What do you want to do with these lazy employees? Je velký rozdíl mezi tamhletou zkušenou zaměstnankyní a tebou. = There is a big difference between that experienced employee and you. Žofie je zkušená ale dost líná. = Žofie is experienced but quite lazy. Ředitel chce mluvit a tamhletím pilným zaměstnancem. = The director wants to speak with that diligent employee. === Skill 50 - Ago === Lesson 1[] před rokem = a year ago před hodinou = an hour ago před minutou = a minute ago před stoletim = a century ago před měsícem = a month ago před týdnem = a week ago Stalo se to před minutou. = It happened a minute ago. Tvůj strýc tady před minutou ještě byl. = Your uncle was still here a minute ago. Před týdnem ji miloval. = A week ago he loved her. František se vřatil před týdnem. = František returned a week ago. Jsi chytřejší než před týdnem? = Are you smarter than a week ago? Kde jsi byl před hodinou? = Where were you an hour ago? Byl v Česku před měsícem. = He was in Czechia a month ago. Stalo se to téměř před stoletím. = It happened almost a century ago. Koupil jsem to prase před rokem. = I bought the pig a year ago. Viděl jsem ho před hodinou. = I saw him an hour ago. Před rokem začal psát šestou knihu. = A year ago, he began writing his sixth book. Před rokem jsi byla o rok mladší. = A year ago, you were a year younger. Začali jsme asi před hodinou. = We began about an hour ago. Ten strom tady stál už před stoletím? = Was that tree already standing here a century ago. Před minutou někam šel. = A minute ago, he went somewhere. Skončila jsem školu před měsícem. = I finished school a month ago. Před měsícem tady stál dům. = A month ago, there was a house standing here. Lesson 2[] před dvěma minutami = two minutes ago před dvěma hodinami = two hours ago před dvěma měsíci = two months ago před dvěma stoletími = two centuries ago před dvěma týdny = two weeks ago před dvěma dny = two days ago Bylo to před dvěma stoletími? = Was it two centuries ago? Kolik dní trvala cesta z Prahy do Německa před dvěma stoletími? = How many days did a trip from Prague to Germany take two centuries ago? Před dvěma dny jsem nic necítila. = Two days ago, I felt nothing. Co jsi snědl před dvěma hodinami? = What did you eat two hours ago? Věděl jsi o tom před dvěma měsíci? = Did you know about that two months ago? Kateřina přišla před dvěma minutami. = Kateřina arrived two minutes ago. Před dvěma minutami naše děti ještě nespaly. = Two minutes ago, our children still were not asleep. Jejich dcera se narodila před dvěma minutami. = Their daughter was born two minutes ago. Váš dopis jsem dostal před dvěma týdny. = I got your letter two weeks ago. Před dvěma týdny jsme v ložnici našli myš. = Two weeks ago, we found a mouse in the bedroom. Naše nemocná kočka před dvěma dny přestala jíst. = Our sick cat stopped eating two days ago. Před dvěma měsíci přišli o svůj dům. = Two months ago, they lost their house. Poslední láhev vína jsme vypili před dvěma hodinami. = We drank the last bottle of wine two hours ago. Matěj ji požádal o ruku před dvěma měsíci. = Matěj proposed to her two months ago. Kolik tenhle kabát stál před dvěma dny? = How much did this coat cost two days ago? Před dvěma stoletími byly Česko, Rakousko a Slovensko ve stejné zemi. = Two centuries ago, the Czech Republic, Austria and Slovakia were in the same country. Před dvěma hodinami ten obchod zavřeli. = Two hours ago, they closed the store. Tento dopis jsem měla otevřít před dvěma týdny. = I should have opened this letter two weeks ago. Lesson 3[] před třemi týdny = three weeks ago před sedmi lety = seven years ago před dvaceti pěti lety = twenty five years ago před čtyřmi lety = four years ago před třiceti lety = thirty years ago před třemi lety = three years ago před osmdesáti lety = eighty years ago před padesáti lety = fifty years ago před sedmi lety = seven years ago před třiceti lety = thirty years ago před čtyřiceti lety = forty years ago před čtyřmi stoletími = four centuries ago Před třemi dny mě bolela hlava. = Three days ago, I had a headache. Vzali se před třemi lety. = They got married three years ago. Před pěti minutami tady seděla krásná žena. = There was a beautiful woman sitting here five minutes ago. Ano, před čtyřmi měsíci jsem ten obchod koupil. = Yes, four months ago, I bought that shop. Jeji rodiče umřeli před čtyřmi lety. = Her parents died four years ago. Před dvaceti pěti lety byly Česko a Slovensko jedno zemí. = Twenty-five years ago, Czechia and Slovakia were one country. Celá rodina před sedmi lety umřela. = The entire family died seven years ago. Existovaly před osmdesáti lety počitače? = Did computers exist eighty years ago? Ty země před čtyřiceti lety neexistovaly. = Those centuries did not exist forty years ago. Před třiceti lety toto slovo ještě neexistovalo. = Thirty years ago, this word did not exist yet. Umřel před čtyřmi stoletími. = He died four centuries ago. Ta zahrada vypadala před třemi týdny líp. = That garden looked better a three weeks ago. Narodila se před padesáti lety. = She was born fifty years ago. Měla jsi stejného manžela před dvěma lety? = Did you have the same husband two years ago? Ne, před dvěma lety jsem bydlel jinde. = No, two years ago I lived somewhere else. Před dvěma lety jsem začal studovat angličtinu. = Two years ago, I began to study English. === Skill 51 - Nature === Lesson 1[] neprší = it has not rained dost chladno = quite cold venku = outside (adverb) teplo = warm prší = it rains pršelo = it rained bylo horko = it was hot počasí = weather sníh = snow pršet = to rain venku = outside Jak je venku? = How is it outside? Pršelo včera? = Did it rain yesterday? Všude leží sníh. = Snow lies everywhere. Venku je chladno. = It is cold outside. Jak chlandno je dnes? = How cold is it today? Včera bylo dost chladno. = It was quite cold yesterday. Jaké je dnes počasí? = How is the weather today? Čtyři měsíce neprší. = It hasn't rained for four months. Tři měsíce už neprší. = It has not rained for three months. Dnes je venku teplo. = It's warm outside today. V pondělí bylo horko. = It was hot on Monday. Ráno nebylo příliš teplo. = It was not too warm in the morning. Jak horko je tam? = How hot is it there? Tohle počasí nesnáším. = I can't stand this weather. Její kůže byla bílá jako sníh. = Her skin was as white as snow. Jedl jsi ten žlutý sníh? = Were you eating the yellow snow? Včera bylo ošklivé počasí. = The weather was bad yesterday. Lesson 2[] nebe = sky (nom. acc.) na nebi = in the sky (locative) moře = sea (nom. acc.) hora = mountain (nom.) vysoké hory = tall mountains (plural acc.) na horách = in the mountains (plural locative) nejvyšší českou horu = tallest Czech mountain (singular acc.) mrak = cloud (singular nom., acc.) tmavé mraky = dark clouds (plural, nom., acc.) v mracích = in the clouds (plural, locative) řeka = river (singular, nom.) řeky = rivers (plural nom., acc. also singular genitive) sněžit = to snow (infinitive) sněží = it snows (3rd person singular or plural) ta hora = the mountain nebe = sky ten mrak = the cloud téct = to flow Miluju modré nebe. = I love the blue sky. Sněží. = It is snowing. Začalo sněžit. = It started snowing. Na horách sněží často. = In the mountains, it snows often. Kolik bylo na nebi ptáků? = How many birds were there in the sky? Na nebi jsou tmavé mraky. = There are dark clouds in the sky. Česko nemá moře ani vysoké hory. = Czechia has neither a sea nor tall mountains. Tahle řeka teče do jiného moře. = This river flows to a different sea. Na nebi nebyl ani jeden mrak. = There was not a cloud in the sky. Všechny česke řeky netečou do stejného moře. = Czech rivers do not all flow to the same sea. Tvoje hora čeká. = Your mountain is waiting! Tahle řeka teče do jiného moře. = This river flows to a different sea. Cele nebe bylo fialove. = The sky was all purple! Když je hezké počasí, vidím ze svého okna nejvyšší českou horu. = When the weather is good, I can see the tallest Czech mountain from my window. Bez nebe bych nemohl být. = I could not be without the sky. Myslím, že jsem tě viděl v mracích. = I think I saw you in the clouds. Kde končí moře a začíná nebe? = Where does the sea end and the sky begin? Do kterého moře teče ta řeka. = Which sea does that river flow into? Lesson 3[] hvězda = star (singular fem. nom.) hvězdy = stars (singular fem. nom. or acc.) vidět nejvíc hvězd = to see the most stars (plural fem. genitive) svítily = were shining (plural 3rd person) mezi dvěma jezery = between two lakes (plural neuter instrumental) jezero = lake (singular neuter nom. or acc.) jezera = lakes (plural neuter nom. or acc.) mezi mraky = between the clouds (plural masc. instrumental) Kolik moří = how many seas (plural neuter genitive) žila v mořích = lived in the seas (plural neuter locative) měsíc = moon slunce = sun hvězda = star Svítí slunce? = Is it sunny? Kolik moří jsi viděl? = How many seas have you seen? Řeky z Česka tečou do tří moří. = Rivers flow from Czechia to three seas. Měsíc svítil mezi mraky. = The moon was shining between the clouds. On byl naše severní hvězda. = He was our northern star. V kolika mořích jste plavala? = How many seas have you swum in? Cestovala jsem po sedmi mořích. = I traveled the seven seas. Úplně první zvířata žila v mořích. = The very first animals lived in seas. Toto jezero je větší než Česko. = This lake is bigger than Czechia. Z letadla ta jezera vypadají jako prsty. = From an airplane, those lakes look like fingers. Nad našimi hlavami svítily hvězdy. = Stars were shining above our heads. Do kterých moří tečou slovenské řeky? = Which seas do Slovak rivers flow to? Byl v pondělí nový měsíc? = Was there a new moon on Monday? Naše město leži mezi dvěma jezery. = Our city lies between to lakes. Není příliš chytré dívat se na slunce. = It is not too smart to look at the sun. Měsíc je žlutý. = The moon is yellow. Těším se na zimu protože v zimě je možné vidět nejvíc hvězd. = I am looking forward to winter because in winter it is possible to see the most stars. Často se dívvme na hvězdy. = We often look at the stars. Lesson 4[] studený vítr = cold wind (singular, masc. nom. or acc.) silný jižní vítr = a strong south wind příroda = nature (singular, fem., nom.) přírodu = nature (singular, fem., acc.) o přírodě = about nature (singular, fem., locative) nejvyšší česká hora = the highest Czech mountain prší = it rains východ = the east (singular, masc. nom. or acc.) na východě = to the east, in the east (singular, masc. locative) z východu = from the east (singular, masc. genitive) východních Čechách = Eastern Bohemia (always plural, fem. locative) v jižních Čechách = in Southern Bohemia (as above) ze severu = from the north (singular, masc. locative, dative, genitive) na severu = to the north (as above) na jižním nebi = in the eastern sky, to the eastern sky (singular, neuter, dative, locative) vítr = wind jižní = southern sever = north foukat = to blow Východní nebe bylo šedé. = The eastern sky was gray. Na východ od Prahy sněží. = It is snowing to the east of Prague. Proč máš šestnáct knih o přírodě? = Why do you have sixteen books about nature? Zajímá mne příroda v jižních Čechách. = I am interested in nature in Southern Bohemia. Začal foukat studený vítr ze severu. = A cold wind began to blow from the north. Vítr tady téměř nikdy nefoká z východu. = The wind almost never blows from the east here. Kdo nemá rád přírodu? = Who does not like nature? Foukal východní vítr. = The east wind was blowing. Na východě prší míň často než na severu. = It rains less frequently in the east than in the north. Na horách je barva slunce jiná než u moře. = In the mountains, the color of the sun is different than by the sea. Nejvyšší česká hora je ve východních Čechách a v Polsku. = The highest Czech mountain is in eastern Bohemia and in Poland. Na horách sněží často. = In the mountains, it snows often. Foukal silný jižní vítr. = A strong south wind was blowing. Co to svítí na jižním nebi? = What is shining in the southern sky? Na severu země včera sněžilo. = In the north of the country, it snowed yesterday. Lesson 5[] les = wood, forest (singular, masc. nom. or acc.) v lese = in the forest (singular, masc. locative) hodně lesů = many forests (plural, masc. genitive) u lesa = with a forest (singular, masc. genitive) lesy = forests (plural, masc. nom., acc., instrumental) houba = mushroom (singular, fem. nom.) sbírají houby = to pick mushrooms (plural, fem. nom. or acc.) tyhle houby nesbírám = I do not pick these mushrooms houbu = mushroom (singular, fem. acc.) les = forest houba = mushroom Chci bydlet v lese. = I want to live in the woods. Koupil dům u lesa. = They bought a house by the woods. Chodím do lesa zapomenout. = I go to the woods to forget. V lese se cítili líp než ve městě. = They felt better in the woods than in the city. V Česku je hodně lesů. = There are a lot of forests in Czechia. Naše lesy jsou nemocné. = Our forests are sick. Byl to dobrý člověk, ale snědl špatnou houbu. = He was a good man, but ate a bad mushroom. Tyhle houby nesbírám, protože je neznám. = I do not pick these mushrooms because I do not know them. Kateřina a František často sbírají houby. = Kateřina and František often pick mushrooms. Když neznáš houby neměl bys je sbírat. = If you don't know mushrooms, you should not pick them. Žofie se bojí jít do lesa. = Žofie is scared to go into the woods. V tomto lese žijí medvědi. = There are bears living in this forest. Matěj snědl tu červenou houbu, a teď se necítí dobře. = Matěj ate that red mushroom, and now he is not feeling well. === Skill 52 - Reported === Lesson 1[] Žofie se zeptala = Žofie asked předpokládali = they assumed nepředpokládám = I do not assume předpokládal = he did not assume neřekla = she did not say ti turisti se ani nezeptali = the tourists did not even ask nevěděli = they did not know řekl = he, she said zeptal = he, she asked předpokládat = to assume Neřekla, co chce. = She did not say what she wanted. František řekl, že má hlad. = František said that he was hungry. Předpokládal, že jsem vdaná. = He assumed I was married. Nepředpokládám, že to chápete. = I do not assume that you understand it. Zeptal se mě, jestli mám žízeň. = He asked me if I was thirsty. Žofie se zeptala, kde máme koupelnu. = Žofie asked where our bathroom is. Nevěděli, který z těch jazyků je lehčí. = They did not know which of those languages was easier. Proč předpokládáš, že jsem o tom věděl? = Why do you assume that I knew about it? Ti turisti se ani nezeptali, jestli můžou kouřit. = The tourists did not even ask if they could smoke. Předpokládali že jsme odborníci. = They assumed that we were experts. Kdo řekl, že je lehčí nikoho nemilovat? = Who said it was easier not to love anyone? Předpokládám, že ji znáte. = I assume that you know her. Proč jsi předpokládal, že čeština je lehčí jazyk než nemčina? = Why were you assuming that Czech was an easier language than German? Zeptal se mě, jestli mám žízeň = literal: She asked me if I am thirsty (translated as: Se asked me if I was thirsty) Neřekla, co chce = literal: She did not say what she wants (translated as: She did not say what she wanted) Lesson 2[] nechápal jsem, co.... = I did not understand what.... to děvče se ptalo, kolik.... = the girl asked how many.... oznámili jsme, že.... = we announced that.... chápali jsme, proč.... = we understood why.... dozvěděl jsem se, že.... = I learned that.... proč ses ptala, jak... = why did you ask how.... jak ses dozvěděla, že.... = how did you learn that.... Předevčírem jsme se dozvěděli, co.... = the day before yesterday I learned what.... Matěj se nás ptal, jestli.... = Matěj asked us whether.... oznámit = to announce Nechápal, co se stalo. = He did not understand what happened. Chápali jsme, proč nás neslyšíš. = We understood why you did not hear us. To děvče se ptalo, kolik je hodin. = The girl was asking what time it was. Dozvěděl jsem se, že umřel František. = I learned that František died. Kateřina a Matěj oznámili, že se v létě berou. = Kateřina and Matěj announced that they are getting married in the summer. Kateřino, jak ses dozvěděla, že už byl třikrát ženatý? = Kateřina, how did you learn that he had already been married three times? Předevčírem oznámili, že zavřeli svou továrnu na Moravě. = The day before yesterday, they announced that they had closed their factory in Moravia. Matěj se nás předevčírem ptal, jestli jsi někdy byla vdaná. = Matěj asked us, the day before yesterday, whether you had ever been married. Oznámili jsme, že otevíráme novou kancelář v Praze. = We announced that we are opening a new office in Prague. Proč ses ptala jak dlouho už tam bydlí? = Why did you ask how long they had been living there? Nechápal jsem, co ode mne šéf chce. = I did not understand what my boss wanted from me. Předevčírem jsme se dozvěděli co se stalo v naší ložnici. = The day before yesterday, we learned what had happened in our bedroom. Lesson 3[] mé děti jsou zklamané, že.... = my children are disappointed that.... byl jsem zklamaný, že.... = I was disappointed that.... pochopila, že.... = she understood that.... pochopil, proč.... = he understood why.... byla překvapená, že.... = she was surprised that.... byl jsem překvapený, že.... = I was surprised that.... kde jsi slyšel, že.... = where did you hear