# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
from collections import defaultdict as dd
from numpy import mean
# Load wordnet inside python using the wn module
import wn
### make sure I don't load any other wordnets
wn.config.data_directory = 'wn_data'
ewn = wn.Wordnet('omw-en:1.4')
print ("\nWordnet\n")
# Look at the different synsets for bird.
print ("Synsets for bird:")
print (ewn.synsets('bird'))
# How many are there?
print ("# of senses for bird:", len(ewn.synsets('bird')))
# How deep in the hierarchy and what are the definitions?
for s in ewn.synsets('bird'):
print (s.id, s.min_depth(), s.definition())
print("\nWhich languages have lemmas for 'omw-en-01503061-n'?")
for l in set([l.language for l in wn.lexicons()]):
for t in ewn.synset(id='omw-en-01503061-n').translate(lang=l):
print (l, t, t.lemmas())
# For each synset, print out each sense and its frequency (hint freqency of a sense is given by sense.counts(), which returns a list of numbers )
for ss in ewn.synsets('bird'):
for s in ss.senses():
print (s.id, sum(s.counts()))
# Give the total frequency for each synset
for ss in ewn.synsets('bird'):
print (ss.id, sum(sum(s.counts()) for s in ss.senses()), ss.definition())
## find all the hyponyms of the color red! (hint use closure)
print("\n\nSysnets for 'red'\n\n")
# which is the color?
for ss in ewn.synsets('red'):
print(ss.id, ss.lemmas(), ss.definition())
print("\n\nAll Hyponyms of 'red'\n\n")
for ss in ewn.synsets('red')[4].closure('hyponym'):
print(ss.id, ss.lemmas(), ss.definition())
### Polysemy by length
stats= dict()
stats['n'] = dd(list)
stats['v'] = dd(list)
stats['a'] = dd(list)
stats['r'] = dd(list)
stats['ALL'] = dd(list)
for w in ewn.words():
length = len(w.lemma())
polysemy = len(w.synsets())
pos = w.pos
print('\n\nAverage Polysemy vs Word Length (English)\n\n')
for pos in stats:
print(f'\nPOS = {pos}')
for l in sorted(stats[pos]):
print(l, mean(stats[pos][l]), sep = '\t')