
We use our semantic analysis tools to produce some very bad jokes.

Look for multi-word expressions whose head is not their supertype, using wordnet (Fellbaum, 1998)

If you enjoy them lease let us know, and if you find any errors please provide feedback. Here are a couple of selected examples:

When is a paddle not a paddle?
    When it is a dog paddle!

When is a dog not a dog?
    When it is a hot dog!

More jokes here, note some are vulgar.

For English we generated 14,389 jokes, we estimate that fewer than 1% are funny

Produced by Francis Bond, inspired by Joanna Sio and Ruli Manurang. The code is here (written in python3, using nltk and wordnet, licensed as CC BY 4.0).


Francis Bond <>
Computational Linguistics Lab
Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies
Nanyang Technological University
Level 3, Room 55, 14 Nanyang Drive, Singapore 637332
Tel: (+65) 6592 1568; Fax: (+65) 6794 6303