that.... slyšeli jsme, že.... = we heard that.... zklamaný = disappointed překvapený = surprised odpovědět = to answer Slyšel jsem, že si stěžuješ. = I heard that you were complaining. Odpověděl, že on to nechápe. = He replied that he did not understand it. Slyšeli jsme, že je nešťastná. = We heard that she was unhappy. Byl jsem zklamaný, že to říkáš. = I was disappointed that you were saying that. Kde jsi slyšel, že Matěj umřel? = Where did you hear that Matěj died? Byla překvapená, že o tom nevíte. = She was surprised that you did not know about it. Odpověděla, že na Moravě nikdy nebyla. = She replied that she had never been to Moravia. Žofie pochopila, že musí víc studovat. = Žofie understood that she must study more. Byl jsem překvapený, že tam nepracuje. = I was surprised he did not work there. Pochopili, že se asi stalo něco špatného. = They understood that something bad had probably happened. Nejsme překvapení, že mluví jen anglicky. = We are not surprised that he speaks only English. Mé děti jsou zklamané, že nemají nové knihy. = My children are disappointed that they do not have new books. Moji rodiče odpověděli že nejsem doma. = My parents replied that I was not at home. Pochopil proč pláču. = He understood why I was crying. Má matka byla zklamaná, že jsem to udělal. = My mother was disappointed that I had done that. === Skill 53 - Verbs:_Imperative === Lesson 1[] podívej se na.... = (you, informal) look at.... (from podívají se. Perfective verb, to take a look) podívejme se na.... = (let us) look at.... Teď se podívej na.... = Now, (will you) look at.... podívejte se na.... = (you formal or you all) look at.... spolu = together Podívej se na Měsíc. = Look at the Moon. Mami, podívej se rychle z okna. = Mom, look quickly out the window. Podívejte se, Matěji, to není možné. = Look Matěj, that is not possible! Podívejte se spolu na své děti. = Take a look together at your children. Kateřino, podívej se na mě. = Kateřina, look at me! Podívejme se, kdo sedí s naším tátou. = Let's see who is sitting with our dad! Mami, podívejte se s tátou na ten byt. = Mom, look at that apartment with Dad. Teď se podívej na tohle. = Now look at this. Podívejme se na ten dům spolu s tátou. = Let's have a look at that house together with Dad. Podívej se na ten Měsíc. = Look at that Moon! Žofie, Františku, podívejte se na své oblečení. = Žofie, František, look at your clothes! Podívejme se na další. = Let's have a look at the next one. Mami, podívejme se na to ještě jednou spolu. = Mom, let's have a look at it one more time together. Přátelé, podívejte se na to co nejdřív. = Friends, look at it as soon as possible. Lesson 2[] dívej se na.... = (you) look at.... (from dívat se. Imperfective verb, to look) nedívej se na.... = (you) don't look at.... dívejte se na.... = (you all) look at.... nedívejte se na.... = (you all) don't look at.... dívejme se na.... = (we, let us) look at.... nedívejme se na.... = (we, let us) don't look at.... Nedívejme se. = Let's not look. Už se na něho nedívejme. = Let's not look at him any more. Teď se nedívejme. = Let's not look now. Jen se dívej. = Just watch. Teď se nedívejte. = Let's not look now. Don't look now. Nedívej se na slunce. = Do not look at the sun. Dívejme se, kam jdeme. = Let's watch where we are going. Na televizi se dívejme co nejmíň. = Let's watch TV as little as possible. Nedívejte se na jeho vlasy. = Don't look at his hair. Dívejte se na ty barvy. = Watch those colors. Dívejte se na mě, když mluvíte. = Look at me when you speak. Dívejte se na knihy, ne na hohy. = Look at books not legs. Dívej se na mě. = Watch me! Dívejte se na televizi v osm hodin. = Watch TV at eight o'clock. Nedívej se teď na televizi. = Don't watch TV now. Nedívejte se tak na mě. = Don't look at me like that! Dívejme se na všechno vlastníma očima. = Let's look at everything with our own eyes. Nedívej se stále z okna. = Don't look out the window all the time. Dívej se kam běžíš. = Watch where you are running! Lesson 3[] pracujme.... = let's work nepracuj.... = (you) don't work pracujte.... = (you all) work stěžujme si.... = let's complain nestěžuj si.... = (you) don't complain stěžujte si na.... = (you all) complain about... hledejme.... = let's search for.... nehledej.... = (you) do not search for.... hledejte.... = (you all) search for.... pišme.... = let's write napišme.... = let's write (perfective) piš.... = (you) write napiš.... = (you) write (perfective) nepiš.... = (you) don't write pište.... = (you all) write napište.... = (you all) write (perfective form) mluvme o.... = let's talk about mluvte.... = (you all) talk Nestěžuj si. = Don't complain! Nepiš tužkou. = Do not write with a pencil. Nemluv stále. = Don't talk all the time! Dnes nepracuj. = Do not work today. Pišme pomaleji. = Let's write more slowly. Pracujte rychleji. = Work faster! Mluvte pomaleji, prosím. = Speak more slowly, please. Hledejme lepšího učitele. = Let's look for a better teacher. Napiš ten dopis do soboty. = Write that letter by Saturday. Hledejte lepší zaměstnání. = Look for a better job. Napište ty dopisy do úterý. = Write the letters by Tuesday. Mluvme o něčem zajimavějším. = Let's talk about something more interesting. Pište černým nebo modrým perem. = Write with a black or blue pen. Stěžujte si na důležitější věci. = Complain about more important things. Víc pracujme a míň si stěžujme. = Let's work more and complain less. Do dubna o nich napišme knihu. = By April, let's write a book about them. Tady nic nehledej. = Do not look for anything here. Piš domů častěji. = Write home more often! Nikdy mě nehledej. = Do not ever look for me. Lesson 4[] nepijte.... = (you all) don't drink (imperfective) nepijte tolik! = don't drink so much (example of imperfective usage) pij.... = (you) drink otevři.... = (you) open otevřete.... = (you all) open zavři.... = close zavřete.... = (you all) close zavřeme.... = let's close Otevřete oči. = Open your eyes! Nepijte tolik. = Don't drink so much! Nečtěte tolik. = Do not read so much! Pijme víc vody. = Let's drink more water. Zavřete to okno. = Close that window. Nečti tuhle větu. = Do not read this sentence! Pomalu otevři oči. = Slowly open your eyes. Čtěte lepší knihy. = Read better books. Rychle to vypijte. = Drink this quickly. Pij mléko každý den. = Drink milk every day. Zavři na dvě minuty oči. = Close your eyes for two minutes. Zavři tu knihu. = Close the book. Víc čti, abys víc věděl. = Read more to know more. Vypijme spolu láhev vína. = Let's drink a bottle of wine together. Rychle zavřeme všechny dveře. = Let's quickly shut all doors. Nečtěme každou hloupou knihu. = Let's not read every stupid book. Vypij celou sklenici. = Drink the whole glass. Čti pomaleji. = Read more slowly. Lesson 5[] stárni.... = (you) age stárněte.... = (you all) age nestárněme.... = let's not age uč se.... = (you) study učte se.... = (you all) study učme se.... = let's study bojte se.... = (you all) be afraid neboj se.... = (you) don't be afraid nebojme se.... = let's not be afraid spi.... = (you) sleep spěte.... = (you all) sleep nespi.... = (you) don't sleep snaž se.... = (you) try snažte se.... = (you all) try to nesnažme se.... = let's not try mysleme na.... = let's think about nemyslete na.... = (you all) don't think about nemysli si.... = (you) don't think Nestárněme. = Let's not age. Víc se snaž. = Try harder! Spi, kdekoli chceš. = Sleep wherever you want. Těch lídí se bojte. = Fear those people. Příliš se nesnažme. = Let's not try too hard. Snažte se to chápat. = Try to understand it. Stárni co nejpomaleji. = Age as slowly as possible. Uč se užitečnější věci. = Study more useful things. Mysleme na cokoli jiného. = Let's think about anything else. Nikoho ani nečeho se nebojme. = Let's not be afraid of anyone or anything. Nemysli si, že se tady něco učíš. = Don't think that you are learning anything here. Kateřino a Žofie, stárněte pomalu. = Kateřina and Žofie age slowly. Neboj se. = Don't be afraid. Spi ve své vlastní posteli. = Sleep in your own bed. Nemyslete stále na holky a učte se jazyky. = Don't think about girls all the time, and study languages. Víc se uč a míň si stěžuj. = Study more and complain less. Nespi, když máš pracovat. = Do not sleep when you are supposed to work! Učme se, abychom něco uměli. = Let's study to know something. Lesson 6[] buď.... = (you) be buďte.... = (you all) be nebuď.... = (you) don't be viz.... = (you) see vizme.... = let's see jez.... = (you) eat (imperfective) nejez.... = (you) don't eat sněz.... = (you) eat up (perfective) snězme... = let's eat up nesnězte.... = (you all) don't eat up věz.... = (you) know vězte.... = (you all) know měj.... = (you) have mějme.... = let's have nemějte.... = (you all) don't have Buď moje. = Be mine. Viz tuto větu. = See this sentence! Sněz to všechno. = Eat all of it! Nesnězte všechno. = Don't eat everything. Žlutý sníh nejez. = Do not eat yellow snow! Věz, že existují. = Know that they exist. Nemějte tolik dětí. = Don't have so many children. Buďte spolu šťastní. = Be happy together. Jez častěji, ale míň. = Eat more often, but less. Měj ji tak rád jako já. = Love her as I do. Vězte, že se může stát cokoli. = Know that anything can happen. Viz její dopis z března. = See her letter from March. Rychle něco snězme. = Let's quickly eat something! Nejez tolik cukru. = Do not eat so much sugar! Viz naše dopisy z června a července. = See our letters from June and July. Věz, kdo jsou tví přátelé. = Know who are your friends. Mějme další dítě. = Let's have another child. === Skill 54 - Verbs:_Future_1 === Lesson 1[] budu = I will be/am going to be budeš = you will be/are going to be bude = he/she/it will be/is going to be Bude pršet. = It is going to rain. Co už bylo, to zase bude. = What has been, will be again. Budeš první. = You will be the first. Budu s tebou. = I will be with you. Já jednou budu bohatý. = I will be rich someday. I ty jednou budeš zkušený. = Even you will be experienced someday. Jednou budeš mojí manželkou. = Someday you will be my wife. Bude to kluk. = It's going to be a boy! Já tam budu odpoledne. = I am going to be there in the afternoon. Jaké to bude? = What will it be like? Tohle možná bude moje poslední věta. = This may be my final sentence. Budu také matkou. = I am also going to be a mother! Byla je a bude. = She was, is, and will be. Lesson 2[] budeme = we will be/are going to be budou = they will be/are going to be budete = you all (or you formal) will be/are going to be Zítra = tomorrow Budete rádi. = You'll be glad. Zase budete přáteli. = You are going to be friends again. Budeme tam ještě? = Will we still be there? Zítra bude úterý. = Tomorrow will be Tuesday. Zítra budeme v Praze. = Tomorrow we will be (OR are going to be) in Prague. Kde budou zítra? = Where will they be tomorrow? Naše dveře budou otevřené. = Our door will be open. Dnes je čtvrtek, zítra pátek, = Today is Thursday, tomorrow Friday. Budete zítra doma? = Are you going to be home tomorrow? Budeme zase spolu. = We will be together again. Budou tam i děvčata. = Even girls are going to be there. Budeme v kanceláři. = We are going to be in the office. Lesson 3[] nebudu = I will not be/am not going to be nebudeš = you will not be/are not going to be nebude = he/she/it will not be/is not going to be plakat = to cry Tady spát nebudu. = I am not going to sleep here. Bez tebe nikdy šťastná nebudu. = Without you, I will never be happy. Nebudu čekat dlouho. = I am not going to wait long. Někdo bude plakat. = Someone is going to cry. Zítra pršet nebude. = It is not going to rain tomorrow. Určitě nebude mít hlad. = He is definitely not going to be hungry. On tuhle práci dělat nebude. = He is not going to do this work. Nebudeš s ní šťastný. = You won't be happy with her. Budu tě milovat i za sto let. = I will love you even in a hundred years. Budu za dva měsíce umět česky? = Will I speak Czech in two months? Za jedenáct dní to budeme vědět. = In eleven days, we will know it. Ty knihy už nikdy číst nebudu. = I'll never read those books again. Dlouho tady bydlet nebudeš. = You won't live here long. Nás nebude nikdy dost. = There will never be enough of us. Nikdo plakat nebude = Nobody is going to cry. (example of double negative needed in construction) Já nebudu plakat. = I won't cry. Ty to nebudeš chápat. = You are not going to understand it. Lesson 4[] nebudou = they will not be/are not going to be nebudeme = we will not be/are not going to be nebudete = you all will not be/are not going to be potřebovat = to need Nebudou mít dost čaje. = They will not have enough tea. Budeme potřebovat větší loď. = We are going to need a bigger boat. Budeš potřebovat nového koně. = You are going to need a new horse. Svetry potřebovat nebudeme. = We will not need sweaters. Nebudete prvnví ani poslední. = You are not going to be the first or last. Tam nebudete potřebovat nic. = You will not need anything there. Oni sem nebudou jezdit. = They will not come here. Potom nebudete chtít jíst. = You are not going to want to eat afterwards. Nebudou chtít pivo ale víno. = They will not want beer but wine. Nebudeme chtít mluvit jejich jazykem. = We will not want to speak their language. Bude potřebovat čisté kalhoty. = He is going to need clean pants. Nebudeme stále jen pracovat. = We are not going to just work all the time. Lesson 5[] brzy = soon Budeme se smát. = We will laugh. S kým si budeš hrát? = Who are you going to play with? Budou mě tam smět navštěvovat? = Will they be allowed to visit me there? Už nebudeme smět nic říct. = We will no longer be allowed to say anything. Budeme si celý den hrát. = We will play all day. Nebudeš na mě moci zapomenout. = You are not going to be able to forget me. (You will not be able to forget about me.) Kolik českých slov budu muset znát? = How many Czech words will I have to know? Brzy budeme muset jít domů. = Soon we will have to go home. Kdo se bude smát poslední? = Who will laugh last? Jak brzy budu moci číst české casopisy? = How soon will I be able to read Czech magazines? Já se budu smát poslední. = I will laugh last. Já si tady hrát nebudu. = I am not going to play here. Od této středy tady nebudete smět kouřit. = From this Wednesday on, you are not going to be allowed to smoke here. Budeme smět jen odejít. = We will only be allowed to leave. Brzy se mnou budeš moci mluvit česky. = Soon you are going to be able to speak Czech to me. === Skill 55 - Giving_etc. === Lesson 1[] nedali = they did not give nedala = she did not give dala = she gave dali = they gave dal = he gave Mně nedala nic! = she gave me nothing (note double negative construction) dal jsem = I gave dát = to give Podívej se mi do očí = Look into my eyes. Dala mi tuto knihu. = She gave me this book. Dala ti něco? = Has she given you anything? Kdo ti je dal? = Who gave them to you? Dal mi všechny svoje věci. = He gave me all of his things. To jméno jsem ti dal já. = I gave you that name. Dal bych tu práci tobě. = I would give you that job. Tobě také nic nedali? = They didn't give you anything either? Proč mně dala svoji sukni? = Why did she give me her skirt? Mně dal láhev mléka. = He gave me a bottle of milk. Nevím, kdo mi je dal. = I do not know who gave them to me. Mně nedala nic. = She did not give me anything! Protože všechno dali tobě. = Because they gave everything to you. Všechno dali jí. = They gave everything to her. Dala vám máma banán? = Did Mom give you a banana? Lesson 2[] nekoupil = he did not buy koupily = they bought (plural female) koupili = they bought (plural male) řekli jste = you all said/told (plural male) řekla = she said/told řekli jsme = we said/told (plural male) Co jste koupili jemu? = What did you buy him? Řekli jsme mu to. = We told him that. Řekli jste to jemu nebo jí? = Did you say it to him or to her? Proč jsi jí nekoupil psa? = Why didn't you buy her a dog? Jejich dcera jí řekla všechno. = Their daughter told her everything. Kdy mu to řekla? = When did she tell him that? Jeho sestry mu koupily hnědý klobouk. = His sisters bought him a brown hat. Jemu jeho tety koupily šedý oblek. = His aunts bought him a grey suit. Chtěl jí koupit tričko. = He wanted to buy her a T-shirt. Lesson 3[] dali jsme jim = we gave them vzal jí = he took from her vzali nám = they took from us prodal = he sold prodala jsem = I sold pomáhá = he/she/it helps pomáhají = they help poslali jste = you all sent poslali = they sent poslala = she sent poslat = to send pomáhat = to help Vzal jí sklenici z ruky. = He took the glass from her hand. Dali jsme jim svoje staré auto. = We gave them our old car. Ty šperky jsem jim prodala já. = I sold them those jewels. Kateřina mi poslala dlouhý dopis. = Kateřina sent me a long letter. Píšu Vám, Kateřino, a nevím, jestli jste živá. = I am writing to you, Kateřina, and I don't know if you are alive. Kdo pomáhá vám? = Who is helping you? Někdo jim pomáhá. = Someone is helping them. Kdo vám prodal ten čaj? = Who sold you that tea? Prodal nám velmi špatné auto. = He sold us a very bad car. Vzali nám všechno. = They took everything from us. Naši rodiče nám pomáhají. = Our parents are helping us. Kdy jste nám ten dopis poslali? = When did you send us the letter? Poslali jsme vám dopis. = We sent you a letter. Co vám vzali? = What did they take from you? Lesson 4[] stalo = it happened nikdy nestalo = nothing