The Second Wordnet Bahasa Workshop: expanding to other South-East Asian languages

Participants at the Workshop for the Wordnet Bahasa (2016)
DateJanuary 15–16, 2016
VenueHSS Conference Room (05-57), NTU
HSS Seminar Room 9 (HSS-B1-11), NTU (only for Fri, Jan 15, 14:30-18:00)
DirectionsGetting to NTU
Getting to HSS, NTU from Boon Lay or Pioneer MRT Station
HotelGenting Hotel Jurong

This is a short focused workshop with two themes: improving the Wordnet Bahasa and building wordnets for other South East Asian languages.
The first workshop/hackhathon was held in 2014.



Fri (15) 10:00-10:15Francis Bond (NTU)
Introduction to the workshop
10:15-11:00Christiane Fellbaum (Princeton)
When and how to add new synsets to WordNet?
11:00-11:30Francis Bond (NTU)
Linking across languages, linking across cultures
12:30-13:00David Moeljadi (NTU)
How to deal with affixes in Wordnet Bahasa? Abstract (click to toggle)
13:00-13:30Dora Amalia (Badan Bahasa)
Lexicography challenges in minority languages in Indonesia Abstract (click to toggle)
13:30-14:00Totok Suhardijanto (UI)
Creating Javanese WordNet: between challenge and opportunity Abstract (click to toggle)
14:00-14:30Tea break
↓ Move to HSS Seminar Room 9 (HSS-B1-11)
14:30-15:00Lim Lian Tze (Malaysia)
Compiling a multilingual biodiversity name register from monolingual dictionaries, Wordnets and Wikidata Abstract (click to toggle)
15:00-15:30Virach Sorntlertlanvanich (Sirindhorn)
Asian WordNet: web service and the collaborative platform Abstract (click to toggle)
16:15-16:45Wang Wenjie (NTU)
Sentiment tagging of NTU-MC Abstract (click to toggle)
16:45-17:15Kuribayashi Takayuki (NTU)
Orthographic variations in the Japanese Wordnet Abstract (click to toggle)
17:15-18:00Discussion: orthographic issue in Wordnet
18:00-21:00Dinner + Excursion: Lau Pa SatMarina BayGardens By The Bay
Sat (16) 10:00-10:30Luís Morgado da Costa (NTU)
Extending Wordnet: The Never-ending Story... Abstract (click to toggle)
10:30-11:00František Kratochvíl and Luís Morgado da Costa (NTU)
Extending lexical resources for Abui, a Papuan language Abstract (click to toggle)
11:00-11:30Jack Halpern (CJK Dictionary Institute)
Major issues in compiling multilingual Kanji dictionaries Abstract (click to toggle)
12:30-13:00Lim Lian Tze (Malaysia)
A day (or two) with lexicographers Abstract (click to toggle)
13:00-13:30Rusli bin Abd Ghani (DBP Malaysia)
Malay lexicography & terminology: a treasure trove of lexical & cultural information Abstract (click to toggle)
13:30-14:00Ruli Manurung (UI)
Developing an Indonesian Treebank Abstract (click to toggle)
14:00-15:00Tea break
15:00-15:30Elvira Nurfadhilah (BPPT)
Solving ambiguities in Indonesian words by morphological analysis using Minimum Connectivity Cost Abstract (click to toggle)
15:30-16:00Sudha Bhingardive (IIT Bombay)
Most frequent sense determination using deep learning Abstract (click to toggle)
16:00-17:00Discussion: improving the Wordnet Bahasa and building wordnets for other South East Asian languages
20:00-Stand-up comedy show "Kilo Laughs with Joanna Sio" at Kilo Lounge


Organized by Francis Bond, David Moeljadi and Takayuki Kuribayashi the Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Nanyang Technological University. This workshop is supported by the ICT Virtual Organization of ASEAN Institutes and NICT (ASEAN IVO) with administritive support from the Centre for Liberal Arts and Social Sciences (CLASS), HASS, NTU.

Francis Bond <>
Computational Linguistics Laboratory
Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies
Nanyang Technological University