HG2052: Media Usage Survey 2020

One day in the life of HG2052 students in 2020.

All Usage

all non-zero


all non-zero


Anything else: ArchiveOfOurOwn, ntu planner, this survey, Gaming, 5 different games

Audio (Radio/CD/player): Spotify, spotify, Spotify, spotify, Spotify, spotify, spotify, Spotify, Spotify

Broadcast (Streaming: youtube etc): Youtube, Youtube, youtube, Youtube, youtube, YouTube, youtube, Netflix, Youtube

Broadcast (TV/Movie): TV, Netflix

Chat: Online shopping, WhatsApp, Telegram, whatsapp, Discord, telegram, Telegram & WhatsApp, Whatsapp, telegram/whatsapp, whatsapp, telegram, Whatsapp, Telegram, whatsapp, kakaotalk, Whatsapp/Telegram, Instagram

Facebook (or similar): facebook, Facebook, Instagram, instagram, Instagram

Online (Blog, Tumblr): random web surfing, tumblr, Blog

Online (Email): Email, Outlook

Other Browsing: Mobile Games, Reddit, Various news sites, google and other sites, Chrome, reading online novels, Chrome, manga, Reddit, Safari, Google

SMS/Text: Whatsapp, sms, Whatsapp, Telegram

Text (Books, Newspaper, not online): books (print, ebooks, Newspaper

Twitter: Twitter, Twitter

Vitual reality game (specify which): SuperStar SM - mobile game, overwatch, mobile legends