happened pomáhám = I help měl bych psát = I ought to write řekni = tell (imperative, perfective, from říct) řekněte = you all tell (imperative, perfective) řekněme = let's tell (imperative, perfective) neříkej = don't tell (imperative, imperfective, from říkat) neříkejte = you all don't tell (imperative, imperfective) neříkejme = let's don't tell (imperative, imperfective) dal jsem = I gave nevěděl jsem = I did not know Co se mu stalo? = What happened to him? Pomáhám Františkovi. = I am helping František. Pomáhám babičce na zahradě. = I am helping my Grandma in the garden. Měl bych matce psát častěji. = I should write to my mother more often. Dal jsem manželce nové auto. = I gave my wife a new car. Nevěděl jsem, že jste Matějovi dali svého koně. = I did not know you gave your horse to Matěj. Kateřině nic neříkej. = Don't say anything to Kateřina! Řekněme Kateřině, aby šla domů. = Let's tell Kateřina to go home. Žofii o tomhle neříkejte. = Do not tell Žofie about this. Řekni Žofii, aby počkala. = Tell Žofie to wait. Neříkejme Žofii, se Matěj umřel. = Let's not tell Žofie that Matěj died. Řekněte Kateřině, aby tolik nejedla. = Tell Kateřina not to eat so much. Kdo dal Františkovi ten ošklivý svetr? = Who gave František that ugly sweater? Nic takového se mi nikdy nestalo. = Nothing like that has ever happened to me. Komu to mám říct? = Who am I supposed to say it to? Nechtěli bychom, aby se vám stalo něco velmi špatného. = We would not want something very bad to happen to you. Lesson 5[] nabídl = he offered nabídla = she offered nabídli = they offered chutnají = they taste (they like some type of food) nechutná = he/she it does not taste (does not like) platíme = we pay neplatím = I do not pay neplatíte = you all do not pay bylo by mu = he would be byla nám = we were líbíš se mně = I like you nelíbí = he/she/it does not like ještě mu není ani = he is not even Co mu bylo? = What was wrong with him? Bylo mi špatně. = I was feeling ill. Líbíš se mi. = I like you. Líbíš se mně. = I like you. Kolik ti je? = How old are you? To říkáš komu? = Who are you saying this to? Kolik ti platíme? = How much are we paying you? Vy mi neplatíte vůbec. = You do not pay me at all. František mi nabídl víc. = František offered me more. Chutnají vám česká jídla? = Do you like Czech dishes? Tahle polévka mi nechutná. = I do not like this soup. Komu to zaměstnání nabídli? = Who did they offer that job to? Neplatím ti, abys tady seděl. = I am not paying you to sit here. Tobě se ten svetr nelíbí. = You do not like that sweater? Dnes je mi dvacet dva. = Today I am twenty two. Je mu patnáct let. = He is fifteen years old. Jak ti chutnají ta jablka?= How do you like the apples? Mně nabídla něco jiného. = She offered me something else. Bylo ti teplo? = Were you warm? Jěstě mu není ani patnáct let. = It is not even fifteen years old yet! Byla nám zima. = We were cold. Bylo by mu šedesát dva let. = He would by sixty-two. Lesson 6[] připadá = he/she/it seems připadají = they seem ukradl = he stole ukradli = they stole neukradl jsem = I did not steal chybí mi = I miss (as in I miss someone) vrátil = he retruned nevrátil = he did not return půjčila = she lent půjčili = they lent nestačila = to be insufficient (fem. objects) nestačilo = to be insufficient (neut. objects) Komu jsem podobná? = whom do I resemble? stačit = to be enough (to suffice) ukrást = to steal podobný = similar Jsem mu podobný? = Am I similar to him? Nám nevrátil nic. = He did not return anything to us. Ukradli vám něco? = Did they steal anything from you? Komu chybí Matěj? = Who misses Matěj? Někdo mi ukradl auto. = Someone stole my car! Mělo by jim to stačit. = It should be enough for them. Připadá mi příliš mláda. = She seems too young to me. Půjčila mi své nové auto. = She lent me her new car. Vrátil jsi Kateřině pero? = Did you return the pen to Kateřina? Všechno už jsem jim vrátil. = I have already returned everything to them. Nikdy jsem mu nic neukradl. = I never stole anything from him. Jeho slova mně připadají hloupá. = His words seem stupid to me. Jedna manželka Matějovi nestačila? = One wife was not enough for Matěj? Chtěl, aby mu půjčili devadesát eur. = He wanted them to lend him ninety euros. Mně František nechybí. = I do not miss František. Chybí mi Kateřina. = I miss Kateřina. Proč ti všechno připadá zvláštní? = Why does everything seem strange to you? Jí nikdy nic nestačilo. = Nothing was ever enough for her! === Skill 56 - Verbs:_Future_2 === Lesson 1[] vrátím = I return, will return koupím ti = I buy you, I will buy you koupíš = you buy, will buy koupíte = you all buy, you all will buy vrátíš se = you return, you will return vypiju = I drink, will drink vypiješ = you all drink up, will drink up vypijeme = we drink up, will drink up přečtu = I read, will read přečte = you all read, will read přečteš = you read, will read sním. = I eat, will eat sníš = you eat, will eat napíšu = I write, will write napíšeš mi = you write to me, will write to me Co koupíte mně? = What are you going to buy me? Co mi koupíš? = What are you going to buy me? Napíšeš mi brzy? = Will you write to me soon? Napíšu ti dopis. = I will write you a letter. Sníš celou tu rybu? = Will you eat that entire fish? Vypijeme to všechno? = Are we going to drink all of it? Vrátíš se do Evropy? = Are you going to return to Europe? Nikdy se sem nevrátím. = I will never come back here. Koupím ti něco hezkého. = I am going to buy you something nice. Vrátím se za dva měsíce. = I will return in two months. Kdo mi přečte ten dopis? = Who is going to read that letter to me? Do středy tu knihu přečtu. = I will have read that book by Wednesday. Do zítra tohle všechno sním. = I will have eaten all of this by tomorrow. Když vypiješ víc vína, budeš umět česky líp. = If you drink more wine, you will speak Czech better! Když tu knihu přečteš celou, budeš chytřejší. = If you read that entire book, you will be smarter. Do zítra tu láhev mléka vypiju. = I will drink that bottle of milk by tomorrow. Jednou o tobě napíšu knihu. = One day I am going to write a book about you. Zítra ráno sníme dvě jablka a tři hrušky. = Tomorrow morning, we will eat two apples and three pears. Jednou se sem vrátíme. = One day we'll return here. Lesson 2[] začneme = we begin, will begin navštívím = I visit, will visit navštívíme = we visit, will visit navštívíte = you all visit, will visit zavoláš = you call, will call skončíš = you end up, will end up skončí = he/she/it ends up, will end up neskončí = he/she/it does not end up, will not end up zavolám = I call, will call dám = I give, will give dáš = you give, will give dáme = we give, will give Co mně dáš? = What are you going to give me? Komu zavoláš? = Who are you going to call? Zase začne pršet. = It's going to start raining again. Kdy se začneme učit? = When are we going to start studying? Brzy vás navštívíme. = We will visit you soon. Tohle neskončí dobre. = This isn't going to end well. Skončíš jako tvůj otec. = You will end up like your father. Zitra navštívím svou starou školu. = Tomorrow I am going to visit my old school. Až budou mít žízeň, dám jim vodu. = When they are thirsty, I will give them water. Až ti bude osmnáct, dáme ti auto. = When you are eighteen, we'll give you a car. Až skončí léto, zase začne škola. = When summer is over, school will start again. Já ti zavolám. = I'll call you. Zavoláš mi dnes večer? = Will you call me tonight? Kdy nás zase navštívíte? = When are you going to visit us again? Lesson 3[] nezapomenu = I do not forget/will not forget zapomeneš = you forget/will forget zapomene = he/she forgets/ will forget pomůžu = I help/will help nepomůže = he/she/it does not help/will not help počkám = I wait/will wait počkáš = you wait/will wait počkají = they wait/will wait udělá = he/she does/will do uděláme = we do/will do nenaučíš se = you do not learn/will not learn naučí se = he/she learns/will learn naučíte se = you all learn/will learn neukážu = I do not show/will not show ukážeš = you show/will show zapomenout = to forget Kdo to udělá? = Who is going to do it? Počkáš na mě? = Will you wait for me? Něco ti ukážu. = I will show you something. Kdy to uděláš? = When will you do it? Kdo nám pomůže? = Who is going to help us? Zapomeneš na mě? = Are you going to forget about me? Já na tebe počkám. = I will wait for you. Tohle ti nepomůže. = This is not going to help you. Brzy na nás zapomene. = He will forget about us soon. Všechno uděláme zitra. = We will do everything tomorrow. Naučíte se někdy česky? = Are you ever going to learn Czech? Nemyslím si, že počkají. = I do not think that they will wait. Kdy mně ukážeš svoji ložnici? = When are you going to show me your bedroom? Tady se nikdy česky nenaučíš. = You will never learn Czech here. Jestli se nebudeš víc snažit nenaučíš se to nikdy. = If you don't try harder, you're never going to learn. Já vám s tím pomůžu. = I will help you with it. Jednou se to naučí i František. = One day even František is going to learn it. Tobě svoji ložnici neukážu nikdy. = I am never going to show you my bedroom. Nikdy na tebe nezapomenu. = I will never forget about you. Jednou možná i zapomenu. = Someday I may even forget. Lesson 4[] uvidíme = we see/will see neuvidím = I do not see/will now see změní = he/she/it changes/will change nezmění = he/she/it does not change/will not change počká = he/she/it waits/will wait dostaneš se = you get to/will get to dostane se = he/she/it gets to/will get to dostaneme se = we get to/will get to uvidíš = you see/will see najdu = I find/will find nenajdu = I do not find/will not find nezapomene = he/she/it does not forget/will not forget naučíte = you all learn/will learn vrátím se = I return/will return slíbit = to promise změnit = to change najít = to find Uvidíme, = We'll see. Jak tě najdu? = How will I find you? Nic se nezmění. = Nothing will change. Slíbil, že to udělá. = He promised that he would do it. Slíbil, že se změní. = He promised that he would change. Kdy se dostaneme domů? = When are we going to get home? Asi tě už nikdy neuvidím. = I'll probably never see you again. Dostaneš se někdy do Prahy? = Will you get to Prague sometime? Takovou holku nikdy nenajdu. = I am never going to find a girl like that. Až ji uvidíš, všechno jí řekni. = When you see her, tell her everything. Kateřina slíbila, že nezapomene. = Kateřina promised that she would not forget. Doufal jsem, že mi někdo pomůže. = I had hoped that someone would help me. Doufal, že na něho Kateřina počká. = He hoped that Kateřina would wait for him. Doufala, že se tam její dopis dostane do čtvrtka. = She hoped that her letter would get there by Thursday. Změní se něco. = Will anything change? Tady nic nenajdeš. = You will not find anything here. Nikdy jsem neslíbil, že se vrátím. = I never promised I would return. Prahu už nikdy neuvidím. = I will never see Prague again. Doufali jste, že se tady něco naučíte? = Did you hope that you would learn something here? Lesson 5[] nevezme si= he does not marry/will not marry vezmeš si = you marry/will marry vezmou se = they get married/will get married nikdy neuvidí = he/she does not see/will not see again slíbíš = you promise/will promise udělejte = you all do/will do udělejme = we do it/will do it neudělá = he/she does not do/will not do změní = he/she changes/will change Vezmeš si mě? = Will you marry me? Nic vám neslíbím. = I will not promise you anything. Vezmou se v sprnu. = They are going to get married in August. Udělejte to do pátku. = Do it by Friday. Udělá-li to, budu ráda. = If he does it, I will be glad. Počkame, než se vrátí Matěj. = We will wait until Matěj returns. Udělejme to, než zapomeneme. = Let's do it before we forget. Řekl, že si ji nikdy nevezme. = He said that he would never marry her. Nemyslel si, že už ji nikdy neuvidí. = He did not think that he would never see her again. Jitka si myslela, že na ni Jakub nepočká. = Jitka thought that Jakub would not wait for her. Proč si ten člověk myslel, že všechno bude lehké? = Why did that person think that everything would be easy? Slíbíš-li něco, udělej to. = If you promise something, do it. Udělej to, než se vrátím. = Do it before I return. Změníš-li něco, řekni mi o tom. = If you change something, tell me about it. On ti slíbí cokoli, ale neudělá nic. = He will promise you anything but do nothing. Snězme to maso, než ho sní někdo jiný. = Let's eat that meat before somebody else does. === Skill 57 - Sports === Lesson 1[] sport = sport (singular, nom. or acc.) ze všech sportů = among all sports.... (plural, genitive) fotbal = football (singular, nom. or acc.) o fotbale = about football (singular, locative) hokej = hockey (singular, nom. or acc.) o hokeji = about hockey (singular, dative or locative) gól = goal (singular, nom. or acc.) dali čtyři góly = they scored four goals bylo to pět gólů = it was five goals (plural, genitive) zápas = match (singular, nom. or acc.) před zápasem = before the match (singular, instrumental) během našeho zápasu = during our match (singular, genitive) O hokeji nečo vím. = I know something about hockey. Já nemám rád sport. = I do not like sports. Viděl jsi včera ten gól? = Did you see that goal yesterday? Který sport máš nejraději? = Which sport do you like best? Já mám nejraději hokej. = I like hockey best. Fotbal můžeš hrát kdekoli. = You can play soccer anywhere. Jak dlouho trval ten zápas? = How long did the match take? Včera jsme jim dali čtyři góly. = Yesterday we scored four goals against them. Dvě hodiny před zápasem nikdy nejím. = I never eat two hours before a match. Během našeho zápasu se nečo stalo. = Something happened during our match! Matěj během zápasu pivo nepije. = Matěj doesn't drink beer during the match. Moji manželku hokej nezajímá. = My wife is not interested in hockey. Bylo to pět gólů během osmnácti minut. = It was five goals during eighteen minutes. Ze všech sportů mám nejraději fotbal. = Of all sports, I like soccer best. Já bych o fotbale mohl psát knihy. = I could write books about soccer. Lesson 2[] tým = team (singular, nom.) v týmu = in the team (singular locative, genitive or dative) lepší hráč = a/the better player (singular nom.) hráči = players (plural nom. also instrumental) pokračuje osm hráčů = eight players remain (plural genitive) hráčů = players (plural genitive) lístků = tickets (plural genitive) lístky = tickets (plural nom., acc., instrumental) porazit = to defeat (or beat) (infinitive) porazil = he/she/it defeated nikdo neporazil = never defeated (not double negative construction) turnaj = the tournament, a tournament (singular, acc. nom.) v turnaji = in the tournament (singular, locative, dative) pokračujou čtyři týmy = four teams remaining čtyři nemocné hráče = four sick players (plural, acc.) hráč = player lístek = ticket Turnaj začíná zítra. = The tournament starts tomorrow. Turnaj pokračuje bez nás. = The tournament continues without us. Potřebujeme tři lístky na turnaj. = We need three tickets for the tournament. V turnaji pokračuje osm hráčů. = Eight players continue in the tournament. Nás tým je porazil už třikrát. = Our team has defeated them three times already. Jejich tým ještě nikdo neporazil. = No one has defeated their team yet. V turnaji pokračujou čtyři týmy. = Four teams continue in the tournament. V týmu je mezi sedmi a jedenáctí hráči. = There are between seven and eleven players on the team. Kteří hráči nestáli? = Which players did not stand? Lístky na zápas jsou příliš drahé. = The tickets for the match are too expensive. Musíme je porazit. = We must defeat them! Ještě nevíme, jestli náš tým vyhrál poslední zápas. = We do not know yet if our team has won its match. Kolik mají lístků? = How many tickets do they have? Kdo je lepší hráč? = Who is the better player? Lesson3[] v zápase = in the match (singular locative) pokračovat = to continue (infinitive) pokračovali = they continue fotbalový míč = soccer ball míče = balls (plural, nom. or acc.) s tím míčem = with that ball (singular instrumental) hráčka = player (singular, female, nom.) hráčku = player (singular, female, acc.) té nové hráčky = the new players (plural, female, acc. or nom.) na hřišti = on the field (singular, locative or dative) fotbalová hřiště = soccer fields fotbalové hřiště = soccer field kopl = he/she kicked nekopl do míče = he/she did not kick the ball kopnout = to kick Co s tím míčem dělá? = What is he doing with the ball? Tamta hráčka je moje žena. = That player is my wife. Znáš jméno té nové hráčky? = Do you know the name of the new player? V zápase budeme pokračovat zítra. = We are going to continue the match tomorrow. Na tamhletu hráčku se dívám velmi rád. = I like to watch that player a lot. Na hřišti byla dva míče. = There were two balls on the field. Na hřišti byly dva míče. = There were two balls on the field. Nekopl do míče, ale do mé nohy. = He didn't kick the ball but my leg. Za celý zápas kopl do míče jen tříkrát. = In the entire match, he only kicked the ball three times. Jak velký má být fotbalový míč? = How big is a soccer ball supposed to be? Ne všechna fotbalová hřiště jsou stejně velká. = Not all soccer fields are the same size. Kateřina je naše nejmladší hráčka. = Kateřina is our youngest player. Musí fotbalové hřiště být zelené. = Does a soccer field have to be green? Všichni chtěli abychom