# a bilingual dictionary!
en2cs = {
"list": "seznam",
"set": "množina",
"boolean": "booleovská hodnota",
"tuple": "ntice",
"dictionary": "slovník",
"string": "řetězec" }
for en, cs in en2cs.items():
print(f'{en} = {cs}')
# reverse!
cs2en = dict()
for en, cs in en2cs.items():
cs2en[cs] = en
for cs, en in cs2en.items():
print(f'{cs} = {en}')
### Food
print('\nDictionary of Dictionaries')
food = { 'bread': {'ingredients': ['flour', 'yeast', 'water', 'salt'],
'prep time': '30 min',
'cook time': '40 min',
'comments': 'nice with whole grains'
'jam': {'ingredients': ['strawberry', 'apple', 'sugar'],
'prep time': '15 min',
'cook time': '30 min',
'comments': '',
'temaki sushi': {'ingredients': ['rice', 'sushi vinegar', 'fish'],
'prep time': '45 min',
'cook time': '',
'comments': 'also need soy sauce to eat',
### Note: I do not expect you to check for empty strings
### I just wanted to show that it can be done.
for f in food:
fd = food[f]
print ('Ingredients:')
for i in fd['ingredients']:
print (f' {i}')
if {fd['cook time']}: # assume there is always prep time
print (f"Prep/Cook time: {fd['prep time']}/{fd['cook time']}")
print (f"Prep time: {fd['prep time']}")
if fd['comments']:
print (f"Comments: {fd['comments']}")
# Ask the user how many languages they speak
num_languages = input("How many languages do you speak? ")
num_languages = int(num_languages)
# Determine the response based on the number of languages
if num_languages == 1:
print("You should study more!")
elif 2 <= num_languages <= 3:
elif num_languages > 3:
print("Well done!")
# Prompt the user to enter a series of foods until they enter 'quit'
while True:
food = input("Enter a food to cook for the party (or type 'quit' to stop): ")
if food.lower() == 'quit':
print(f"I'll cook {food} for the party!")