Workshop on Formal Approaches
to Under-resourced Languages

8 July, 2024

Final Call for Papers

Submission Deadline: 22nd-March-2024 **extended**

The workshop “Formal Approaches to Under-resourced Languages” is part of the HPSG 2024 Conference. The aim of the workshop is to promote interdisciplinary and cross-language discussion on approaches to formal linguistic analyses of under-resourced languages. We strongly encourage researchers from outside the HPSG framework (such as LFG, GF, and minimalism) to submit. We take an open perspective to the definition of a “under -resourced language,” acknowledging that this designation is both imperfect and often the result of many contributing factors. Possible topics include, but are not limited to syntactic/semantic analysis, development of language resources with annotations beyond the word level (treebanks, propbanks, discourse annotations, etc.), and especially involvement of the communities speaking those languages in the process of linguistic analysis.


We invite anonymous submissions to the workshop:

  • Papers (extended abstracts) should be 4 pages long, + 1 page for data, figures & references.
  • They should be submitted in PDF format.
  • The submissions should not include the authors’ names, and authors are asked to avoid self-references.
  • All abstracts should be submitted via Easychair:

    All abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by at least two reviewers. Accepted papers are expected to give a 30-minute presentation. Additionally, 10 minutes are reserved for discussion. A call for contributions to the proceedings will be issued after the Conference. Proceedings of previous conferences are available at:

    Important Dates

    Abstract submission deadline 15 March 2024 (anywhere on Earth)
    Notifications of acceptance 19 April 2024
    Conference proceedings submission 15 October 2024


    The workshop will take place at Palacký University Olomouc, Czech Republic. Online access for the sessions and asynchronous discussion will be facilitated for those who will not be able to attend in person.

    The workshop website is at:

    Program Committee Chair

    Joanna Sio (Palacký University, Olomouc)

    Local Organizing Committee Chair

    Francis Bond (Palacký University, Olomouc)

    Contact information

    For any questions, please contact the chair, Joanna Sio

HPSG 2024
Local Organizers: Francis Bond and Joanna Sio