Author: Lactantius
Cited by
- Ian Ross (1)
- IN: Swords Around the Throne (2015) Fiction, NULL
EPIGRAPH: Qui insultaverant deo, iacent, qui templum sanctum everterant, ruina maiore ceciderunt, qui iustos exarnificaverunt, caelestibus plagis et cruciatibus meritis nocentes animas profuderunt.
They who insulted God are laid low; they who cast down the holy temple are fallen with greater ruin; and those who tormented the just have poured out their evil souls amidst punishments inflicted by Heaven, and amidst deserved tortures.
FROM: De mortibus persecutorum (On the Deaths of the Persecutors), (316), NULL, Italy
- Samuel Parker (1)
- IN: Sylva. Familiar letters upon occasional subjects. By Samuel Parker, Gent. (1701) Non-fiction, British
EPIGRAPH: Quod Si vita est optanda Sapienti: profecto nullam aliam ob causam optaverim, quam ut aliquid efficiam quod vita dignum Sit, et quod utilitatem legentibus, etsi non ad eloquentiam, quia tenuis in nobis facundiae rivus est, ad vivendum tamen afferat: quod est maxime necessarium
FROM: De Opificio Dei, (304), Book, Italy
- Anthony Horneck (1)
- IN: The great law of consideration: or, a discourse, wherein the nature, usefulness, and absolute necessity of consideration, In order to a truly Serious and Religious Life, is laid open. The 8th edition, corrected and amended. (1704) Non-Fiction, German
EPIGRAPH: Bene dicere ad paucos pertinet, bene autem vivere anomnes
FROM: Institutiones Divinae, Book 1, (311), Book, Italy