def analyze_text(text):
Analyzes a text to count characters, ASCII characters, accented characters,
vowels, and consonants.
dict: A dictionary containing counts of characters by type.
>>> analyze_text("Hà Nội có mưa")
{'total': 10, 'ascii': 6, 'accented': 4, 'vowels': 6, 'consonants': 4}
>>> analyze_text("pīnyīn")
{'total': 6, 'ascii': 4, 'accented': 2, 'vowels': 2, 'consonants': 4}
result = {
'total': len([t for t in text if t.isalpha()]),
'ascii': 0,
'accented': 0,
'vowels': 0,
'consonants': 0,
vowels = "aeiouáàảãạăắằẳẵặâấầẩẫậéèẻẽẹêếềểễệíìỉĩịóòỏõōọôốồổỗộơớờởỡợúùủũụưứừửữựýỳỷỹỵ"
# combining
vowels += 'āēê̄īōūǖĀĒÊ̄ĪŌŪǕáéếíóúǘÁÉẾÍÓÚǗǎěê̌ǐǒǔǚǍĚÊ̌ǏǑǓǙàèềìòùǜÀÈỀÌÒÙǛaeêiouüAEÊIOUÜ'
vowels = vowels + vowels.upper()
for char in text:
if char.isalpha():
if char.isascii():
result['ascii'] += 1
result['accented'] += 1
if char in vowels:
result['vowels'] += 1
result['consonants'] += 1
return result
def swear_filter(text, censor_type='full'):
Censors offensive words in a text by replacing them with asterisks or alternatives.
text (str): The text to censor.
censor_type (str): 'full' (replace all letters with *),
'partial' (replace all letters except 1st and last),
'bleep' (replace short words with 'bleep' and long words with 'bleepbleep').
str: The censored text.
>>> swear_filter("You are a shit")
'You are a ****'
>>> swear_filter("You are a shit", censor_type='partial')
'You are a s**t'
>>> swear_filter("You are a shit", censor_type='bleep')
'You are a bleep'
>>> swear_filter("You are a motherfucker", censor_type='bleep')
'You are a bleepbleep'
### check long words first!
offensive_words = ["cocksucker", "motherfucker",
"shit", "piss", "fuck", "cunt", "tits"]
censored_text = text
for word in offensive_words:
if censor_type == 'full':
censored_text = censored_text.replace(word,
'*' * len(word))
elif censor_type == 'partial':
censored_text = censored_text.replace(word,
word[0] + '*' * (len(word) - 2) + word[-1])
elif censor_type == 'bleep':
if len(word) > 4:
censored_text = censored_text.replace(word, 'bleepbleep')
censored_text = censored_text.replace(word, 'bleep')
return censored_text
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest
doctest.testmod(verbose=True) # normally use default verbose=False