HG2052: Media Usage Survey 2014

One day in the life of HG2052 students in 2014.

All Usage

all non-zero


all non-zero


Anything else: Fanfiction, comics, Instagram, Instagram, Skype, Online Korean Language Lessons

Audio (Radio/CD/player): player, player, ipod playlist, ipod, Phone Music Player, listening to music player, Player

Broadcast (Streaming: youtube etc): youtube, youtube, youtube, youtube, Nico Nico Douga, 56.com, streaming youtube, streaming animania, youtube, watching Community, Youtube, youtube, Youtube, youtube, YouTube

Broadcast (TV/Movie): TV, Movie, TV, TV, Movie, TV, tv, TV

Chat: Facebook, whatsapp, whatsapp, Whatsapp, whatsapp, whatsapp, whatsapp, telegram, Whatsapp, whatsapp, whatsapp, constantly whatsapping, whatsapp, kakaotalk, Whatsapp, Whatsapp, whatsapp, whatsapp, Whatsapp, whatsapp, whatsapp

Facebook (or similar): Facebook, Facebook PC, Facebook phone, Instagram, Facebook

Online (Blog, Tumblr): tumblr, Instagram, Dayre, Tumblr, blogspot, Tumblr

Online (Email): hotmail, ntu email, gmail, reading

Other Browsing: Google, Fanfiction, Google, reddit, instagram, Google search, shopping, instagram, websites, Reading ebooks, online articles

Text (Books, Newspaper, not online): Lecture Notes, newspaper, readings, reading newspaper, Books, books

Vitual reality game (specify which): Hay Day, computer, Pokemon, Sims 3, Sims 3, dota 2
