NTU Computational Linguistics Lab Funded Projects

This page lists a selection of Funded projects that we are working on in the computation linguistics group at the Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.


  • Integration of an Online Language Error Detection System into an Engineering Communication Course Curriculum (PI Roger Winder) EdEx


  • Digital Mapping the Literary Epigraph: Quantitative analysis of literary influence using network theory and thousands of epigraphs
    (PI: Mathews) 2017–2019 (MOE Tier 1)
    Abstract …
  • Syntactic Well-Formedness Diagnosis and Error-Based Coaching in Computer Assisted Language Learning using Machine Translation Technology
    (PI: Francis Bond) 2016–2018 (MOE TRF)
    Abstract …
  • Acquisition of Physical Action Verbs by Bilingual Singaporean Preschoolers
    (PI: Helena Gao) MOE Tier 2
  • Semi-automatic implementation of clinical practice guidelines in Singapore hospitals
    (PIs: Jung-Jae Kim, Francis Bond) MOE Tier 1
    Abstract …
  • Multilingual Semantic Analysis
    (PI: Francis Bond, Tomoko Ohkuma) 2014–2018 Joint research with Fuji-Xerox
  • That’s what you meant: A Rich Representation for Manipulating Meaning (PI: Bond)
    Abstract …
  • Grammar Matrix Reloaded: Syntax and Semantics of Affectedness
    (PI: Kratochvíl) MOE Tier 2
  • A formal syntactic model for incremental parsing with unification (PI: Bond)
  • Assessing the Effect of License Choice on the Use of Lexical Resources (PI: Bond)
  • Automatically determining meaning by comparing a text to its translation: Comparing structural and lexical semantics using aligned text (PI: Bond)
  • Equivalent but Different: how languages represent meaning in different ways (PI: Bond)
  • Revealing Meaning Using Multiple Languages (PI: Bond)
  • Shifted in Translation: An Empirical Study of Meaning Change across Languages (PI: Bond)

Listed in reverse chronological order of start of grant (newest first).

Un-Funded Projects

Last modified: 2020-01-02