v našem zápase pokračovali. = Everyone wanted us to continue our match. Po pátém golu nechtěli v zápase pokračovat. = After the fifth goal, they did not want to continue the match. Už kopl do dvou našich hráčů. = He has already kicked two of our players. === Skill 58 - Communication === Lesson 1[] odpovědět = to reply (infinitive) odpověděla = she replied neodpověděl = he did not reply neodpověděla = she did not reply volám = I call, am calling (by phone) voláš = you call, are calling volá nám = he/she calls us dlouhý dopis = a long letter dopisy = letters poslal jsem = I sent řekl něco špatného = he said something bad Jak často jim voláš? = How often do you call them? Volám mu každý pátek. = I call him every Friday. Odpověděla mi dvema slovy. = She answered me with two words. Jak mám Kateřině odpovědět? = How am I to reply to Kateřina? Volá nám, jen když nečo potřebuje. = She calls us only when she needs something. Prezident nám na dopisy neodpověděl. = The president did no answer our letters. Volám svému synovi. = I am calling my son. Co jsi řekla tomu dítěti? = What did you say to that child? Nevím, co se stalo tomu zvířeti. = I do not know what happened to that animal. Kdo dal tuhle knihu mému dítěti? = Who gave this book to my child? Jak bys tomu studentovi odpověděla? = How would you answer that student? Jak jste svému manželovi odpověděla? = How do you reply to your husband? Jak jste svému manželu odpověděla? = How did you reply to your husband? Proč jsi tomu klukovi neodpověděla? = Why haven't you replied to that boy? Lesson 2[] nikdo neodpověděl = nobody answered rozumět = to understand (infinitive) rozumíš = you understand nerozumím = I do not understand nerozumíš = you do not understand nerozumí = they do not understand nerozuměl jsem = I did not understand nerozuměl jste = you all did not understand piš = do write (imperative) neříkej = don't say, don't tell (imperative) otázka = question Rozumíš tomu? = Do you understand it? Piš své matce častěji. = Write your mother more often. To nejsou šperky mé babičky. = That's not my grandma's jewelry. Nikdo neodpověděl na mou otázku. = Nobody answered my question. Voláš té ženě? = Are you calling the woman? Své ženě jsem nikdy nerozuměl. = I have never understood my wife. Čemu jste nerozuměl? = What didn't you understand? Čemu nerozumíš? = What don't you understand? Čemu ses snažila rozumět? = What were you trying to understand? Asi nerozumí mé otázce. = They probably do not understand my question. Co chceš říct té ženě? = What do you want to say to that woman? Mé tetě neříkej nic. = Don't tell my aunt anything. Té otázce vůbec nerozumím. = I do not understand that question at all. Lesson 3[] lhal = he lied lhala = she lied nelhala = she did not lie rozuměl = he/she understood každému druhému slovu = every other word nikdo nerozumí = nobody understands řekla jsem = I told (female subject( vysvětlit = to explain (infinitive) vysvětlil = he/she explained poslali = they sent (e.g. a letter) otázce = question říkat neměli = should not have said lhát = to lie Proč jsi jí lhal? = Why did you lie to her? Všechno mi vysvětlil. = He explained everything to me. Mojí knize nikdo nerozumí. = Nobody understands my book. Mohl bys mně to vysvětlit? = Could you explain it to me? Moje první žena mi často lhala. = My first wife lied to me often. Našemu synovi poslali stejný dopis. = They sent the same letter to our son. Řekla jsem o tom jen svému příteli. = I only told my boyfriend about it. Nevím, jak odpovědět našemu řediteli. = I do not know how to answer our director. Tvojí otázce rozumím, ale odpovědět neumím. = I understand your question, but do not know how to answer. Nerozumím tomu novému slovu. = I do not understand that new word. Rozuměl každému druhému slovu. = He understood every other word. To jste vašemu učiteli říkat neměli. = You should not have said that to your teacher. Proč jsi o nás řekla celému městu? = Why did you tell the whole city about us? Svojí ženě nerozumí. = He doesn't understand his wife. Někdo by nám tuto větu měl vysvětlit. = Someone should explain this sentence to us. Lesson 4[] lže = he/she/it lies lžou = they lie nelži = do not lie (imperative) věříme = we believe nevěřím = I do not believe nevěříš = you do not believe/trust věřil = he believed věřila = she believed věřily = it (male inanimate plural) or she (female plural) believed nerozuměla jsem = I did not understand (female subject) věřit = to believe Nelži mi. = Don't lie to me. Čemu nevěříš? = What don't you believe? Lžou nám všchini. = Everyone lies to us. Tomu praseti nevěřím. = I don't trust that pig. Já jsem tomu dopisu také nerozuměl. = I did not understand that letter either. Kdyby tolik nelhal, věřil bych mu mnohem víc. = If he did not lie so much, I would trust him much more. Věříme každému jeho slovu. = We believe his every word. Jeho knize rozumí málo studentů. = Few students understand his book. Jeho poslednímu dopisu jsem nerozuměla. = I did not understand his last letter. Prvnímu českému prezidentovi Kateřina věřila. = Kateřina trusted the first Czech president. Lepšímu časopisu byste věřily? = Would you believe a better magazine? Protože nám často lže. = Because he lies to us often. Nikdy mi nelhala. = She never lied to me. Lesson 5[] poděkoval = he thanked nepoděkoval = he did not thank neřekl = he did not say slíbil jsi = you promised neslíbil jsem = I did not promise nerozuměla jsem = I did not understand vysvětlit = to explain (infinitive) píšu = I write Poděkoval mi. = He thanked me. Mně nepoděkoval. = He did not thank me. Slíbil mi větší dům. = He promised me a bigger house. Ne, to jsem vám neslíbil. = No, I did not promise you that. Rozumí tady někdo zvířatům? = Does anyone here understand animals? Kdo rozumí těm holkám? = Who understands those girls? Já těm slovům nerozumím. = I do not understand those words. Jitka nechtěla věřit jeho slovům. = Jitka did not want to believe his words. Slíbil jsi jí novou kuchyni? = Did you promise her a new kitchen? Těm cizincům jsem nerozuměla. = I did not understand those foreigners. Měla byste těm rodinám vysvětlit, kdo jste. = You should explain to those families who you are. Píšu svým tetám každý měsíc. = I write my aunts every month. Jak to vysvětlil svým přátelům? = How did he explain that to his friends? Mým kolegům nikdo nic neřekl. = Nobody said anything to my colleagues. Poděkoval ti? = Did he thank you? Lesson 6[] voláš = you call (on the telephone) odpovědět = to answer. reply (infinitive) neříkej vůbec nic = do not say anything at all (imperative) neříkejme = let's not say (imperative) chceme poděkovat = we want to thank (infinitive) vašim sourozencům = your siblings zprávu = message Nikomu nepoděkoval. = He did not thank anyone. Kterým z nich chce odpovědět? = Which ones does he want to answer? (literally: Which of them does he want to answer?) Mým kolegyním nikdo nic neřekl. = No one told my colleagues anything. I ovcím bych rozuměl líp než vám. = I would even understand sheep better than you. Chceme poděkovat svým nejnovějším kolegům. = We want to thank our newest colleagues. Budeme ten dopis vašim sourozencům muset vysvětlit. = We are going to have to explain that letter to your siblings. Zkušenejším učitelům bychom nic dvakrát řikat nemuseli. = We would not have to tell more experienced teachers anything twice. Někdo našim manželkám postal tuto zprávu. = Someone has sent this message to our wives. Opravdu jste tu zprávu postali všem zaměstnancům? = Did you really send that message to all employees? Všem novým studentům jsme poslali stejný dopis. = We sent the same letter to all new students. Zprávu jsme poslali všem našim vdaným zaměstnankyním. = We sent the message to all of our married female employees. Voláš někomu? = Are you calling someone? Starším zaměstnancům neřikej vůbec nic. = Do not say anything at all to the older employees. Nikomu nic neřikejme. = Let's not say anything to anyone. Nemůžeme to říkat každému zaměstnanci. = We cannot be telling this to every employee. Lesson 7[] poděkovat = to thank (infinitive, perfective) vysvětlete = you all explain (imperative, plural you or formal) vysvětli = you explain (imperative) rozumí = they understand řekněte = you all say/tell (imperative, plural you or formal) řekli = he said Co jste řekli této osobě? = What have you told this person? Rozumí někdo tamhletomu dítěti? = Does anyone understand that child? On by měl poděkovat tehle osobě. = He should thank this person. Měl by tomuhle člověku poděkovat. = He should thank this person. Měl bych těmto lidem poděkovat. = I should thank these people. Proč těm lidem nikdo nechce odpovědět. = Why doesn't anyone want to answer those people? Měli byste těmhle mladým lidem poděkovat. = You should thank these young people. Někdo by mohl tomuto člověku odpovědět, = Someone could answer this person. Vysvětlete tamté osobě, kdo jsem. = Explain to that person who I am. Vysvětli tamhleté osobě, kdo jsem. = Explain to that person who I am. Tamtomu člověku vysvětli, kdo jsem já. = Explain to that person who I am. Řekněte tamtěm dětem, aby si hrály jinde. = Tell those children to play somewhere else. Vysvětlete tamhletěm dětem, že tady zpívat nemůžou. = Explain to those children that they cannot sing here. Co mám říct dětem? = What am I to tell the children? Lesson 8[] ukázat = to show (infinitive) ukázal = he showed ukázal jsem = I showed slíbil jsem = I promised omluvila se = she apologized omluvil se = he apologized neomluvil se = he did not apologize neodpověděl jste = you all did not reply dal = he gave omluvit (se) = to apologize Nikdy se nikomu neomluvil. = He never apologized to anyone. Jejímu synovi nic neříkej. = Do not say anything to her son. Někdo dal jejím dětem víno. = Someone gave her children wine. Omluvil se jejím rodičům. = He apologized to her parents. Omluvil se svému tátovi? = Did he apologize to his dad? Slíbil jsem to vaší babičce. = I promised it to your grandmother. Ukázal jejím dětem svá zvířata. = He showed her children his animals. Ten odborník naší otázce nerozuměl. = That expert did not understand our question. Mohl bys mi ukázat, kde je letiště? = Could you show me where the airport is? Nevěřím ani jejich prezidentovi, ani našemu. = I trust neither their president or ours. Ukázal to jejich rodičům na mapě. = He showed it to their parents on the map. Řekla jsem jejímu muži, aby se na mne přestal dívat. = I told her husband to stop looking at me. Kateřina se svému kolegovi omluvila. = Kateřina apologized to her colleague. Tomuhle turistovi nikdo nerozumí. = Nobody understands this tourist. Proč jste neodpověděl naší ředitelce? = Why did you not reply to our director? Poděkovali jsme jejímu strýci. = We thanked her uncle. Ve čtvrtek jsem jejich synovi ukázal, jak ridit auto. = On Thursday I showed their son how to drive a car. === Skill 59 - Possessives_2 === genitive = auto Františka (genitive form of František) possessive adj. = Františkovu auto Lesson 1[] Kateřinin syn = Kateřina's son Františkův pes = František's dog Žofiina motorka = Zofie's motorcycle Matějovo dítě = Matej's child Františkovo dítě = František's child Kateřinino kolo = Kateřina's bicycle Žofiin pavouk = Zofie's spider Františkova učitelka = František's Kateřinina matka = Kateřina's mother Matějova polévka = Matej's soup Tohle je Žofiino = this is Zofie's Františkovo auto = František's car Matějův automobil = Matej's car Tohle je Žofiino. = This is Žofie's. Chybi mi Kateřinin hrad. = I miss Kateřina's castle. Kateřinin pokoj je nad našim. = Kateřina's room is above ours. Kateřinin syn zná pět jazyků. = Kateřina's son knows five languages. Žofiin pavouk přišel o nohu. = Žofie's spider lost his jeg. Žofiin manžel neumí česky ani slovo. = Žofie's husband does not know even a word of Czech. Jakou barvu mělo Žofiino tričko? = What color was Žofie's T-shirt? Ano, ja jsem Františkův bratr. = Yes, I am František's brother. Je Matějova polévka dost teplá? = Is Matej's soup warm enought? Jak dráha byla Žofiina motorka? = How expensive was Zofie's motorcycle? Je Kateřinino kolo černé nebo červené? = Is Kateřina's bicycle red or black? Františkovo auto stálo celou noc před jejím domem. = František's car stood all night in front of her house. To dítě je buď Matějovo, anebo Františkovo. = That child is either Matej's or František's. Matějova kočka je stará a nemocná. = Matej's cat is old and sick. Žofiina kočka je větší než mnohu psů. = Zofie's cat is bigger than many dogs. Františkův pes vypadá jako něco mezi vlkem a liškou. = František's dog looks like something between a wolf and a fox. Františkův byt se mi líbí víc než můj. = I like František's apartment more than mine. Zofiin růžový kabát stál víc než moje motorka. = Zofie's pink coat cost more than my motorcycle. Kateřinina matka už nežije. = Kateřina's mother is no longer alive. Františkova učitelka je Němka. = František's teacher is German. Lesson 2[] Kateřininy oči = Kateřina's eyes oba Kateřinini rodiče = both Kateřina's parents Matějův medvěd = Matej's bear Kateřinin medvěd = Kateřina's bear Žofiiny ponožky = Zofie's socks oba = both Je to soudcův pes. = It is the judge's dog. Kde je Matějův medvěd? = Where is Matěj's bear? Žofiiny nohy jsou dlouhé. = Zofie's legs are long. Které ponožky jsou Žofiiny? = Which socks are Zofie's? Matějův děděček byl učitelem němčiny. = Matěj's grandfather was a German teacher. Kde je tátovo staré kolo? = Where is Dad's old bicycle? Kateřininy oči se mi líbí. = I like Kateřina's eyes. Kde pracuje Jitčina matka? = Where does Jitka's mother work? Tátova nová motorka je hežči. = Dad's new motorcycle is prettier. Jitčin otec se narodil v září. = Jitka's father was born in September. Jitčino auto je staré, ale rychlé. = Jitka's car is old, but fast. Jsou oba Žofiini psi malí? = Are both of Zofie's dogs small? Je ten medvěd Matějův nebo Kateřinin? = Is that bear Matěj's or Kateřina's? Oba Kateřinini rodiče jsou učitelé. = Both of Kateřina's parents are teachers. Oba Žofiini rodiče jsou mrtvi. = Both of Zofie's parents are dead. Lesson 3[] manželčina trička = my wife's t-shirts sousedova okna = the neighbor's windows oba Žofiini rodiče = both of Zofie's parents oba Františkovy domy = both of František's houses Františkovi psi = František's dogs Matějovi synové = Matej's sons obě manželčina zvířata = both my wife's animals Františkovi rodiče = František's parents obě Matějova okna = both Matej's windows Kde pracujou Matějovi synové? = Where do Matej's sons work? Žofiina trička v kufru nejsou. = Zofie's T-shirts are not in the suitcase. Františkovi rodiče mě nesnáší. = František's parents can't stand me. Jsou obě Matějova okna otevřena? = Are both of Matej's windows open? Obě tato zviřata jsou manželčina. = Both of these animals are my wife's. Obě Františkovy sestry jsou vdané. = Both of František's sisters are married. Všechna tři Jitčina auto jsou německá. = All three of Jitka's cars are German. Sousedova okna jsou špinavější než naše. = The neighbor's windows are dirtier than ours. Všechny tři Matějovy manželky měly hnědé vlasy a zelené oči. = All three of Matej's wives had brown hair and green eyes. Obě Matějovy dcery už mají vlsatní děti. = Both of Matej's daughters already have their own children. Františkovi psi jsou chytřejší. = František's does are smarter. Kateřinina kurata mají hlad. = Kateřina's chickens are hungry. Oba Františkovy domy jsou v Praze. = Both of František's houses are in Prague. Manželčina trička jsou pro mě přiliš malá. = My wife's T-shirts are too small for me. Manželčina ústa jsou o hodně hezčí. = My wife's mouth is much prettier. Proč sousedova prasata v naší zahradě? = Why are the neighbors pigs in our garden? Tahle kuřata nejsou sousedova. = These chickens are not the neighbor's. Lesson 4[] u Františkových rodičů = at František's parent's (note: rodičů is genitive) z otcova auta = from father's car do Žofiiných očí = into Zofie's eyes do sestřina pokoje = into/to my sister's room z okna sestřiny ložnice = out from my sister's bedroom's window z matčiny kuchyně = from my mother's kitchen u matčina auta = at my mother's car jeden z Matějových přátel = one of Matej's friends do sestřina auta = into my sister's car otcovy sestřenice = of my father's cousin bez otcova auta = without father's car z Kateřininých oken = from Kateřina's windows Čekám u matčina auta. = I am waiting by my mother's car. Šel do sestřina pokoje. = He went to his sister's room. Vím o tom od sestřina přitele. = I know about it from my sister's friend. Nastoupil jsem do sestřina auta. = I got in my sister's car. Bojím se otcovy sestřenice. = I am afraid of my father's cousin. Co bys dělal bez otcova auta? = What would you do without your father's car? Rád se dívám do Žofiiných očí. = I like looking into Zofie's eyes. Nesnáším barvu matčiny pohovky. = I cannot stand the color of my mother's sofa. Někdo kopl do Františkových dveří. = Someone kicked František's door. Tyhle hrušky jsou z bratrovy zahrady. = These pears are from my brother's garden. Někdo se díval z okna sestřiny ložnice. = Someone was looking out the window of my sister's bedroom. Dívali jsme se na to z Kateřininých oken. = We were watching it from Kateřina's windows. Včera nás navštívil jeden z Matějových přátel. = Yesterday one of Matěj's friends visited