{'ko': '안녕', 'tr': 'annyeong', 'en': ['hi', 'bye'], 'meta': 'informal'} {'ko': '안녕하세요', 'tr': 'annyeonghaseyo', 'en': ['hello'], 'meta': 'polite'} {'ko': '안녕하십니까', 'tr': 'anyeonghasimnikka', 'en': ['hello'], 'meta': 'formal'} {'ko': '만나서 반갑습니다', 'tr': 'mannaseo bangapseumnida', 'en': ['nice to meet you']} {'ko': '저', 'tr': 'jeo', 'en': ['I', 'me']} {'ko': '제', 'tr': 'je', 'en': ['my = 저의']} {'ko': '제', 'en': ['my']} Trying: process_line("안녕하세요 (annyeonghaseyo) = hello (polite)") Expecting: {'ko': '안녕하세요', 'tr': 'annyeonghaseyo', 'en': ['hello'], 'meta': 'polite'} ok Trying: process_line("저 (jeo) = I, me") Expecting: {'ko': '저', 'tr': 'jeo', 'en': ['I', 'me']} ok Trying: process_rhs("hello (polite)") Expecting: (['hello'], 'polite') ok Trying: process_rhs("nice to meet you") Expecting: (['nice to meet you'], '') ok Trying: swear_filter("You are a shit") Expecting: 'You are a ****' ok Trying: swear_filter("You are a shit", censor_type='partial') Expecting: 'You are a s**t' ok Trying: swear_filter("You are a shit", censor_type='bleep') Expecting: 'You are a bleep' ok Trying: swear_filter("You are a motherfucker", censor_type='bleep') Expecting: 'You are a bleepbleep' ok Trying: swear_filter("Fuck you!") Expecting: '**** you!' ok Trying: swear_filter("Scunthorpe") Expecting: 'Scunthorpe' ok 1 items had no tests: __main__ 3 items passed all tests: 2 tests in __main__.process_line 2 tests in __main__.process_rhs 6 tests in __main__.swear_filter 10 tests in 4 items. 10 passed and 0 failed. Test passed.