Analysis of a medium of communication
This assignment constitutes 20% of your final grade. Please work
on the task individually. Unless specifically requested otherwise,
your report will be posted on-line with a CC-BY license.
Deadline: see main page.
Describe one medium of communication not discussed in class and
compare it to both speech and text. (So you should not discuss:
face-to-face conversation, book publication, telephone conversation,
email, blogs, chat or wikis.)
- The medium can be something new (like Twitter)
or something old (like Semaphore)
- Describe the medium and give some statistics as to how widely it is/was used
- Summarize relevant literature on the medium
- Describe how the properties of the medium
affect the language used to communicate
- Describe what new kinds of communication the medium has enabled (if
any) and its general effects on language and society (if any)
- You may wish to use Herring's (2007) faceted classification
scheme for computer-mediated discourse (but don't have to)
- You may use the seven features introduced by Crystal (2006, Ch 3–6)
Speech like | Text like |
time bound | space bound |
spontaneous | contrived |
face-to-face | visually decontextualized |
loosely structured | elaborately structured |
socially interactive | factually communicative |
immediately revisable | repeatedly revisable |
prosodically rich | graphically rich |
- The deliverable is be a paper of six to eight pages including diagrams and
- Make sure you include page numbers
- Use single spacing.
- Include the author and title, but not on a separate page.
- If you want to make it even more beautiful, as I am sure you do,
take a look at my (Computational)
Linguistic Style Guidelines: a guide for the flummoxed.
- Submit softcopy only.
- What I look for when I mark:
- Good choice of medium: has it been described before, is
there something interesting linguistically to say about it
- Description of medium: do you give statistics of its use;
are there examples, especially of interesting linguistic
phenomena; is your description neutral
- Linguistic analysis: Is your analysis correct; can you back
your analysis up with examples and/or references
- Position in a wider context: are the linguistic features
similar to those in other media and if so why; how does this
effect communication more generally
- Overall readability: do you have a clear title and
structure, is your name clearly visible; are there many careless
mistakes; do you define new terms clearly
Assignment One for