us. Nejezte jablka z otcova stromu. = Do not eat apples from your father's tree. Bydleli byste u Františkových rodičů? = Would you live at František's parents'? Z otcova auta vystoupilo několik lidí. = Several people got out of my father's car. Ten muž často chodi matčina bytu. = That man often goes to my mother's apartment. Je otcem dvou Žofiiných synů. = He is the father of two of Zofie's sons. Do matčina pokoje nikdy nechodím. = I never go into my mother's room. Z matčiny kuchyně mi chutná všechno. = I like everything from my mother's kitchen. Lesson 5[] otcův starý kabát = father's old jacket babiččina prvního manžela = grandmother's first husband dědečkovo auto = grandfather's car Kateřininu sestřenici Žofii = Kateřina's cousin Zofie matčin žlutý klobouk = mother's yellow hat dědečkovu motorku = grandfather's motorcycle dědečkova přítele Františka = grandfather's friend František sestřino kolo = my sister's bicycle babiččino okno = grandmother's window babiččin hlas = grandmother's voice tetin byt = my aunt's apartment dědečkův dům =grandfather's house bratrův byt = my brother's apartment babiččina bývalého studenta Matěje = grandmother's former student Matej Františkovu malou sestru = František's younger sister Slyším babiččin hlas. = I hear Grandma's voice. Kdo zná Jakubova otce? = Who knows Jakub's father? Pane Dvořáku, kde jste našel Jakubova povouka? = Mr. Dvořák, where did you find Jakub's spider? Hledal jsem tetin byt. = I was looking for my aunt's apartment. Kdo koupil dědečkův dům? = Who bought Grandpa's house? Proc bych myl sestřino kolo? = Why would I wash my sister's bicycle? Kdo se stará o dědečkova psa? = Who is taking care of Grandfather's dog? Často nosím otcův starý kabát. = I often wear father's old coat. Chci navštívit babiččinu sestru. = I want to visit my Grandma's sister. Kde je žrádlo pro babiččina koně? = Where is the food for Grandma's horse. Ten meloun je pro strýcova medvěda. = That watermelon is for my uncle's bear. Budeme muset prodat dědečkovo auto. = We are going to have to sell Grandpa's car. Matěj nesnáší Kateřininu sestřenici Žofii. = Matěj cannot stand Kateřina's cousin Žofie. Kdo ma dědečkovu motorku? = Who has Grandpa's motorcycle? Delám polévku pro dědečkova bratr. = I am making soup for my grandfather's brother. Babiččina prvního manžela si nepamatuji. = I do not remember Grandmother's first husband. Dědečkova přítele Františka neznám. = I do not know my grandfather's friend František. Ve strědu jsem viděl babiččina bývalého studenta Matěje. = On Wednesday, I saw Grandma's former student Matěj. Nikde nevidím matčin žlutý klobouk. = I cannot see my mother's yellow hat anywhere. Potřebuju bratrův byt. = I need my brother's apartment. Někdo otevřel babiččino okno. = Someone opened Grandma's window. Lesson 6[] dceřina trička = my daughter's T-shirts tetina ústa = aunt's mouth synovy časopisy = my son's magazines synova děvčata = my son's girlfriends na dceřiny přítelkyně = for/to my daughter's girlfriends učitelčina slova = the teacher's words o strýcova zvířata = for/of my uncle's animals dceřiny knihy = my daughter's books synovy přátele = my son's friends pro strýcova prasata = for my uncle's pigs Čtu Žofiiny knihy. = I have been reading Zofie's books. Čtu dceřiny knihy. = I read my daughter's books. Jitčina psa zranil kůň. = A horse injured Jitka's dog. Synovy otázky nechápeme. = We do not understand our son's questions. Našla jsem synovy časopisy. = I found my son's magazines. Nosím dceřiny sukně. = I wear my daughter's skirts. Sestřina kluka nesnáším. = I can't stand my sister's boyfriend. Miluju Matějovy polévky. = I love Matej's soups. Prala jsem dceřina trička. = I was washing my daughter's T-shirts. Vypral jsem Jakubova trička. = I washed Jakub's T-shirts. Někdo zabil dědečkovy stromy. = Someone killed Grandpa's trees. Učitelčina slova jsem nepochopil. = I did not understand the teacher's words. Němel sis stěžovat ja Jakubovy myši. = You shouldn't have complained about Jakub's mice. Proč se staráš o strýcova zvířata ty? = Why are you taking care of your uncle's animals? Kateřininy dopisy už nemám. = I do not have Kateřina's letters anymore. Ten starý chléb je pro strýcova prasata. = That old bread is for my uncle's pigs. Navštívili jsme synovy přátele. = We visited our son's friends. Divalá se na tetina ústa. = She was watching her aunt's mouth. Kdo našel Žofiina pavouka? = Who found Žofie's spider? Rád se dívám na sestřiny přítelkyně. = I like to watch my sister's girlfriends. Čekáme na dceřiny přítelkyně. = We are waiting for our daughter's girlfriends. Lesson 7[] na sousedových stromech = on the neighbour's tree v matčině pivu = in mother's beer pod Matějovými časopisy = under Matej's magazines za Žofiinou matkou = behind Zofie's mother v dědečkových knihách = in grandpa's books v babiččině kuchyni = in grandma's kitchen v matčině botě = in mother's shoe mezi Žofiinými přítelkyněmi = among Zofie's girlfriends s Františkovými rodiči = with František's parents Matějovým letadlem = with/using Matej's aircraft na synově škole = at my son's school Františkovým sourozencům = to František's siblings Kateřininým rodičům = to Kateřina's parents Žofiinu otci = to Zofie's father Františkovým a Kateřininým přátelům = to František's and Kateřina's friends Matějovu staršímu bratrovi je čtyřicet dva = Matej's older brother is 42 years old (dative)[1] Tetině kočce chutnají ptáci = my aunt's cat likes birds (dative: literally the cat receives the experience of pleasure of birds) Kateřinině matce ... umřela = Kateřina's mother ... died (dative) Františkově tetě se líbí.... = František's aunt likes.... (dative: literally, aunt gets pleasure from....) pomáhám bratrancovu děvčeti = I help my cousin's girlfriend (dative, give help to) V matčině pivu je moucha. = There is a fly in my mother's beer! Jsem učitelem na synové škole. = I am a teacher at my son's school. Spal jsi někdy v Žofiině bytě?= Have you ever slept in Zofie's apartment? Budeme si hrát s Žofiiným míčem. = We will play with Zofie's ball. Na dědečkově hlavě nejsou žádné vlasy. = There is no hair on Grandpa's head. V babiččině kuchyni vždy bylo co jíst. = There was always something to eat in Grandma's kitchen. Četl jsem o něm v dědečkových knihách. = I read about him in my Grandpa's books. Její dopis byl pod Matějovými časopisy. = Her letter was under Matej's magazines. O Matějově prvním dítěti nikdo nevěděl. = No one know about Matej's first child. Víš, co jsem nasel pod Kateřininou postelí? = Do you know what I found under Kateřina's bed? Matěj se mezi Žofiinými přítelkyněmi cítil dobře. = Matěj felt good among Zofie's girlfriends. V sobotu jsme seděli v divadle za Žofiinou matkou. = On Saturday, we were sitting in the theater behind Zofie's mother. Nejdřív budeme muset bydlet s Františkovými rodiči. = At first, we are going to have to live with František's parents. V matčiných botách jsem našel několik hnědých povouků. = I found several brown spiders in my mother's shoes. Vrátili jsme se Matějovým letadlem. = We returned in Matěj's airplane. Kdy se Matěj stal Žofiiným přítelem? = When did Matěj become Zofie's friend? Matěj čeká dítě s Františkovou dcerou. = Matěj is expecting a child with František's daughter. Na sousedových stromech je víc jablek. = There are more apples on the neighbor's trees. Lesson 8[] To jsou dceřini psi. = Those are my daughter's dogs. Tady spi strýcovi medvedí. = Uncle's bears sleep here. Kde jsou učitelčini kluci? = Where are the teacher's boys? Babiččini bratři už umřeli. = My grandmother's brothers have already died. Proč bych lhal Žofiinu otci? = Why would I lie to Zofie's father? Tetině kočce chutnají ptáci. = My aunt's cat likes birds. Prezidentovi muži už šli domů. = The president's men have gone home. Napišme Kateřininým rodičům dopis. = Let's write Kateřina's parents a letter. Františkově tetě se líbí moje ruce. = František's aunt likes my hands. Jsou dědečkovi koně hnědi nebo šedí? = Are Grandpa's horses brown or gray? Pani Dvořáková pomáhá Matějova otci. = Mrs. Dvořáková is helping Matěj's father. Matějovu staršimu bratrovi je čtyřicet dva. = Matěj's older brother is forty-two. Musíme něco říct Františkovým sourozencům. = We must say something to František's siblings. Kdo Františkovým a Kateřininým přátelům ukázal kde bydlíme. = Who showed František's and Kateřina's friends where we live? Kateřinině matce nebylo ani šedesát, když umřela. = Kateřina's mother was not even sixty when she died. === Skill 60 - Prepositions_D === Lesson 1[] vede k letišti = goes to the airport dostal k jezeru = got to the lake ke kterému nádraží = to which station dostat ke svému žrádlu = get to their food dostat k oknu = get to a/the window jezdí k nádraží = goes to the station k nám = to us ke mně = to me k tobě = to you ke starému nádraží = to the old station upřímný = candid (honest) Kateřina se vrátila ke svému prvnímu manželovi. = Kateřina returned to her first husband. Buď ke mně upřímná. = Be honest with me. Tato tramvaj ke starému nádraží nejede. = This streetcar does not go to the old station. Ke kterému nádraží jede tenhle autobus. = Which station does this bus go to? Které autobusy jezdí k nádraží? = Which buses go to the train station? Byl k nám upřímný. = He was honest with us. Musíme se dostat k lékaří. = We must get to the doctor. Nemohl se dostat k oknu. = He could not get to the window. K letišti tramvaje nejezdí. = Streetcars do not go to the airport. Měl jsem k tobě být upřímnější. = I should have been more honest with you. Jak ses dostal k jezeru? = How did you get to the lake? Prasata se snažila dostat ke svému žrádlu. = The pigs were trying to get to their food. Tenhle autobus jede k letišti. = This bus goes to the airport. Která ulice vede k letišti? = Which street goes to the airport? Lesson 2[] proti tomu = against it proti němu = against him proti našemu domu = against our house proti nim = against them proti mému bytu = across from my apartment proti komu = against whom? proti jejímu novému obchodu = across from her new shop hlasovat = to vote Jsem proti tomu. = I am against it. Proti komu jste bojovali? = Who were you fighting against? Neměli proti komu bojovat. = They had no one to fight against. Musíme proti nim bojovat. = We must fight them. Já proti nim nic nemám. = I have nothing against them. Nemohla jsem se k nim dostat rychleji. = I could not get to them faster. Jejich auto stálo proti našemu domu. = Their car stood across from our house. Okno její ložnice je proti mému bytu. = Her bedroom window is across from my apartment. Máš jít k panu Novotnému. = You are to go to Mr. Novotný. Byli jste k panu Dvořákovi upřímní? = Were you honest with Mr. Dvořák? Hlasovali jsme proti němu. = We voted against him. Hlasovalo proti němu pět lidí. = Five people voted against him. I my proti němu budeme hlasovat. = We will also vote against it. Bydlíme proti jejímu novému obchodu. = We live across from her new shop. Lesson 3[] ke koupelně = to/toward the bathroom byl naproti záchodu = was opposite the toilet kvůli té motorce = because of the motorcycle naproti škole = across from school díky našemu týmu = thanks to our team (preposition not needed, sense of "to" is inherent in dative case) stojí naproti ledničce = it stands opposite the refrigerator díky tobě = thanks to you (preposition not needed, sense of "to" is inherent in dative case) kvůli ní = because of her Díky tobě jsem úspěšný. = Thanks to you, I am successful. Proč hlasovali proti ní? = Why did they vote against her? Díky ní mě našli. = Thanks to her, they found me. Díky našemu týmu se mnoho lidí učí česky. = Thanks to our team, many people are learning Czech. Matěj kvůli ní nespí. = Matěj does not sleep because of her. Kvůli tvé lásce. = Because of your love. Pláčeš kvůli té motorce? = Are you crying because of the motorcycle? Náš stůl byl naproti záchodu. = Our table was across from the toilet. Bydlím naproti škole. = I live across from the school. Můj pokoj je naproti koupleně. = My room is across from the bathroom. Běži ke koupleně. = He is running towards the bathroom. Kvůli ošklivému počasi jsme nikam nešli. = We did not go anywhere because of bad weather. Proč vaše pohovka stojí noproti ledničce? = Why is your sofa standing opposite the refrigerator? Byl jsem k pani Novotné upřímný. = I was honest with Mrs. Novatná. Pan Dvořák se vrátil k paní Dvořákové. = Mr. Dvořák returned to Mrs. Dvořáková. Proč by postel neměla stát naproti dveřím? = Why shouldn't the bed stand opposite the door? Lesson 4[] vrátil k první manželce = returned to his first wife kvůli žízni = because of thirst dostat ke dveřím = to get to the door kvůli špinavé vidličce = because of a dirty fork k té šedé sukni = to that grey skirt (as in matches/does not match that grey skirt) k tomu jídlu = to that dish (as in what wine goes with it) kvůli své práci = because of his work k jinému stolu = to another table (as in left for) k jinému týmu = to another team (as in left for) odešel k mladší ženě = he left for a younger woman kvůli větší posteli = because of the bigger bed kvůli malé a ošklivé kuchyni = because of the small and ugly kitchen k oranžové tváři = with an orange face (what matches it) Běži ke dveřím. = They are running to the door. Pivo piju kvůli žízni. = I drink beer because of thirst. Je nešťastný kvůli své práci. = He is unhappy because of his work. Jaké víno se hodí k tomu jídlu? = What wine goes with that dish? Matěj se vrátil k první manželce. = Matěj returned to his first wife. Stalo se to kvůli špinavé vidličce. = It happened because of a dirty fork. Naše nejlepší hráčka odešla k jinému týmu. = Our best player left for another team. Její manžel od ní odešel k mladší ženě. = Her husband left her for a younger woman. Váš pokoj bude dražší kvůli větší posteli. = Your room will be more expensive because of the bigger bed. Žluté vlasy se k oranžové tváři nehodí. = Yellow hair does not go with an orange face. Ten dům nechceme kvůli malé a ošklivé kuchyni. = We do not want that house because of the small and ugly kitchen. Odešli k jinému stolu. = They left for another table. Snažil se dostat ke dveřím. = He was trying to get to the door. Ne, hnědá bunda se k té šedé sukni nehodí. = No, a brown jacket does not go with that gray skirt. Její manžel od ní odešel k mladší ženě = Her husband left her for a younger woman. Lesson 5[] k letadlům = to the airplanes proti dětem = against children kvůli svým věcem = because of his things naproti krásným zahradám = across from beautiful gardens naproti jejím oknům = across from her windows kvůli těm krávám = because of those cows kvůli špinavým sklenicím = because of the dirty glasses proti myším = against mice kvůli svým krásným tvářím = because of your beautiful faces díky novým nádražím = thanks to new stations kvůli kostem = because of bones něco proti českým restauracím = something against Czech restaurants kvůli lodím = because of ships kvůli těm prasatům = because of those pigs kvůli svým hotelům = because of his hotels kvůli úzkým ulicím = because of the narrow streets kvůli pavoukům = because of spiders kvůli letištím = because of airports ke kterým náměstím....? = to which squares....? kvůli drahým nožům a vidličkám = because of the expensive knives and forks Ryby neji kvůli kostem. = He does not eat fish because of their bones. Jsem tady kvůli těm krávám. = I am here because of those cows. Dva lidé běželi k letadlům. = Two people were running to the airplanes. Vrátila se kvůli svým věcem. = He returned because of his things. Udělal to kvůli svým hotelům? = Did he do it because of his hotels? Nechtěli bojovat proti dětem. = They did not want to fight against children. Necestujeme tam kvůli letištím. = We do not travel there because of airports. Kvůli lodím tady žije míň ptáků. = There are fewer birds living here because of ships. Ke kterým náměstím vedou ty ulice? = Which squares do those streets go to? Asi má něco proti českým restauracím. = He probably has something against Czech restaurants. Musíme to auto vrátit kvůli pavoukům. = We must return that car because of spiders. Kvůli těm prasatům musela jít k lékaři. = She had to go to the doctor because of those pigs. Nepracujete tady kvůli svým krásným tvářím. = You do not work here because of your beautiful faces. Kvůli úzkým ulicím se sem nedostali dost rychle. = Because of narrow streets, they did not get here fast enough. Díky novým nádražím může víc lidí jezdit vlakem. = Thanks to new stations, more people can go by train. Náš hotel stojí naproti krásným zahradám. = Our hotel stands across from beautiful gardens. Koupil byt naproti jejím oknům. = He bought an apartment across from her windows. Musel odejít kvůli drahým nožům a vidličkám. = He had to leave because of expensive knives and forks. Co máš proti proti myším? = What do you have against mice? Z restaurace jsme kvůli špinavým sklenicím rychle odešli. = We quickly left the restaurant because of dirty glasses. === Skill 61 - Politics === Lesson 1[] zvolit = to vote/elect (perfective - a single event, infinitive) zvolili = they voted/elected (masc. plural) volil jsi = you voted nevolila jsi = you did not vote (addressing a woman) stěžuješ = you complain příští volby = the next elections (plural, nom. or acc.) příštího prezidenta = the