This assignment constitutes 30% of your final grade. Please work on the task individually. Unless specifically requested otherwise, your report may later be posted on-line with a CC-BY license.
Deadline: see the main page.
skvělý truly exceptional, outstanding +1 dobrý good, satisfactory, of a good standard +0.7 fajn okay, good enough, not bad +0 špatný bad, poor, of poor quality -0.6 zlý bad, evil, wicked -0.7 otřesný terrible, shocking, causing great distress -0.9
opravdu really velmi very hodně a lot
docela quite trochu a bit poněkud somewhat celkem fairly
You will be evaluated both on the quality of the resource you are able to build and the discussion of how you used the LLMs to build it.
Assignment Three for LTI