list = seznam set = množina boolean = booleovská hodnota tuple = ntice dictionary = slovník string = řetězec seznam = list množina = set booleovská hodnota = boolean ntice = tuple slovník = dictionary řetězec = string Dictionary of Dictionaries Bread Ingredients: flour yeast water salt Prep/Cook time: 30 min/40 min Comments: nice with whole grains Jam Ingredients: strawberry apple sugar Prep/Cook time: 15 min/30 min Temaki Sushi Ingredients: rice sushi vinegar fish Prep/Cook time: 45 min/ Comments: also need soy sauce to eat How many languages do you speak? 4 Well done! Enter a food to cook for the party (or type 'quit' to stop): pizza I'll cook pizza for the party! Enter a food to cook for the party (or type 'quit' to stop): milkshake I'll cook milkshake for the party! Enter a food to cook for the party (or type 'quit' to stop): cake I'll cook cake for the party! Enter a food to cook for the party (or type 'quit' to stop): quit