next president (masc. acc.) zmanipulované = rigged politika = politics (neuter, nom.) ve vládě = she works in the government (singular locative, also dative) novou vládu = new government (singular acc.) o politice = about politics (locative) zvolit lepšího prezidenta = to elect a better president příští = next volby = election Koho jsi volit? = Who did you vote for? Máme novou vládu. = We have a new government. Pracuje ve vládě. = She works in the government. Nemluv o politice. = Do not talk about politics. Nečte nic jiněho než časopisy o politice. = He reads nothing else than magazines about politics. Já jsem volil jeho. = I voted for him. Já jsem ji nevolit. = I did not vote for her. Politika je špinavá. = Politics is dirty. Znám příštího prezidenta. = I know the next president. Měli zvolit lepšího prezidenta. = They should have elected a better president. Na tyhle volby bych rád zapomněl. = I would like to forget this election. Kdy budou příští volby? = When will the next election be? Bude příští vláda lepší? = Will the next government be better? Na co si stěžuješ, když jsi nevolita? = What are you complaining about when you did not vote? Proč zvolili tohohle člověka? = Why did they elect this person? Lepšího prezidenta zvolit nemohli. = They could not have elected a better president. Politika mne opravdu nezajímá. = Politics really does not interest me. Příští volby možná budou poslední. = The next election may be the last. Koho měli zvolit? = Who should they have elected? Lesson 2[] nezměnil nic = he changed nothing/didn't make any changes předseda té strany = chairperson of the party (strany, genitive) zvláštní názory = strange opinions (názory, plural nom. or acc.) volíme = we vote nového prezidenta = new president (singular acc.) naše strana = our party (strana = nom.) nového předsedu = new chairperson (singuar acc.) Svět se mění = the world is changing (note the reflexive se) Nic se nemění = nothing has changed stranu = party (singular acc.) změnit svět = to change the world svět = world názor = opinion Nic se nemění. = Nothing changes. Jen jména se mění. = Only the names change. Svět se mění. = The world is changing. Ta strana je mrtvá. = That party is dead. Chtěl jsem změnit svět. = I wanted to change the world. Nesouhlasím s jejími názory. = I do not agree with her opinions. Zase změnil své názory. = He changed his opinions again. Dnes volíme nového prezidenta. = Today we are voting for a new president. Jsou dvě strany lepší než jedna? = Are two parties better than one? Kterou stranu volíš ty? = Which party do you vote for? Tuhle stranu nikdy nevolím. = I never vote for this party. Nezměnil nic. = He changed nothing. Její názory se mění každý den. = Her opinions change every day. Svět ale změnil mě. = But the world changed me. Strana a vláda vědí všechno. = The party and government know everything. Lesson 3[] Jaký je rozdíl mezi = What is the difference between alternativními fakty = alternative facts mluvčí = spokesman nabídl = he offered slibu = promise (singular genitive) věřil = he believed nestydí vůbec za nic = he/she is not ashamed of anything at all smát = to laugh Slibů nabídl hodně = he offered many promises (plural genitive, nabídl is an exmaple of a verb which takes the genitive) prázdný slib = an empty promise (singular nom.) nic nevyřeší = will not solve anything být naším předsedou = to be our chairperson (předsedou, instrumental[1]) zeď = wall promise = slib Stydím se za něho. = I am ashamed of him. Já se za našeho prezidenta nestydím. = I am not ashamed for our president. Slibů nabídl hodně. = He offered a lot of promises. Tato mluvčí nic neříká. = This spokesperson says nothing. Naše strana má nového předsedu. = Our party has a new chairman. Já se jejímu mluvčímu musím smát. = I must laugh at her spokesman. Předseda té strany má zvláštní názory. = The chairman of that party has strange opinions. Mnoho lidí se za našeho prezidenta stydí. = Many people are ashamed of our president. Slíbil, že všechno vyřeší a že to bude lehké. = He promised that he would solve everything and that it would be easy. Zeď všechno vyřeší. = The wall will solve everything. Zeď nic nevyřeší. = The wall is not going to solve anything. Kdo chce být naším předsedou? = Who wants to be our chairperson? Jeho mluvčí nikdy nelže. = His spokesperson never lies. Čekali jsme, že to vyřeší ta zeď. = We expected that the wall would solve it. Byl to jen prázdný slib. = it was just an empty promise. Tehdy tady stála zeď. = A wall stood her back then, Proč jsi jeho slibu věřil? = Why did you believe his promise? Prezident tu zeď nechtěl. = The president did not want that wall. Lesson 4[] láska = love (nom.) nenávist = hatred (nom.) zvítězí = he/she/it/they prevails nad lží a nenávistí = over/above lies and hatred (nad = above, goes with instrumental case) plná lží a nenávisti = full of lies and hatred (genitive) co se stalo s pravdou a láskou = what has become of truth and love (s=with, goes with instrumental case) proč vítězí nenávist = why does hatred prevail jednou = one day/some day zvítězíme my = we will prevail zaplatíme = they will pay lež = lie, falsehood (singular, nom. or acc.) ta láska = the love pravda = truth mír = peace Co je láska? = What is love? Kdy zvítězí? = When are they going to prevail? Chci jen najít pravdu. = I only want to find the truth. Za to zaplatíme všichni. = All of us will pay for it. Slíbil, že za jeho zeď zaplatí někdo jiný. = He promised that someone else would pay for his wall. Pravda vítězí. = Truth prevails. Proč vítězí nenávist? = Why does hate prevail? Politika je dnes plná lží a nenávisti. = Politics today is full of lies and hate. Pravda a láska zvítězí nad lží a nenávistí. = Truth and love will prevail over lies and hatred. Jednou zvítězíme my. = One day, we will prevail. Ve volbách asi láska nad nenávistí nevítězí. = Love probably does not prevail over hate in elections. Moje láska pro tebe stále ještě žije. = My love for you is still alive. Kdo za to všechno zaplatí ? = Who's going to pay for it all? Co se stalo s pravdou a láskou? = What happened to truth and love? V tom slovu byla láska. = There was love in that word. Lesson 5[] válku = war (singular, acc.) válka = war (singular, nom.) všechny války = all wars (plural, nom. or acc.) zničili = they destroyed zničila = she destroyed vyhrál válku = he won the war prohrál volby = he lost the elections světová válka = world war (as a subject. nom.) světovou válku = world war (as an object, acc.) můj sen = my dream (singular, nom. or acc.) naše sny = our dreams (singular, nom. or acc.) světový mír = world peace (singular, nom. or acc.) mír = peace válka = war svět = world světový = global zničit = to destroy politik = politician Máme tři politiky doma, = We have three politicians at home. Kolik chudých politiků znáš? = How many poor politicians do you know? Vaše strana chce tuhle zemi zničit. = Your party wants to destroy this country. Vy věříte, že světový mír je možný? = Do you believe that world peace is possible? Politici zničili naše sny. = Politicians have destroyed our dreams. Můj sen je ukončit všechny války. = My dream is to end all wars. Měl sen. = He had a dream, Válka všechno zničila. = The war destroyed everything. Pravda už v této zemi neexistuje. = The truth no longer exists in this country. Chceme mír. = We want peace. Světový mír je lepší než světová válka. = World peace is better than a world war. Musíme rychle ukončit vládu nenávisti. = We must quickly put an end to the government of hate. Vyhrál válku, ale prohrál volby. = He won the war, but lost the election. Naše země potřebujou mír. = Our countries need peace. Kdo může ukončit tuto válku? = Who can end this war? === Skill 62 - Reflexives === Lesson 1[] Považoval ses....? = Did you consider yourself....? Považovali se.... = They considered themselves.... Viděl ses....? = Did you see yourself....? Známe se.... = We know each other.... Neznáme se.... = We do not know each other Znám se dobře. = I know myself well. Jak dobře se znáš? = How well do you know yourself? Neznáme se dlouho. = We have not known each other for long. Jak dlouho se znáte? = How long have you known each other? Známe se třicet let. = We have known each other for thirty years. Příliš dobře se nezná. = He does not know himself too well. Naše rodiny se nesnášely. = Our families could not stand each other. Považoval se za dobrého otce. = He considered himself a good father. Včera jsem se viděla v televizi. = I saw myself on TV yesterday. Považoval ses za dobrého zaměstnance? = Did you consider yourself a good employee? Kdy ses viděl v televizi? = When did you see yourself on TV? Viděl ses někdy v televizi? = Have you ever seen yourself on TV? Matěj se považoval za odborníka. = Matěj considered himself an expert. Považovali se za velmi důležité lidi. = They considered themselves very important people. My jsme se v televizi nikdy neviděli. = We never saw ourselves on TV. (also ok: We have never seen ourselves on TV.) Moji sourozenci se nesnášeli. = My siblings could not stand each other. Kateřina a Žofie se nesnášely. = Kateřina and Žofie could not stand one another. Lesson 2[] Věděli o sobě = they know about each other (locative) na sebe = about/of yourself (accusative) u sebe = with him, on himself (e.g. had something with him, genitive) Čekali na sebe = They were waiting for each other (accusative) pro sebe = for himself (accusative) Máš u sebe svůj pas? = Do you have your passport on you (genitive) Co ti o sobě řekly? = What did they tell you about themselves? (locative) Co máš na sobě? = What are your wearing jen o sebe = only about himself, herself Věděli o sobě. = They knew about each other. Co ti o sobě řekly? = What did they tell you about themselves? Celý večer mluvila jen o se sobě. = She talked only about herself the entire evening. Zajimá se jen o sebe. = She is interested only in herself. Čekali na sebe. = They were waiting for each other. Co máš na sobě? = What are your wearing? Nemysli jen na sebe. = Do not think only of yourself. Měl u sebe nůž. = He had a knife on him. Pro ses jídlo nemá. = He does not have food for himself. Pro sebe jídlo nemá. = He does not have food for himself. Udělali to pro sebe? = Did they do it for themselves? Máš u sebe svůj pas? = Do you have your passport on you? Nic pro sebe něchtela. = She did not want anything for herself. Proč u sebe neměl pas? = Why didn't he have his passport with him? Lesson 3[] Musíš si víc věřit = You must trust yourself more (give more trust (direct object) to oneself) Naše rodiny si vždy pomáhaly = Our families always helped each other (gave help to oneselves) sis půjčit = to borrow (for yourself) psali si.... = they wrote to each other.... píšete si = you all write to each other Už si nepíšeme. = We do not write each other any more. Začina si věřit? = Is he starting to trust himself? Musíš si víc věřit. = You must trust yourself more. Měla sis věřit. = You should have trusted yourself. Musíme si pomáhat. = We must help each other. Jak často si píšete? = How often do you write to each other? Kolik eur sis půjčil? = How many euros did you borrow? Tehdy jsme si pomáhali. = We helped each other back then. Měl sis půjčit náš byt. = You should have borrowed our apartment. Naše rodiny si vždy pomáhaly. = Our families have always helped each other. Psali si každý týden. = They wrote to each other every week. Kde sis půjčil tu motorku? = Where did you rent that motorcycle? Lesson 4[] ... k sobě jsou upřímní = ... are honest to each other proti sobě = against each other mezi sebou = among/between themselves před sebou = in front of myself nad sebou = above himself Nebyla k sobě upřímná. = She was not honest with herself. Kateřina a on k sobě jsou upřímní. = Kateřina and he are honest with each other. Ty barvy se k sobě nehodí. = Those colors do not go together. Musel bojovat proti sobě. = He had to fight against himself. Máme před sebou mnoho práce. = We have a lot of work ahead of us. Viděli jsme před sebou širokou řeku. = We saw a wide river in front of us. Nikoho jsem před sebou neviděla. = I did not see anyone in front of me. Cizince mezi sebou nechtějí. = They do not want foreigners among themselves. Chtěl nad sebou vidět hvězdy. = He wanted to see the stars above him. Viděl nad sedou její obličej. = He saw her face above him. Jakým jazykem mezi sebou mluvíte? = What language do you speak among yourselves? Máme mezi sebou ženy a děti. = We have women and children among us. Viděli nad sebou tři letadla. = They saw three airplanes above them. Naše země proti sobě dvakrát bojovaly. = Our countries fought twice. Co vy dvě proti sobě máte? = What do you two have against each other? Lesson 5[] Ty dveře se otevřely samy = The door opened by itself To okno se zavřelo samo? = Did the window close by itself ... jíst samy = to eat by themselves Jsme sami? = Are we alone? Myslím že teď jsme sami. = I think we're alone now. Jsem doma sám. = I am home alone. Bylas tam sama? = Were you there alone? (also ok: Were you there by yourself?) Sama tomu nerozumíš. = You don't understand it yourself. Spala jsi dobře, nebo sama? = Did you sleep well or alone? Samo se to neudělá. = It's not going to do itself. Ty dveře se otevřely samy. = The door opened by itself. To okno se zavřelo samo? = Did the window close by itself? Sám tomu nevěříš. = You don't believe it yourself. Jejich děti chtěly jíst samy. = Their children wanted to eat alone. Matěj bydlí sám. = Matěj lives by himself. Ženy samy sebe zřídka považují za krásné. = Women seldom consider themselves beautiful. Jejich malé dítě bylo doma samo. = Their baby was home alone. Budeš vždy sám. = You will always be alone. === Skill 63 - Relative === Tohle je ten dům, který se líbí Žofii. = This is the house which Zofie likes. (sing. masc. inanimate Vzal si dívku, u které každé ráno kupoval mléko. = He married the girl from whom he bought milk each morning. (sing. feminine "the girl", genitive "u" goes with genitive) Dívku, u které/níž každé ráno kupoval mléko, si vzal. = (literal) The girl, from whom he bought milk each morning, he married. Těm myším, jež byly v koupelně, se něco stalo. = (literal) The mice, who were in the toilet, something happened to them. Lesson 1[] Znám tři lidi, kteří.... = I know three people who.... (plural masc.) Tohle je ten dům, který.... = This is the house which.... (sing. masc. inam.) Hledáme automobil, jenž.... = We are looking for the car which.... (sing. masc. inam.) Psal o ptácích, již.... = He wrote about birds which.... (plural masc.) Ukradli všechno, co.... = They stole everything which.... (sing. acc.) Kde je ta dívka, která.... = Where is the girl who was.... (sing. fem.) Slyším to, co jiní neslyší = I hear what/that which others do not hear Našli jsme toho psa, jenž.... = We found the dog which/who.... (sing. masc.) Dělá jen to, co chce = She only does what/that which she wants František udělal všechno, co.... = František did everything which.... Lesson 2[] ...jména všech dívek, jež.... = ...names of all the girls who,,,, (plural, neuter. nom.) ...v těch dopisech, jež.... = ...in those letters which.... (plural, masc. inam. nom.) ...ta děvčata, jež.... = ...the girls who.... (plural, fem. nom.) ...z vesnice, jež.... = from a village which.... (singular, fem. nom.) ...to rádio, jež.... = the radio which.... (singular, neuter, nom.) ...věci, jež.... = the things which.... (plural, fem. nom.) ...mezi talíři, jež byly v.... = between the plates which were in (plural, masc. inam. nom.) ...zvířata, jež mají.... = animals which have (plural, neuter, nom.) Těm myším, jež byly v.... = Those mice which were in.... (plural, fem. nom.) Lesson 3[] Kde je to auto, které jsme ukradli? = Where is the car which we stole (sing. neuter, acc. Relative clause is "We stole the car", so car is accusative) To není ten Matěj, jehož si bere Žofie. = This is not the Matěj whom Žofie is marrying. (sing. masc. anim. acc.) Co bylo v tom kufru, jejž František zapomněl? = What was in the suitcase which František forgot? (sing. masc. inam. acc.) Je to kniha o muži, na něhož všichni zapomněli. = Is the book about a man whom everyone forgot? (sing. masc. acc. with preposition) To je ten podnikatel, pro něhož pracuji. = This is the businessman for whom I work. (sing. masc. acc. with preposition) Dívku, kterou tehdy miloval, už nepoznává. = The girl, whom he loved then, he no longer recognises. (sing. fem. acc.) Je to ten muž, kterého jsme vzali.... = Is this the man, whom we took.... (sing. masc. acc.) Nevím o tom klukovi, jejž jsem ráno našla.... = I do not know about the boy whom I found in the morning.... (sing. masc. acc.) Co si myslíš o tom chlapci, na nějž se díváš? = What do you think about the boy whom you are looking at? (sing. masc. acc.) Co bylo v posledním dopise, jejž ti napsala? = What was in the last letter which she wrote to you? (sing. masc. inam. acc.) Něco o tom hochovi, pro nějž máme koupit.... = About the boy, for whom we are buying.... (sing. masc. acc. with preposition) ...ten vlak, na nějž čekáme? = ...that train which we are waiting for (sing. masc. inam. acc. with preposition) Lesson 4[] ..., jež jsem v sobotu umyl = which I washed on saturday (sing. neuter acc.) ..., na něž se těším = which I am not looking forward to (plural, all genders, acc.) ..., jež chtěl Matěj = which Matej wanted (sing. neuter acc.) ..., již jsme koupili = which we bought (sing. fem. acc.) ..., o niž se dobře stará = which he takes good care of (sing. fem. prep) ..., jež vyrábíme my = which we manufacture (plural fem. acc.) ..., na něž jste čekal = which you were waiting for (sing. neuter acc. prep) ..., o niž se Matěj zajímá = which Matej is interested in (sing. fem. acc. prep) Lesson 5[] ...psa, jejž se František bojí = dog which Frantisek is afraid of (sing. masc. genitive) ...dveře, u kterých jsem stál = door at which I was standing (plural fem. genitive) ...talíř, z něhož jsem jedl = plate from which I was eating (sing. masc. inam. genitive with prepostion) ...místo, z něhož pocházím = place from which I come (sing. neuter, genitive with preposition) ...zvířata, bez kterých.... = animals without which.... (plural neuter genitive) ...jeho matka, jíž se všichni báli = his mother whom everyone is afraid of (sing. fem. genitive) ...