1. Getting Started

Lecture notes

Getting Started

Practical work

How we will proceed

10+ weeks is not very long, so we need to use our time wisely. I want you to spend as much time coding as possible!

  1. First read the assigned chapter of the text book
    • It is good to have a python environment open with you as you read, and try the code
    This should take about 30 minutes to read and test the code
  2. Try the problems labelled Before class before class
    This should take about 30 minutes: if it takes much longer let me know
  3. We start each class with you asking me questions about the readings, and showing me your code.
  4. We then go through the Practical work together
  5. There then may be some Further work
    This should take about 30 minutes: if it takes much longer let me know
  6. When appropriate we talk about assignments

I am also available for individual consultation, email me!


LAC: Language and the Computer Francis Bond.