Min, Max and Sum of 1..1,000,000 1 1000000 500000500000 Splitting Guests ['C. J. Cherryh', 'Conan Doyle', 'Marie Curie', 'Isaac Newton', 'Dorothy Sayers', 'Oscar Wilde'] ['C. J. Cherryh', 'Marie Curie', 'Dorothy Sayers'] ['Conan Doyle', 'Isaac Newton', 'Oscar Wilde'] Squares The square of 1 is 1 The square of 2 is 4 The square of 3 is 9 The square of 4 is 16 The square of 5 is 25 The square of 6 is 36 The square of 7 is 49 The square of 8 is 64 The square of 9 is 81 More Pythonic Squares The square of 1 is 1 The square of 2 is 4 The square of 3 is 9 The square of 4 is 16 The square of 5 is 25 The square of 6 is 36 The square of 7 is 49 The square of 8 is 64 The square of 9 is 81 ['十', '九', '八', '七', '六', '五', '四', '三', '二', '一'] ('十', '九', '八', '七', '六', '五', '四', '三', '二', '一') ['十', '九', '八', '七', '六', '五', '四', '三', '二', '一']