ženy, jichž si Matěj váží = women whom Matej respects (plural fem. genitive) ...děvčeti, jehož jsem se zeptal.... = child whom I asked.... (sing. neuter, genitive) ...soused, od něhož jsme koupili.... = neighbour from whom we bought (sing. masc. genitive with preposition) ...tramvaj, do níž nastoupil.... = tram onto which he boarded (sing. fem. genitive with preposition) ...letadlo, z něhož jsme vystoupili.... = airplane from which we disembarked (sing. neuter, genitive with preposition) Strom, z něhož.... = The tree from which (sing. masc. inam. genitive with preposition) Lesson 6[] ...náměstí, na kterém stojíme = the square on which we stand (sing. neuter) ...ženu, o níž nic nevěděl = woman about whom he knew nothing (sing. fem.) ...dům, v němž bydlí Matěj = house in which Matej lives (sing. masc. inam.) ...dopis, v němž si na tebe stěžovaly = letter in which they complained against you (sing. masc inam.) ...muže, o němž nic nevěděla = man about whom she knew nothing (sing. masc.) ...pohovka, na níž sedíme = sofa on which we sit (sing. fem.) ...kolo, na němž jezdím = bicycle on which I ride (sing. neuter) ...triko, v němž spala = tee-shirt in which she slept (sing. neuter) ...bratranec, o němž jsem ti psal = cousin whom I wrote to you about (sing. masc.) ...hotel, v němž jste bydleli = hotel in which you stayed (sing. masc. inam.) ...kůň, na němž jezdí = horse on which they ride (sing. masc.) ...řeka, po níž cestujeme = river along which we travel (sing. fem.) ...o věcech, o nichž nic nevíš = about things you know nothing about (plural, fem.) Lesson 7[] lidé, s nimiž jsi čekal = people with whom you are waiting (plural, masc. with preposition) slovo, jímž jsem ji zranil = word with which I hurt her (sing. neuter) Restaurace, před níž čekal = The restaurant in front of which he waited (sing. fem. with preposition) názory, s nimiž nesouhlasím = opinion with which I disagree (plural, masc. inam. with preposition) nádraží, před nímž čekáš = station in front of which you are waiting (sing. neuter with preposition) ten nůž, kterým ji zabil = the knife he killed her with (sing. masc. inam.) stolu, pod nímž spaly tři kočky = table under which three cats were sleeping (sing. masc. inam. with preposition) v kabátu, pod nímž měla = in a coat under which she had (sing. masc. inam. with preposition) do restaurace, s níž nebyl spokojený = to the restaurant with which he was dissatisfied (sing. fem. with preposition) Auto, jímž jezdí do školy = car he drives to school with (sing. neuter) jazyk, jímž mluví její dcera = language which her daughther speaks (masc. inam.) ten hoch, s nímž jsi mluvila = the boy with whom you were speaking (sing. masc. with preposition) ulice, pod níž jsme = the street we are under (sing. fem. with preposition) ten student, s nímž čekáš dítě = the student with whom you are expecting a child (sing. masc. with preposition) Lesson 8[] Její oči, kvůli nimž.... = her eyes, because of which Náš nejmladší syn, jemuž je osmnáct = Our youngest son, who is eighteen Náš nejmladší syn, kterému je osmnác = Our youngest son, who is eighteen má nejlepší přítelkyně, jíž říkám = my best friend, whom I tell tým, proti němuž = a team against which můj nejlepší přítel, kterému říkám = my best friend whom I tell Moji rodiče, jimž pivo nechutná = My parents, who do not like beer triko, v němž spala = the tee-shirt which she slept in v růžovém triku, díky němuž = in a pink tee-shirt, thanks to which Existuje sýr, k němuž = Does there exist cheese with which ten kolega, kvůli němuž = the colleague thanks to whom teta, jíž bude osmdesát = aunt, who will be eighty své tělo, díky němuž = her body, thanks to which === Skill 64 - Feelings === Lesson 1[] chybět = to be missed by Chybíš mi = I miss you (literally you will be missed by me) Mně chybět určitě nebude = I will definitely not miss him stýskat se = to miss (in a reflexive construction) Stýská se mi po ní. = I miss her Nám by se stýskalo po.... = We would miss Bude se mi stýskat = I will miss Po Františkovi se nám stýskat nebude = We will not miss Frantisek Už se mu nestýská.... = He no longer misses naštvaná = to be angry Je naštvaný, protože = he is angry because Jsi do ní zamilovaný? = Are you in love? .... zamilovaná nejsem = I am not in love with.... Lesson 2[] Zlobím se na... = I am angry with Nezlob se na... = Don't be angry with zlobíš se na... = Are you angry with udělat radost = to make someone happy ...mu udělala radost = (something) made him happy zklamat =to disappoint ...mne velmi zklamala = (something) disappointed me very much nezklamal jsi = you did not disappoint Všichni jsou někdy smutní = everyone is sad sometimes ...budu smutná = I will be sad Já nejsem smutný = I am not sad překvapit = to surprise Nepřekvapilo by mě to = It would not surprise me Překvapil... = He surprise/was surprising Je smutné = It is sad, it is a sad thing ...budu smutná = I will be sad Lesson 3[] urazit = to offend urazil = to have offended zklamaně = disappointed smutně = sad jsem smutný = I am sad šťastně = happy naštvaně = angry Vypadáš = You look/appear to be Vypadám = I look/appear to be tvářil se = he looked/appeared to be tvářila se = she looked/appeared to be ...aby se neurazil = so that he did not get offended Proč jste se urazila = Why was he offended Urazila se, protože.... = She was offended because.... nešťastně zamilovaný = unhappily in love šťastně vdané = happily married === Skill 65 - Directions === Lesson 1[] bankomat = ATM záchod = toilet muzeum = museum nemocnice = hospital Nevíte, kde je nejbližší.... = Would you know where the nearest ... is Je tu poblíž.... = Is there ... nearby je u stanice metra = ... is by a subway station Hledám.... = I am looking for Nevíš, kde je tu nejbližší.... = Do you know where the nearest ... is Které ... hledáte? = Which ... are you looking for Lesson 2[] řeka = river (fem. sing. nom.) adresu = address (fem. sing. acc.) Vezměte nás... = Take us... Váš hotel je od ...(someplace) příliš daleko = Your hotel is too far from Vezměte mě na... = Take me to Co je na.... = What is at.... Kterým směrem je.... = Which way is.... Vezmi mě domů = Take me home Jak daleko jsem od = How far am I from Jak daleko je to do = how far is it to Lesson 3[] vesnice = village pošta = post office odsud = from here otevřenou = open for business Znáš cestu do.... = Do you know the way to.... Jak daleko je.... = How far is.... Ukaž mi cestu.... = Show me the way.... Jste odsud = Are you from here Jak je to odsud daleko = Is it far from here Ukaž mně, kam jít = Show me where to go Ukažte mi ... na mapě, prosím = Show me ... on the map please (someplace) odsud není daleko = (someplace) is not far from here Nejbližší pošta = the nearest post office Jsou ...(some places) poblíž našeho hotelu = Are there (some places) near our hotel Cestu ...(someplace) jsem už zapomněl = The way to (someplace) I have forgotten Lesson 4[] pod = under obýváku = living room (accusative) školy = school (genitive) Na ..(somewhere) jezdím často = I go (somewhere) often Potřebuju se dostat pod = I need to get under Jak ses dostal tak blízko k = How do you get close to Jdeme do = we are going to Jak blízko je = How close is Ten autobus jede do = That bus goes to Stál pod (place in instrumental case) = He was standing under Je to blízko (place in genitive case) = Is it near to Do kterého ... jdete? = To which ... are you going Na kterou ... jdete? = To which ... are you going Všichni psi jdou do nebe = All dogs go to heaven Lesson 5[] naše kancelář = our office budovy = building (genitive) Do které budovy = to which building Musíte jít přes most = You must go across the bridge Mám jít doprava, anebo doleva? = Do I have to go to the right or the left ...jezdíme vpravo = ...we drive on the right Měl bys jít = You should go Kolik mostů vede přes = How many bridges go across (some place) je vlevo od (some place) = (some place) is to the left of (some place) (some place) je v jedné z těch budov vpravo = (some place) is in one of the buildings on the right Potřebujeme se dostat přes = We need to get across Musíš jít = You must go Co je tamhleta vysoká budova = What is that tall building vlevo od nádraží = to the left of the station === Skill 66 - Education === Lesson 1[] škola = school (nominative) matematika = mathematics (nominative) matematiku = mathematics (accusative) domácí úkoly = homework assignments (nom. or acc.) předmět = subject pět domácích úkolů = five homework assignments (genitive) (something) mě nebaví = I don't like (something - nominative) Matěj (something) miluje = Matej loves (something - accusative) Mně jde (something) dobře = I am good at (something - nominative) (something) jí jde špatně = She is bad at (something - nominative) Františkovi nejde = Frantisek is not good at udělat své domácí úkoly = do one's homework assignments (something) je těžký předmět = (something - nominative) is a hard subject Lesson 2[] Naše učitelka nám dává příliš domácích úkolů. = Our teacher gives us too much homework. Vloni jsem byla v šesté třídě. = Last year I was in sixth grade. Dávej pozor a nemluv. = Pay attention and don't talk. Nedáváš pozor! = You are not paying attention! Naše učitelka nám dává příliš domácích úkolů. = Our teacher gives us too much homework. Nechodil jsi do sedmé třídy už vloni? = Didn't you already go to seventh grade last year? Vloni jsem byla v šesté třídě. = Last year I was in sixth grade. Ve škole dávám pozor, abych se nemusel doma tolik učit. = I pay attention at school so as not to have to study as much at home. Jaké známky jsi měla ve škole ty? = What grades did you have at school? Nesnáším učitele, kteří dávají příliš mnoho domácích úkolů. = I can't stand teachers that give too much homework. Kdybych měl lepší učitele, měl bych i lepší známky = If I had better teachers, I would also have better grades. Lesson 3[] Jak se jmenuje váš učitel dějepisu? = What is the name of your history teacher? Matěj už je na střední škole šest let. = Matěj has been in high school for six years. Náš učitel fyziky je Slovák. = Our physics teacher is Slovak. Co se učíte v dějepise? = What are you learning in history? Nerozumím ani fyzice, ani chemii. = I do not understand physics or chemistry. Odpoledne se musím učit dějepis. = In the afternoon, I have to study history. Letos máme mnohem těžší předměty. = We have much harder subjects this year. Co je těžší, fyzika nebo chemie? = Which is harder, physics or chemistry? Letos máme fyziku i chemii. = This year we have physics and also chemistry. Je střední škola těžší? = Is high school harder? Nerozumím ani fyzice, ani chemii. = I do not understand physics or chemistry. Lesson 4[] Nemám čas se stále učit! = I do not have time to always be studying! Žofie je studentkou na vysoké škole v Praze. = Žofie is a student at a university in Prague. Ve které knihovně? = In which library? Ve středu mám těžkou zkoušku. = I have a difficult exam on Wednesday. Na základní škole jsem strávil devět let. = I spent nine years in elementary school. Nad tím domácím úkolem jsem strávila několik hodin. = I spent several hours on that homework. Až budu mít víc času, budu se víc učit. = When I have more time, I will study more. Naše knihovna má víc knih než vaše. = Our library has more books than yours. Kam jsi na vysokou školu chodila ty? = Where did you go to college? Kolik času jsi strávila nad tím domácím úkolem? = How much time did you spend on that homework? Kateřina chodí na vysokou školu. = Kateřina goes to a university. Byla to lehká zkouška. = It was an easy exam. Lesson 5[] Toto je správná odpověď. = This is the correct answer. Kolik je správných odpovědí? = How many correct answers are there? Odpovědi najdeš za mraky. = You will find the answers behind the clouds. Kolik je správných odpovědí? = How many correct answers are there? Odpověděl správně. = He answered correctly. Odpovědi najdeš za mraky. = You will find the answers behind the clouds. Tohle má být tvoje vysvědčení? = Is this supposed to be your report card? Kdo zná správnou odpověď? = Who knows the correct answer? Matěj nás překvapil svým dobrým pravopisem. = Matěj surprised us with his good spelling. Udělala chybu. = She made a mistake. V domácím úkolu jsem měl tři chyby. = I had three mistakes in my homework assignment. Byla to chyba. = It was a mistake. Prázdniny nejsou nikdy dost dlouhé. = Vacations are never long enough. Kdy se naučíš pravopis? = When are you going to learn spelling? Prázdniny začínají v červenci. = The vacation starts in July. Lesson 6[] Předměty, které si vybral, byly příliš těžké. = The subjects that he chose were too hard. Je matematika také technický obor? = Is mathematics also a technical field? Máte nějaké technické časopisy v angličtině? = Do you have any technical journals in English? Který obor si vybrala? = Which field did she choose? K čemu jsou dobré znalosti dějepisu? = What is knowledge of history good for? Předměty, které si vybral, byly příliš těžké. = The subjects that he chose were too hard. Měla by sis vybrat lehčí obor. = You should choose an easier field. V budoucnosti budou technické znalosti ještě důležitější. = In the future, technical knowledge will be even more important. Který obor si vybrala? = Which field did she choose? Bez chytrých studentů lepší budoucnost nebude. = Without smart students, there won't be a better future. Studenti jsou naše budoucnost. = Students are our future. === Skill 67 - Movement === jít/chodit + od = odejít/odcházet (go away, leave) jet/jezdit + od = odjet/odjíždět (ride, go away, leave) jít/chodit + při = přijít/přicházet (arrive, come on foot) jet/jezdit + při = přijet/přijíždět (arrive, come by vehicle) Lesson 1[] Odkud jdeš = where are you coming from Proč tento vlak jede tak pomalu = why does the train go so slowly Obvykle sem jezdím autem = I usually come here by car Někdo sem jde = someone is coming here Právě tam jdu = I am going there now Právě tam jedu vlakem = I am going there by train now Jdeš pěšky = do you go by foot Obvykle tam chodím pěšky = I usually go there on foot Do práce jezdíme metrem = we go to work by subway Obvykle do školy chodím pěšky = I usually go to school on foot Lesson 2[] Jezdili jsme do... = We went to... Chtěly jsme spolu jet do... = We wanted to go together to... ...bys na motorce jezdit neměl = ...you should not ride a motorcycle Proč ... nešel do školy? = Why did (someone) not come to school? Šli na záchod = They went to the toilet Kam chceš jít... = Where do you want to go Chtěl, abych jela na... = He wanted me to go to... Měl bych do (someplace) jet s... = I should go to (someplace) with... (someone) se učí chodit = (someone) is learning to walk ...jsme ještě do Německa nejeli = ...we have not gone to Germany yet Chodili jste tam dlouho? = Have you walked here for long? Potom jsme šli na... = Afterwards we went to... Vloni jsme jely do... = Last year we went to... ...jezdila jsem do Prahy každý týden = I went to Prague every week ...aby sem už nechodili = ...so that they don't come anymore Lesson 3[] Sama tam nechoď! = Don't go there alone Choď sem častěji = Come here more often Jezděme tam častěji = Let's go there more often Nikam nejezdi = Don't go anywhere Nikam nechoďte = Don't go anywhere Bez mapy tam nechoďme = Let's not go there without a map Jezdi pomaleji... = Drive more slowly... Choďme častěji do.... = Let's go more often to.... Zítra sem nejezděte = Don't come here tomorrow ....jezděte do školy na kole = ride a bicycle to school Jeď na růžovém koni = Ride the pink horse Nejdi tak pomalu = Don't go so slowly Jeďte do Německa = Go to Germany Jeďme tam spolu! = Let's go together Už jdi = Go! Lesson 4[] Sám tam nepůjdu = I am not going there alone Půjdeme tam všichni tři = All three of us are going Pojďme do postele = let's go to bed Pojeď s námi do Prahy! = Come with us to Prague Budeme sem chodit každou středu = We will come here each Wednesday Pojď ke mně = Come to me Kdy půjdeš do knihovny? = When are you going to the library Budu častěji chodit pěšky = I will walk more often Já pojedu do Německa příští týden = I am going to Germany next week Lesson 5[] Možná přijede i František = Perhaps even Frantisek will come Měla bys přijít sama = You should come alone Kateřina přišla pěšky = Katerina came on foot Kolik lidí přišlo na zápas? = How