HG2052: Media Usage Survey 2019

One day in the life of HG2052 students in 2019.

All Usage

all non-zero


all non-zero


Anything else: revising chinese, reading japanese passage, Google Search, iBooks, News on apps - CNA, BBC, instagram

Audio (Radio/CD/player): spotify, music player app on phone, spotify, Music, Apple Music

Broadcast (Streaming: youtube etc): bilibili, YouTube, youtube, Netflix, Viu, Youtube, youtube, Youtube/Netflix, youtube

Broadcast (TV/Movie): Netflix, netflix

Chat: whatsapp, line chat, slack, whatsapp, WhatsApp, telegram, whatsapp, skype, telegram, whatsapp, whatsapp, whatsapp, telegram, Whatsapp/Telegram, whatsapp, facebook messenger, whatsapp

Facebook (or similar): Instagram, instagram, Instagram, Facebook, facebook, instagram, facebook, instagram

Online (Blog, Tumblr): tumblr, online articles, PDFs, reddit

Online (Email): Outlook, Gmail

Other Browsing: reddit, research papers, online news, Instagram, Google Chrome, Instagram


Text (Books, Newspaper, not online): online novels, Books, Books, Book, books
