Regular Expressions [a-zA-Z]+ matches one or more ascii letters [A-Z][a-z]* matches zero or more ascii letters p[aeiou]{,2}t matches a word consisting of p followed by up to 2 vowels, followed by t \d+(\.\d+)? matches a digit followed possibly by a full stop and more digits ([^aeiou][aeiou][^aeiou])* Matches zero or more CVC combinations \w+|[^\w\s]+ Extract Dates Input: "My birthday is on 25/12/1990 and my friend's is on 01/01/2000." Output: ['25/12/1990', '01/01/2000'] Normalize Spaces Input: "This is an example sentence." Output: This is an example sentence. Mask Digits Input: My phone number is 123-456-7890. Year: 2023 About four o'clock. Output: My phone number is 123-456-7890. Year: 2023 About four o'clock. Mask Digits Input: "My birthday is on 25/12/1990 and my friend's is on 01/01/2000." Output: My birthday is on ##/##/#### and my friend's is on ##/##/####. Count Word Occurences Input: "Pen, pineapple, apple-pen and pineapple-pen", "apple" Output: 1 Input: PPAP, "apple" Output: 5 In: I have a pen I have an apple Ah Apple pen I have a pen I have pineapple Ah Pineapple pen Apple pen Pineapple pen Ah Pen Pie Pineapple Apple Pen Pen Pie Pineapple Apple Pen Trying: count_word_occurrences("This is an example. This is fun!", "this") Expecting: 2 ok Trying: count_word_occurrences("apple pie and pineapple", "apple") Expecting: 1 ok Trying: count_word_occurrences("Nothing to see here.", "banana") Expecting: 0 ok Trying: count_word_occurrences("Cat, caterpillar, and the cat.", "cat") Expecting: 2 ok Trying: extract_dates("My birthday is on 25/12/1990 and my friend's is on 01/01/2000.") Expecting: ['25/12/1990', '01/01/2000'] ok Trying: extract_dates("No dates here.") Expecting: [] ok Trying: mask_digits("My phone number is 123-456-7890.") Expecting: 'My phone number is ###-###-####.' ok Trying: mask_digits("Year: 2023") Expecting: 'Year: ####' ok Trying: mask_digits("No digits here.") Expecting: 'No digits here.' ok Trying: normalize_spaces("This is an example sentence.") Expecting: 'This is an example sentence.' ok Trying: normalize_spaces(" Hello world! ") Expecting: 'Hello world!' ok 1 items had no tests: __main__ 4 items passed all tests: 4 tests in __main__.count_word_occurrences 2 tests in __main__.extract_dates 3 tests in __main__.mask_digits 2 tests in __main__.normalize_spaces 11 tests in 5 items. 11 passed and 0 failed. Test passed.