many people came to the match? Můžu také přijít? = Can I come too? Přijeďte nás navštívit v Německu = Come to visit us in Germany Až přijde čas, budu plakat = When the time comes, I will cry Autobus z Prahy by měl přijet za jedenáct minut = The bus from Prague should arrive in eleven minutes Přijeď, budeš-li chtít = Come when you want Kdy sem zase přijedeš? = When will you come again Přijeli jsme ráno = We come in the morning Přišel dopis od Kateřiny = A letter from Katerina arrived Přijď ve čtvrtek nebo v pátek = Come on thursday or friday Přijďte do mé kanceláře = Come to my office Moji rodiče přijedou zítra = My parents are coming tomorrow Matěj řekl, že do středy nepřijde = Matey said that he will not come before wednesday Její otec nepřijede = Her father is not coming Už přijel autobus z Moravy? = Has the bus from Moravia arrived yet? Lesson 6[] Odjeď prvním vlakem zítra ráno = Leave by the first train tomorrow morning Odejděte někam jinam = Go somewhere else Kdy odešli? = Why did they leave? Jestli odejde, nikomu chybět nebude = If he leaves, no one will miss him Obě odešly před dvěma hodinami = Both left one hour ago Bude lepší, když odejdeš = It will be better if you leave Odejděme spolu = Let's go together Dnes večer odjedu = I will leave tonight Jednou odjedou = One day they will leave Poslední vlak už odjel = The last train has left already Odešel sám? = Did he leave alone? Odjedeme prvním vlakem = We will leave by the first train Odjeli Františkovým autem = We left by Frantisek's car Tenhle vlak měl odjet před třemi minutami = This train should have left three minutes ago Odjeďme, než sem přijde válka = Let's leave before the war comes here Když jsi tu nešťastný, odejdi! = If you are unhappy here, leave! Lesson 7[] Už odjíždíte = Are you leaving already Když jsem odcházel do práce, ty jsi spala = When I was leaving for work, you were sleeping Chtěl, abych ještě neodjížděla = He wanted me not to leave yet Když odjížděl, byla smutná = When he left, she was sad Neodjíždějme ještě = Let's not leave yet Ty autobusy přijíždějí prázdné = The buses have been arriving empty Slyšel jsem ji přicházet domů = I heard her coming home Přichází jaro = Spring is coming Viděl svoji mladší dceru přijíždět se sousedem = He saw his younger daughter arrive with the neighbour Do Evropy přicházejí celé rodiny = Entire families go to Europe Viděla jsem je odcházet spolu = I saw them leave together Beze mě neodcházej = Don't leave without me V kolik hodin budete odjíždět? = At what time will you leave? Proč odcházíte z firmy? = Why are you leaving the firm? Právě přijížděl vlak = A train is just arriving === Skill 68 - Transport === Lesson 1[] křižovatku = intersection nebezpečné jízdě = reckless driving dej pozor na = Watch out for, be cautious about chodce = pedestrians zpomalte = slow down! zpomal = slow down! zpomalme = let's slow down jedete příliš rychle! = You are driving too fast rychlejší auto = a faster car dražší auto = a more expensive car skončíme v řece = we shall end up in the river velmi nebezpečná křižovatka = a very dangerous intersection přednost = the right of way, the priority Lesson 2[] Tady zastav = Pull over here značky = signs (plural, acc. or nom.) měl zastavit = He had to stop, should have stopped uprostřed křižovatky = in the middle of an intersection (sing. genitive) dopravní předpisy = traffic rules (plural, nom. or acc.) dopravním předpisům = traffic rules (plural, dative) dopravní značka = traffic sign (sing. nom.) o českých silnicích = about Czech roads (plural, locative) Zastavte ten autobus! = Stop that bus! dopravním hřišti = traffic playground Lesson 3[] v levém pruhu = in the left lane semafory = traffic lights cyklisty = cyclists Pravý pruh = the right lanes Kolik pruhů ...? = How many lanes (plural genitive) dopravních zácp = traffic jams (plural genitive) dopravní zácpy = traffic jams (plural acc. or nom.) Stojím v obrovské zácpě = I am stuck in a massive traffic jam (singular acc. or nom.) nesmí na dálnici = not allowed on the freeway Lesson 4[] Odboč tam doleva = turn to the left here Odbočme doprava = let's turn to the right kde jsme zaparkovaly? = where did we park Tohle asi není správné parkoviště = This is probably not the right parking lot pokuty = fines, tickets dostali pokutu = they got a ticket parkuje = she parked v pruhu pro cyklisty = n the lane for cyclists Kde můžu v Praze zaparkovat zdarma? = Where can one park in Prague for free Hledáme parkoviště = We are looking for a parking lot Lesson 5[] přežít = to survive naboural do medvěda = he struck/crashed into a bear nabourala do auta = She crashed into a car nabourali = they crashed Udělal jsi vážnou chybu = You made a bad mistake Měla smůlu a nabourala = She had bad luck and crashed na parkovišti = in the parking lot na dálnici = on the freeway vážný problém = a big problem nedali přednost = they did not yield/give way nehodu = accident (sing. acc.) ....se stala vážná nehoda = (somewhere) there has been a big accident Lesson 6[] motor = engine benzínu = gasoline (acc.) pumpu = gas station (acc.) brzdy = brakes s rozbitými brzdami = with broken (unserviceable) brakes (plural instrumental) Tento motor je rozbitý = the engine is broken rozbité auto = a broken car nejbližší pumpa = nearest gas station Jak daleko jsme od příští pumpy = how far is it to the first gas station můj motor ještě fungoval = my engine is still functioning Cítíš benzín? = Can you smell gasoline? kolo bez brzd = a bicycle without brakes (plural genitive) Lesson 7[] nebezpečnou rychlostí = with/at a dangerous speed (instrumental case) předjet = to pass/overtake předjel = he passed/overtook v zatáčce = at a bend/in a curve (locative case) prudká zatáčka = a sharp curve/bend (nominative case) do kopce = to the hill (genitive case) Přes ten prudký kopec nepojedu = (over that steep hill - acc. case) rychlost = speed sto padesát kilometrů za hodinu = one hundred and fifty kilometers per hour Lesson 8[] vlak = train (nominative case) příjezdy = arrivals odjezdy = departures posledního metra = the last subway train na nástupišti = on the platform (locative case) k druhému nástupišti = at/to the second platform (dative, locative case) má zpoždění = is delayed/late má jednu hodinu zpoždění = is one hour late příjezd mezinárodního vlaku = arrival of the international train (accusative case) mezinárodním vlakem = by the international train (instrumental case) rychlíku = express (train - accusative case) poslední rychlík = the last express (nominative case) === Skill 69 - Restaurant === Lesson 1[] Co si dáte? = What will you be having? (literaly: what can I give you) Co máte k pití? = Will will you have to drink? naše servírka = our waitress Dáme si něco k jídlu? = shall we have something to eat? velké spropitné = a big tip objednat = to order objednal = he ordered sklenici vody = a glass of water Lesson 2[] Dáme si nejdřív předkrm? = Shall we have an appetiser first Jaké máte teplé předkrmy? = What kind of warm appetisers do you have s hovězím = with beef (instrumental case) hovězí = beef (nom. or acc. case) tak slané = so salty něco míň slaného = something less salty Tahle polévka je příliš slaná = This soup is too salty moje oblíbené jídlo = my favorite dish jídelní lístek = menu (nom. case) jídelním lístku = menu (acc. case) Náš stůl je mokrý = Our table is wet Lesson 3[] knedlíky = dumplings Je ve vašem bramborovém salátu maso? = Is there meat in our potato salad vegetariánovi bych doporučil jíst někde jinde = Vegetarians are recommended to eat somewhere else teplý bramborový salát = warm potato salad toto maso je tak tvrdé = this meat is so tough Co byste mi doporučila? = What would you recommend? bramborovou polévku = potato soup Kachna byla tvrdá = The duck was tough Máte něco pro vegetariány? = Do you have something for vegetarians? Lesson 4[] rýže = rice K vepřovému se zelí hodí = sauerkraut goes well with pork vepřové s knedlíkem a se zelím = pork with dumplings and sauerkraut S pečeným kuřetem mi zelí nechutná = I do not like roast chicken with cabbage pečená husa = roast goose (nom. case) je dost veliká pro sedm = is big enough for seven Pečenou kachnu = roast duck (acc. case) Lesson 5[] Je ta ryba smažená? = Is that fish fried? vepřové došlo = We are out of pork knedlíky došly = We are out of dumplings bramborový salát už došel = potato salad has already run out Tento stůl je rezervovaný = This table is reserved Rezervovala jsem stůl na = I reserved a table for ...(a certain time) Potřebuji rezervovat stůl = I need to reserve a table smažený sýr = fried cheese nejlevnější jídlo = the cheapest dish Lesson 6[] Mohu platit kartou? = May I pay by card? Dohromady nebo zvlášť? = Together or separately? my karty nebereme = we do not take cards Platíme každý zvlášť = we will pay individually Já už jsem platila = I have already paid přineste nám = bring us dvě sklenice vody = two glasses of water láhev červeného vína = a bottle of red wine === Skill 70 - Dual === Lesson 1[] s třema rukama = with three hands špinavýma nohama = with dirty feet s černýma ušima = with black ears čtyřma očima na jedné hlavě = with four eyes in one head špinavýma ušima = with dirty ears krásnýma modrýma očima = with beautiful blue eyes vyrábím vlastníma rukama = I make with my own hands vlastníma ušima = with our own eyes s dlouhýma nohama = with long legs zelenýma očima = with green eyes psa s třema nohama = a dog with three legs Lesson 2[] před mýma očima = before my eyes těmahle rukama = these hands pod našima nohama = under our feet těma velkýma ušima = those big ears těma špinavýma rukama = with those dirty hands s jejíma nohama = with her legs mezi vašima nohama = between your legs s oběma svými manželkami = with both their parents s oběma psy = with both dogs s oběma svými manželkami = with both his wives Lesson 3[] do kolena = on the knee ta židle se třemi nohami = the chair with three legs (regular declension) Které koleno vás bolí? = Which knee hurts? ramenem = with a shoulder mezi koleny = between the knees s tím kolenem = with this knee s rameny = with (both) shoulders měl široká ramena = he has broad shoulders stůl s šesti nohami = a table with six legs (regular declension) problémy s oběma koleny = problems with both knees levé rameno = left shoulder velká ústa se dvěma jazyky = big mouth with two tongues ten pták se dvěma hlavami? = the bird with two heads mezi těmi dvěma = between two fingers Lesson 4[] kolik ramenou = how many shoulders bolest v kolenou = pain in the knees mám bolesti nohou = I have pain in my legs nejsme na kolenou = we are not on our knees kůže na jejích rukou = skin on her hands/arms kolik nohou = how many legs v jejích rukou = in her hands na jednom z ramenou = on one of the shoulders === Skill 71 - Science === Lesson 1[] vědec = scientist (singular, nominative case) Někteří prezidenti vědcům nevěří = some presidents don't trust (in) scientists (plural, dative case) Chci se stát vědcem = I want to become a scientist (instrumental case) český vynález = a Czech invention (singular, nominative) českých vynálezů = of Czech inventions (plural, genitive) tím vynálezem = wit this research (singular, instrumental) provádím výzkum = I am conducting research (singular, nominative or accusative. Here, accusative) výzkumu = research (singular, genitive, dative or locative) jeho pokusů = his experiments (plural, genitive) na takový pokus = for such an experiment.... (singular, nominative or accusative. Here, accusative) právě provádíme nebezpečné pokusy = right now we are doing dangerous experiments potřebujeme větší laboratoř = we need a bigger laboratory (singular, nominative or accusative, in this case accusative) mé laboratoře = my laboratory (singular, genitive) Lesson 2[] kvůli délce jejích vlasů = because of the length of her hair (dative case) Kilometr je jednotka délky = The kilometer is the unit of length (genitive case) jaká je délka = what is the length (nom. case) půl litru = half a liter objem = volume (nom. or acc. case) Litr je jednotka objemu = the liter is the unit of volume v těch starých jednotkách = in those old units měříš to přesně? = Are you measuring it precisely? měřím objem = I am measuring the volume Lesson 3[] na váze = on the weighing scale (singular acc. case) tahle váha = this weighing scale (singular nom. case) naše váhy = our scales (plural nom. case or acc.) váží přibližně = she weighs approximately vážíme přes sto kilogramů = we weigh over one hundred kilograms její hmotnost je přibližně = her mass is approximately změřil jsi = you measured změřili jsme = we measured měříme = we measure Lesson 4[] obsahují tento prvek = contain this element prvky = elements přidejme = let's add opatrně přidej = carefully add s touhle látkou = with this substance (instrumental case) o nebezpečných látkách = about dangerous substances (locative case) plný pevných látek = full of solid substances (plural genitive case) čistá voda = pure water (nom. case) pevnou vodu = solid water (acc. case) Je každý kov pevný? = Is every metal solid (nom or acc case) drahé kovy = precious metals Lesson 5[] kyslík = oxygen (nominative or accusative) kyslíku = oxygen (genitive, dative or locative) plyn = gas plyny = gases tím plynem = with this gas (instrumental case) pevné látky = solid substances tekuté látky = liquid substances jen čtyři stupně = only four degrees rtuti = mercury (genitive, dative or locative) při teplotě patnáct stupňů je rtuť tekutá = at fifteen degrees mercury is a liquid (accusative) změřit teplotu rtutí = to measure temperature using mercury (instrumental) tekutý sýr = liquid cheese změřit teplotu slunce = to measure the temperature of the sun Lesson 6[] Nikdo těm jevům nerozumí = nobody understands this phenomena (plural, dative) jevy = phenomena (plural, nom. or acc.) zničit = to destroy dokázali = they proved chtěl bych dokázat = I want/would like to prove není zdravý = is not healthy popsat = to describe popsali = they described popsala = she described tento jev jsem popsal = I described this phenomenon přesvědčivějším = more convincing bez přesvědčivých důkazů = without convincing evidence vědecké články = scientific (journal) articles ve vědeckých článcích = in scientific articles (locative) Důkazy v jejich článku příliš přesvědčivé nejsou = The evidence (plural) in their article is not too convincing ve vědeckém časopise = on a scientific journal Lesson 7[] o uhlí = coal (only exists as singular. All cases the same except uhlím - instrumental) jaderná energie = nuclear energy jaderný odpad = nuclear waste (acc. or nom.) s tím jaderným odpadem = with this nuclear waste ošklivá elektrárna na uhlí = an ugly coal power plant energii z uhlí = energy from coal smrdí = it smells už nesmrdí = it no longer smells plné odpadu = full of waste Lesson 8[] zdroj kyslíku = source of oxygen (accusative case) obnovitelným zdrojům = in renewable sources (dative case - e.g. to trust in them) zdrojem znečištění = source of pollution (instrumental case) dýchat = to breathe ve vzduchu = in the air obnovitelné zdroje energie = renewable sources of energy nedostatek = shortage (nominative case) kvůli nedostatku vody = because of the shortage of water (shortage in genitive case) Lesson 9[] nový svět = a/the new world objevil = he discovered na jiných planetách = on other planets (plural locative case) na kterou planetu = to which planet (acc. case) nad naší planetou = above our planet (instrumental case) pozoruje = to be watching pozorujeme = we are watching nebe plné hvězd = sky full of stars Je vesmír opravdu nekonečný = Is the universe really infinite? (nom. or acc. case. Here, nom.) v nekonečném vesmíru = in the infinite universe (gen. dat. or loc. case. Here locative) === Skill 72 - Dating === Lesson 1[] láska na pátý pohled = love at first sight Na první byla nádherná, ale potom začala mluvit = at first she was beautiful, but then she started to speak jsi nádherná = you are beautiful láska přežije všechno = love survives everything bez jejího úsměvu = without her smile slečno = miss, young lady máte nádherné oči = you have beautiful eyes vypadáš jako anděl = you look like an angel Máš nádherný úsměv = you have a beautiful smile neznáme se = don't we know each other? V nebi hledají anděla = They wait for an angel in heaven Bez tebe nepřežiju! = Without you I will not survive Lesson 2[] neznáme se = we do not know each other Chodíme spolu tančit = we go dancing together Ty tančíš dobře = you dance well Vyzvednu tě v (place or time) = I pick you up at (place or time) rande = a date miláčku = darling Kdy a kde mě vyzvedneš? = when and where will you pick me up Pojďme do kina! = Let's go to the cinema Pozval mne na = He invited me to.... pozvat = to invite Lesson 3[] Dal mi růži = He gave me a rose Ani mě nepolíbila = She didn't even kiss me Je to jen kamarád = We are just friends Nejdřív se musíme zasnoubit! = First we must get engaged Zasnoubili jsme se = We got engaged básní = poems Láska je jen v básních = Love is only in poems To je můj snoubenec = This is my fiance snoubenka = fiancee políbit = to kiss Políbil mne na tvář = He kissed me on the cheek Vždy se zamiluji příliš rychle = I always fall in love too fast Zamiloval = He fell in love zamilovali = they fell in love o tvém úsměvu = about your smile